
出版時間:2005-10  出版社:社會科學文獻出版社  作者:葉敬忠  


It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Plan International - China, together with our partner the College of Humanities and Development/Center for Integrated Agricultural Development of the China Agricultural University has co-produced this most interesting and ground breaking research on children who have been left behind in their rural villages when their parents migrate to cities in search of work. 
There has been for many years the acknowledgement that rural migrant workers have been the backbone of the labor force that provides the muscle for the rapid urban growth and development in the cities of China. This study, entitled "Left-behind Children in Rural China" provides the first insights from the perspectives of children themselves on this phenomenon. We now know, as a result of this pioneering study, that all is not well with children when their parents migrate to the cities in search of work. There are many social and psychological issues facing children that will influence their future because of what is happening to them now: when they are without the guidance, love and nurturing of their parents. It is my sincere hope that this exceptional research will activate the public and
governments awareness on the need to undertake steps now to begin to address the
ramifications of the cost to China's rural children who are bearing the high psycho-socio burdens of growing up without their parents.
I trust that you will find this as interesting and informative reading as I have and you will join us in our efforts to address the consequences of what has been and continues to be, a pressing issue for rural children and their families.




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