出版時間:2007-7 出版社:航空(2) 作者:理查德·伯頓 頁數(shù):307 字數(shù):272000 譯者:毛榮貴
第一章 開場精彩
第二章 腳夫和巴格達三個女人的故事
第三章 第一個僧人的故事
第四章 第二個僧人的故事
第五章 第三個僧人的故事
第六章 女主人的故事
第七章 三個蘋果的故事
第八章 航海家辛巴達的故事
第九章 阿拉丁的故事
第十章 ********和四十大盜的故事
第十一章 結尾
CHAPTER 1 Entertainments "I will never give up," began Sheherazade toher father. "I will marry him despite your pro-tests,"she exclaimed before at once going to the king to beg him to marry her. The king wondered exceedingly at her insist-ence,for he had made an exception of the royal counselor's daughter,and said to him,"0 most faithful of counselors, how is this? You mustknow that after I have gone into her this night,Ishall say to you tomorrow, 'Take her and kill her!' And if you do not kill her,I will kill you inher place at once. " "Allah has so determined her fate. All this Ihave told her and more,but she will not listen tome,resolved to pass this coming night with theking. " So Shahryar rejoiced greatly, and said,"This is well. Go get her ready,and tonight bring her to me. "Scheherazade rejoiced and got ready all she re-quired,and said to her younger sister,Dunyazade,"Note well what directions I give you! When Ihave gone to the king,I will send for you,and youmust ask me to relate a new story to the king. And I will tell you a tale which shall be our deliverance,and which shall turn the king from his bloody cus-tom. " So when it was night,their father carried Scheherazade to the king,who was delighted at the sight of her. But when the king took her to his bed and fell to toying with her and wished to go in-to her,she wept. When the king asked what made her suffer,she revealed that she had never been a night away from her younger sister. So the king sent at once for Dunyazade,who came,kissing the ground between his hands. Then the three fell asleep. But when it was midnight, Scheherazade awoke,and quietly motioned to her sister,Dun-yazade,who sat up and said,"0 my sister,recite to us some new story,so we may be entertained during the waking hours of our night. " ……
《5000詞床頭燈英語學習讀本》系列為英漢對照讀本。它由美國作家用5500詞寫成,最大限度地保留了原著的語言特色,而且難度適中,很適合讀者過英語學習的第二關——簡易原著關。較非英語作品的英譯本,該系列叢書在語言上更具原汁原味的特色,更適合讀者學習。它是通向英語自由境界的階梯。 《床頭燈5000詞純英文版:天方夜譚》為該系列叢書其中之一,介紹的是中世紀的阿拉伯文學名著《天方夜譚》中的精彩故事。 選擇“床頭燈”的N個理由 真正適合中高級英語學習者的原汁原味英語讀物 1.難度適中:市面上大多數(shù)英語讀物,要么難度過低,近似于中學水平的簡寫本;要么過于艱深,讀者不得不“知難而退”。對于中高級英語學習者而言,找不到難度適中的英語讀物,這是他們無法徹底征服英語的根本原因。本套讀物用英語中5500個核心詞匯寫成,使你躺在床上不用翻詞典就能順利地讀下去,在不知不覺中走向英語自由境界。 2.語古現(xiàn)代、地道:美國作家執(zhí)筆,用流暢的現(xiàn)代英語寫成,保留原著的語言特色?! ?.選材經(jīng)典:皆為一生中不可不讀的作品,讀之可提高英語水平、積淀西方文化和深入了解西方世界?! ?.情節(jié)曲折、趣味性強:讓你徜徉在一個又一個迥異奇妙的書中世界。 5.擺脫漢語干擾:大多數(shù)讀者(尤其是青少年),在讀英漢對照讀物學英語時,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)一種情況,即剛開始還主要看英語,越到后來,情節(jié)越跌宕,心情越迫切,就會一不小心把漢語先讀完了。純英文版即可避免此種現(xiàn)象發(fā)生?! ?.便于教師教學使用?! 〈差^燈英語學習讀本,英語自由境界的階梯,孵育高級英語人才的搖籃! 在中國走向世界的道路上,英語水平?jīng)Q定工資水平! 改變你的人生命運,每天只需半小時!