
出版時間:2005-2  作者:蘇格蘭學歷管理委員會  


The business plan will state why the company is beingformed, what it hopes it will achieve, and in whattimescale, just like a project plan would. The plan willalso lay out how the company will be structured in orderto achieve its goals and objectives. In some cases thecompany will be starting up in business to manufacture asimple basic component to sell onto another companywho will then use it in their own products. Altematively,the business plan may describe a company that takes onthe design and construction of very complex buildings,for example,nuclear power stations, hydroelectricdams, or even military aircraft.A company business plan is, or should be, a 'living'document reviewed on a regular basis by seniormanagement. The company structure can change overa period of time to match any changes to the businessplan.As discovered in Activity 1 above you most likely haveperceived the world in hierarchical terms.Withincompanies and organisations of all types this approachhas dominated.Over the years however a series ofmajor building project catastrophes involving loss of life,high profile failed projects or projects that have gonesignificantly over budget has seen this"one bestapproach" method brought into question.



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