
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:中國商務(wù)出版社  作者:胡鑒明 主編  頁數(shù):480  字?jǐn)?shù):590000  




PART ONE  Chapter One  Introduction (導(dǎo)論)  Chapter Two  The Layout of Business Letters(商務(wù)信函的格式)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Language Style    Section 3  Format of Business Letters    Section 4  Layout of the Common Blocked Lines for Business Letters    Section 5  Addressing EnvelopesChapter Three  Establishment of Business Relations and Credit Status Enquiries (建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系和資信調(diào)查)    Section 1  Establishment of Business Relations    Section 2  Credit Status Enquiries    Section 3  Useful Expressions  Chapter Four Enquiry and Offer (詢家和報盤)    Section 1  Enquiry    Section 2  Guidelines for Writing Enquiries    Section 3  Reply to Enquiries: Offer    Section 4  Important Notes on an Offer    Section 5  Guidelines for Replying to Enquiries    Section 6  Specimen Letters    Section 7  Useful Expressions  Chapter Five Response to Offers (回應(yīng)報價)    Section 1  Declining an Offer    Section 2  Guidelines for Declining an Offer    Section 3 Conditional Acceptance. Counter-offer    Section 4  Guidelines for Writing Counter-offer Letters    Section 5  Entire Acceptance    Section 6  Guidelines for Writing Acceptance Letters    Section 7  Specimen Letters    Section 8  Useful Expressions  Chapter Six  Order Placing & Replies to Orders(下單及對單的回應(yīng))    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  How to Place an Order    Section 3  Confirmation of an Order    Section 4  Useful Expressions  Chapter Seven  International Business Contract (國際商務(wù)合同)    Section 1  A Brief Introduction to International Business Contract    Section 2  The Contract Heading    Section 3  The Recitals    Section 4  The Main Body of a Contract    Section 5  The Validation of a Contract    Section 6  Specimens of Contract    Section 7  Useful Expressions  Chapter Eight  Terms of Payment (支付條款)    Section 1  Payment Instruments    Section 2  Method of Payment    Section 3  Specimen Letters    Section 4  Useful Expressions  Chapter Nine Letter of Credit (信用證)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Parties in a Letter of Credit    Section 3  Contents of a Letter of Credit    Section 4  Categories of Letters of Credit    Section 5  Basic Documentary Procedure of L/C    Section 6  Characteristics of Settlement by L/C    Section 7  Payment Terms in the Contract    Section 8  Specimens of L/C    Section 9  Specimen Letters Concerning L/C    Section 10  Useful Expressions  Chapter Ten  Shipment and Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L)(裝運及海運提單)    Section 1  Ocean Transport    Section 2  Terms of Shipment in the Contract and the Covering L/C    Section 3  Types of Ocean Bill of Lading    Section 4  Contents of Ocean B/L and Its Making    Section 5  Specimen Letters    Section 6  Useful Expressions  Chapter Eleven Packing (包裝)    Section 1  The Importance of Packing in Foreign Trade    Section 2  Packing Terms in Foreign Trade    Section 3  Different Kinds of Transportation Packing and Their Packaging   Containers    Section 4  Packing Marks    Section 5  Packing List & Weight List    Section 6  Specimen Letters    Section 7  Useful Expressions  Chapter Twelve  Insurance (保險)    Section 1  Insurance in Foreign Trade    Section 2  Marine Insurance    Section 3  Types of Coverage    Section 4  Effecting Insurance    Section 5  Specimen Letters    Section 6  Useful Expressions  Chapter Thirteen  Complaints, Disputes and Claims(投訴、爭議與索賠)    Section 1  Definition of Complaints, Disputes and Claims    Section 2  Different Types of Complaints, Disputes and Claims    Section 3  Specimen Letters    Section 4  Useful Expressions  Chapter Fourteen  Agency (代理)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Relations between Principal and Agent    Section 3  What to Be Covered in Agency Agreement    Section 4  Specimen Letters    Section 5  Useful Expressions  Chapter Fifteen Quality Terms (質(zhì)量條款)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Means to Express Quality    Section 3  Terms of Quality    Section 4  Quality Guarantee    Section 5  Specimen Letters    Section 6  Useful Expressions  Chapter Sixteen Quantity Terms (數(shù)量條款)    Section 1  The Importance of Quantity Clause    Section 2  Units of Measures and Weights    Section 3  The Calculation of the Weight of Goods    Section 4  The Application of Quantity Terms    Section 5  Specimen Letters    Section 6  Useful Expressions  Chapter Seventeen  Commodity Categorization and Price Terms(商品分類和價格條款)    Section 1  Categorization of Trading Commodities    Section 2  Survey on International Trade Practice    Section 3  Price Terms Commonly Used in International Trade    Section 4  Specimen Letters    Section 5  Useful Expressions  Chapter Eighteen  Business Fax and E-mail Writing(商務(wù)傳真和電子郵件寫作)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Fax    Section 3  E-mail    Section 4  Useful Expressions  Chapter Nineteen  Documentation in International Trade (外貿(mào)單證)    Section 1  Introduction    Section 2  Kinds of International Trading Documents    Section 3  Issues Concerning Documents    Section 4  Specimens    Section 5  Useful ExpressionsPART TWO  Exercises  Key to ExercisesReference后記



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用戶評論 (總計16條)


  •   對于工作會有幫助的!基本上全英文的,不知道我老公是否能接受,呵呵,不管他自己學(xué)習(xí)吧!紙張有些薄了,能印出背面的字呢。這次的水上次買的干凈多了,還有我建議在里面再裝一個袋子沒有實現(xiàn)。因為你是直接用一個袋子包裝的,而拆開后,因為袋子上面有膠帶而且也已經(jīng)爛些,所以就不能用了。謝謝!
  •   書的內(nèi)容很豐富,非常好的一本書,頂
  •   書是教材用書 還不錯了
  •   喜歡,質(zhì)量好
  •   發(fā)貨速度挺快的,而且書的質(zhì)量不錯
  •   送貨超快,1天就收到了,質(zhì)量不錯!嘻嘻,開心
  •   it'sveryhelpfulforthefresh
  •   一分錢一分貨~實用性強(qiáng),涵蓋了商務(wù)函電的各種類型
  •   外貿(mào)信件基本包括在內(nèi)
  •   剛看了開頭,全英文~
  •   沒有看清書的版本,原來是一本2008版的書,感覺有點老舊了。不過內(nèi)容還是挺齊全的,基本滿意吧
  •   質(zhì)量還好,和圖書管借的品質(zhì)一樣
  •   發(fā)貨速度挺快的。
  •   還沒開始看很期待的,就是送貨慢了點,從下單到收貨花了10天呢。
  •   快遞需要再快一點!
  •   等到頭發(fā)都要白了才等到書的,一看書,質(zhì)量還很差。無語。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
