出版時間:2008-4 出版社:華藝出版社 作者:高俊虎
版權(quán)頁:插圖:On 26th April 1953, Re he provincial government decided to set up Rehe Provincial Station-owned Yudaokou Stock Farm, which became the largest station-owned farm in the province. After the disbanding of Re he province, the farm was subordinated to the Land-reclamation Bureau of Hebeiprovince. In 2003, Hebei province reformed the management of reclamation enterprises. Yu daokoustock farm as a special unit was transited from the provincial agricultural department to Chengde city.For years, the farm's undertakes the principles of "mainly developing live stocks and running other businesses as well", fully uses the abundant grassland to expand the quantity of livestocks. By now,the farm had sold out more than 180 thousand stud sheep and more than 10 thousand stud horses to23 provinces and districts in the Nationsuch as Guangxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Shanxi,Shaanxi and Inner Mogolia. In 1988, the farm has been elected as one of the best livestoc breedingenterprises at national level.Fast developing livestock industry on hand, the farm has persisted and uphold the ecologicalenvironment projects as important tasks and sustainable strategy. Trace back to 1953, there wereonly 8000 hectares of forests in Yudaokou. By 1970, the farm began to mass-develop sand fixationforests and land-defending forests. In 1982, Yudaokou Farm Forestation Committee established and Surrounding Capital Forestation Projects Command Post set up in 1986. In 1989, the former vice-premier Tian Jiyun inspected the farm, instructed that the farm should combine both forestry and livestock as the direction fr the future development. On 16th Sep., 1998, Zou Jiahua, vice-chairman of NPC standing committee paid his visit to the farm. According to his instructions, Yudao kou farm set upa forest plant and began carrying out two projects (one is called Re-building Three Saihanba Forest, the other one called Declining Crops-growing and Regaining More Forests and Grass). By now, the farm has declined 2200 hectares of crop-land and planted more than 42 thousand hectares of trees, restored grassland 60 thousand hectares of grassland.