
出版時(shí)間:2005-9  出版社:中國(guó)對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易出版社  作者:張彥  頁(yè)數(shù):345  




Part One Business Correspondence Unit 1 Basic Principles of Business Correspondence Unit 2 Principles of Reports Unit 3 Selecting A Project Unit 4 Carrying Out the Project Unit 5 Establishment of Business Relations & Finance and Credit Enquiry Unit 6 EnquiryUnit 7 0ffer and Counter Offer Unit 8 0rders and Their Fultillment Unit 9 Payment Terms Unit 10 Packing Unit 11 Insurance Unit 12 Shipment Unit 13 Agency Unit 14 Complaints and Adjustments Unit 15 Foreign Economic Contract in Writing Part Two SociaICorrespondence Unit l Invitation Letter Unit 2 Letters of Gratitude Unit 3 Letter of Apology Unit 4 Letters of Congratulations Unit 5 Letters of Sympathy/CondolenceUnit 6 Letters of Recommendation Part Three Letters Dealing with EmploymentUnit l Letters of Application Unit 2 ResumeANNEX Specimen Business Projects Keys to ExercIses Part One Business Correspondence Part Two Social Correspondence Part Three Letters Dealing with EmploymentBibliography



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