
出版時(shí)間:2007-10-01  出版社:知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)  作者:李環(huán)  頁數(shù):365  




PageABSTRACTABBREVIATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF APPENDICESCHAP1'ER ONEINIRODUCTION1.1 Background Information1.2 Definition of Unemployment1.3 Overview of Relevant Research on the Research Topic1.4 Structure of the Book CHAPTER TWOCHINA: BEFORE AND AFfER IHE REFORM2.1 Introduction2.2 Cluna:before the Reform2.2.1 Ihe danwei System2.2.2 The State and the State's Relationship with Other Parts of the Soaety2.3 China: after the Reform2.3.1 Economic Reform and Economic Growth2.3.2 Political Reform2.3.2.1 Deng Xiao Ping's Thought2.3.2.2 Recovery of the Legjslature and Law-making2.3.2.3 Abolition of the Permanent Tenure of Political Leaders2.3.2.4 Construaion of the Civil Servant System2.3.2.5 Govemment Agency Reform2.3.2.6 Ihe Separation of the Govemment and the Party2.3.3The State and Other Soaal Organisations2.3.4 Private Enterprises2.3.5 Soaal Problems2.3.5.1 Corruption2.3.5.2 Moral Decline2.3.5.3 Income Polarisation and Social Stratification2.3.5.4 The Mafia2.4 ConclusionCHAPTER THREETHE EMPLOYMENT SYSTEM IN CHINA:PRE AND POST REFORM3.1 Introduction3.2 Historical Review of the Employment System before 19793.3 The Reform of Chinese Employment System Since 19793.3.1 Reform in the 1980s……CHAPTER FOURCHAPTER FIVECHAPTER SIXCHAPTER SEVENCHAPTER EIGHTCHAPTER NINEREFERENCE


  This policy gave rural  people the incentive to produce more. In addition, private enterprises  were also allowed to develop. They were run according to the market  prinaple from the very beginning. In the soaal and political areas, the  state rdaxed its control to a large extent (Li et al.,1999).  Ihe most notable change in the employment area was brought about by the private enteprises. As they are run according to the market principle, they have the total right to hire and fire. As a result, tbey attach more importance to the ability and peformance of staff as other businesses in the market economy do, rather than residence.  Even rural people can compete relatively equally with their urban counterparts in private enteprises (11,1999).  In the 1990s, more drastic changes took place in the employment system. Ihe state deaded tbat China should adopt the market economy and thus abandon the central planned economy completely.  This has resulted in profound changed in the lives of Cluna's atizens.With the introduction of the market economy, the majority of state-owned entaprises (SOE) found themselves operating at a loss. In the 1990s, the state allowed some state-owned enterprises to become bankrupt. For other SOEs not in a good operating state, the state enforced the policy of downsizing. As a result, the problem of mass unemployment occurred. Millions upon millions of unemployed former SOE employees became the concem of the government and the soaety ( Chen,1999) .  How is the govemment going to deal with the problem of the unemployment of fomer SOE employees? What is life like for former SOE employees after they have become redundant? How do tbey search for new jobs? What are the obstacles preventing them from finding a new job? Will they get on well with their new employer and colleagues? What are the reasons for some being unable to adapt to their new surroundings?  These are the concems of this thesis. Through interviews, documentary analysis anrd observation, this thesis will endeavour to answer the above questions in detail to convey to the reader a clear picture of the post unemploymmt life of former SOE employees during this period of upheaval in tbeir lives.  1.2 Definition of Unemployment The word 'unemployment' is used very often in daily life. It has occurred several times in this thesis already. But what is 'unemployment' exactly? More particularly, what is 'unemployment' in the Chinese experience?  In China people without a job can be categorised into four groups-thase displaced from SOEs ( Xia Gang Gong Ren);normal unemployed people; people waiting for employment; and rural surplus  labour (Yu, 2000) .  Displaced workers are former SOE employees, without jobs but actively searching for new jobs. They srill maintain labour relations with the SOE that originally employed them. In China, if a person still has labour relations with a SOE or other state work organisation, s(h) e can claim welfare from this work organisation, such as free medical care, a pension, and living expenses. Ilus group of people emerged in the transitional period from the central planned economy to the market economy.  ……



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