
出版時間:1997-7  出版社:水利水電出版社  作者:長江水利委員會 編,湯博文,趙書漢 譯  頁數:252  字數:130000  




The Magnificent Three Gorges    Geographical Position of the Three Gorges    How Did the Three Gorges Come into Existence    Xia Gui's "Picture of the Ten-Thousand-Li    Yangtze"Qutang Gorge    Famous Sites in Qutang Gorge    Fengjie    Du Fu in Kuizhou    Kui Pomelo Orchard    Yongan Palace Where Liu Bei Entrusted His Son to Zhuge Liang    The Eight-Unit Formation    Iron Columns for Blocking the River    Yanyu Rock    Baidicheng    "Leaving Baidicheng in the Early Morning in    Zhou Enlai's Calligraphy    Inscribed Tablets at Baidicheng    Tablet Bearing a Six-Character Poem by Emperor    Kangxi    Bamboo-Leaf Tablet    A Collection of Antithetical Couplets    Du Fu's Thatched Cottage    Kuimen    The Whitewashed Wall    Meng Liang's Ladder and the Suspended Monk    Phoenix-Drinking Spring    The Intennittent Springs    Path on the Cliff    The "Bellows Puzzle ' in the Bellows Gorge    The Cave of Seven Doors    Rhinoceros Watching the Moon    The Mosts and Leasts in the Three Gorges    Daxi Culture    The Wrongly Opened Gorge    Li Bai Travelled Through the Gorges Three    Times    Liu Yuxi and "Bamboo Poems"    Three "Bamboo Poems' by Liu Yuxi    Huang Tingjian's Calligraphy    Cries of Monkeys in Poems About the GorgesWuxia Gorge    Famous Sites in Wuxia Gorge    Wushan    Golden Helmet and Silver Armour Gorge    The Twelve Peaks of Wushan    An Explanation of the Names of the Twelve    Peaks    Location of the Twelve Peaks    Poems Composed of the Names of the Twelve    Peaks    Tales About the Goddess Peak    Cloud and Rain over Wushan    Gaotang Temple and the "Rhymed-Prose on    Gaotang"    The Minor Three Gorges on the Daning River    Kongming's Tablet    Chasm Between Hubei and Sichuan    Badong    Sourceless Cave    Three Stories About Kou Zhun    Autumn Wind Pavilion    Zigui    Qu Yuan's Hometown    Rice Dumplings and Dragon-Boat Race    On Qu Yuan's Ode to the Orange Tree    Ode to the Orange Tree    Cave of Hollow Jade    Village of the lllustrious Imperial Concubine    Xiangxi River and Peach Blossom Fish    Home of Citrus Fruit    Outstanding Varieties of Guanggan Orange    Silvery Flowers Along Wuxia Gorge    "He'll Doubtlessly Write Poems When He Comes    to Mt. Wushan"    Wang Anshi Could Tell Water from Wuxia    GorgeXiling Gorge    Famous Sites in Xilihg Gorge    Military Book and Sword Gorge    "White Dog ' That Forecasts Weather    Xintan Shoal    Winching Stations    Ox Liver and Horse Lung Gorge    Kongling Shoal    "Coming to Me'    The First Steamer to Pass the Three Gorges    Navigation Lights and Signal Stations    Siren Signals - the Language of Ships    On the 'Walls of Stone Standing Upstream to    the West"    Yellow Cow Gorge    A Divine Cow That Helped Split a Mountain    Temple of the Legendary Emperor    Liantuo    Violent Sprays and Whirlpools    Shadow Play Gorge    Grotesque Karst Formations    Huangsang Cave    Frog Rock and Frog Spring    Three Visitors' Cave    Lu You's Spring    Nanjin Pass    Yichang: Ancient BattlefieldThe First Dam Across the Yangtze    Work of Gezhouba Key Project    How Do Ships Pass Gezhouba Dam?    YichangThe Grand Three Gorges Project    The Main Structures of Three Gorges Project    The Comprehensive Benefits of Three Gorges    Project    The World Most of Three Gorges ProjectPoems    Modern Poems on the Three Gorges    Classical Poems on the Three Gorges 95 166,In the Words of the Ancients 49 66, 98 203 209Postscript




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