出版時間:2005-9 出版社:中國對外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易出版社 作者:中國商務(wù)年鑒編輯委員會 頁數(shù):987
The contributions of China's commerce development to the word economy are becoming increasingly prominent Mr. Rubens Ricupero. Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Held that China and U S were two big locomotives of the Word economy in respect of trade. China contributed to approximately 12% of the growth of global Trade in goods in the three years since its accession to the Word Trade Organization. And China has Become the first drive to the growth of the word trade with the continuous enlargement of China'sDomestic consumption, China has become a market with the greatest potential for many countries to which their export increased most rapidly. Last year, the net increment of China's import valueReached USD 148 5 billion China also supplied a large quantity of inexpensive consumer goods of Fine quality to the word, and its export value reached USD 593 3 billion, which greatly reduced the Expenditures of the importing countries, and improved the welfares of consumers in respect ofInvestment, a group of new laws and regulations on commerce were formulated in the past year, and the investment environment was further improved. China has become a fairyland for the investors around the word According to the statistics, from 1990 t0 2004, the profits remitted abroad by foreign-funded enterprises in China reached USD 250 6 billion It is estimated that the profit rate of Foreign-funded industrial enterprises in China were approximately 6 6%.
PrefaceBo Xilai, Miruster of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Cluna Commerce YearbookEditor's NoteThe Editorial Department of the China Commerce Yearbook Special ArticlesNew Achievements in China-s Commercial Development in 2004Bo xilai, Minister of CommerceAdvancing Asian and the World's Opening-up and Win-Win by Deepening Multilateral and Regional Economic Cooperation Economic CooperationYu GuaW; Zhou, Vice Minister of Commerce Protect Intellectual Property Rights, and Regulate Market OrderSeeing the Opportunities CEPA Bangs to Promote Regional CooperationAn Min, Vice Minister of Commerce.The Strategy of Revitalizing Trade through Science and Technology Is the Only Way to Realize a Trade PowerSpeech at “OECD Global Forum on International Investment 2004"Ma Xiuhong, Vice Minister of Commerce To Promote the Economic Growth by Pushing Forward the E-CommerceLiao xiaoqi, vice minister of CommerceActively Responding to Frictions in Intimation Trade, Promoting Fair Trade in an All-round WayAgo Hunching, Vice Minister of CommerceSpeeding up Implementation of "Going Global" Strategy, Upgrading the Level of Opening upChen Jian, Assistant Minister of CommerceSpeech at the Seth Donor Coordination Meeting on Development Cooper anon on Poverty ReductionYi Xiaozhun, Assistant Minister of Commerce To see early the Current Foreign Trade Situation and to quicken the Pace of Changing Growth Mode of Foreign TradeTo EnergeticaHy Develop the Modern Seduce IndustryHuang Hay, Assistant Mouser of Commerce Structuring Commercial Legal Regime in a New Era, Unhanding Capital Building in Administration According to LawShang Ming Director General of the Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of CommerceParticipate More Actively in Regional Economic Cooperation, Strive to Expand International Development CooperationYin Songhua, Deputy Director General of the Department of International Trade and Economic Bafflers, Minis of CommerceMaking Good Use of International Rules in Appropriate Response to International Trade DisputesWang Sichuan, Director General of the Bureau of Fair Trade for Imports and Exports, Musty of Commerce Implementing the Strategy of Revitalizing Trade through Science and TechnoIoW Thoroughly and Accelerating the Change of Mode of Increase for Foreplay TradeChang Xiaocun, Director General of the Department of Scientific and Technological Development and Trade in Techndogy,Ministry of CommerceCross.strait Economic and Trade Exchanges in 2004Tang Wei, Deputy Director General of the Department of Taiwan, Horry; Kong & Macao Failure, Ministry of CommerceBrief Account of the Customs in 2004Liu Guan pins; Director General of the General Office, General Adrrurustration of the CustomsPioneering to Seek New Growth in Quality Supervision, Inspector and QuarantineZhang Jianwei, Deputy Director General of the General Office, State Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Domestic TradeNew Progress Made in Reconstruction of Commodity Market System in an All. Round WayLiao Jiancheng, Director General of the Department of Market System Development, Mirustry of CommerceNew Progress in the Reform and Development of the Circulation Service Industry in 2004Di Jiangxi, Director Central of the Department of Commercial Reform and Development, ministry of CommerceStrengthening Macro-control to Promote Steady Development of Commodity MarketFang Airing, Director General of the Deptffiment of Market Operation Regulation, Ministry of CommerceForeign TradeSplendid Achievements Re-created in China's Foreign Trade by Deepening Reform and MakingPioneering EffortsLu Xinhua, Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce New Development of China's Trade in Services in 2004Trade in Service Division, Department for WTO Affairs, Ministry of Commerce Development of China's Service Industries in 2004Trade in Service Division, Department for WTO Affairs, Ministry of Commerce……Absorption of FDIForeign Economic CooperationForeign Economic Relations and Trade with Countries and RegionsDevelopment ZonesLocal CommerceLaws and RegulationsStatisticsAppendix