
出版時(shí)間:1998-8  出版社:商務(wù)印書館  作者:Jane Plas  




商業(yè)文書包括商業(yè)往來信函、報(bào)告、辦公室工作規(guī)程及通報(bào)等。學(xué)寫英文商業(yè)文書有別于學(xué)習(xí)一般的英語單詞、語法和句子結(jié)構(gòu)。簡(jiǎn)明得體的商業(yè)文書能夠促進(jìn)商業(yè)的交往與發(fā)展,而掌握這種文書的寫作是學(xué)習(xí)商業(yè)英語的難點(diǎn)所在。《怎樣寫英文商業(yè)文書》首先概述了與商業(yè)往來和管理有關(guān)的基本原理,它是學(xué)寫英文商業(yè)文書者須掌握的一些原則。然后分章論述了商業(yè)文書的句子結(jié)構(gòu)和段落,并提供了段落寫作的實(shí)際練習(xí)。《怎樣寫英文商業(yè)文書》的重點(diǎn)在于論述在各種不同場(chǎng)合下商業(yè)文書寫作的要點(diǎn)和原則,并通過實(shí)際場(chǎng)景的模擬和練習(xí),使讀者切實(shí)掌握有關(guān)的技能?!对鯓訉懹⑽纳虡I(yè)文書》作者Jane Plas在華工作教學(xué)多年,她所編寫的一些商業(yè)英語教程多以中國(guó)的商業(yè)場(chǎng)合為背景,是中國(guó)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)商業(yè)英語十分難得的教材。


作者:(加拿大)Jane Plas


PrefaceThe Underlying Philosophy of Business WritingThe Written CompositionWriting ParagraphsWriting LettersCategory 1: General Business LettersCategory 2: Personal Business LettersCategory 3: Letters relating to Human ResourcesCategory 4: Letters of Enquiry, Information, and RefusalCategory 5: Claim and Adjustment LettersCategory 6: Credit and Collection LettersCategory 7: Sales Promotion LettersTelecommunications, Telegraphic MessagesThe Inter-Office MemorandumCategory 1: Human ResourcesCategory 2: Employee RelationsPolicies and Procedures (Informal Format)Policies and Procedures (Formal Format)Writing ReportsManagement and Communication at Cando CorporationMetaphors, Idioms and ExpressionsApplication Letters and Curriculum VitaeANSWER KEY


You should look on letters of enquiry and requests for information as anopportunity to foster goodwill and to develop mutually beneficial businessrelations. Letters of refusal should be written in such a way that the recipientwill understand and accept your explanation or the position you havetaken.It is unfortunate that many organizations today use form (i.e. pre-printedstandard) letters to respond to enquiries no matter how specific the enquiryand how irrelevant the form letter. Such letters are a discourtesy to the enquirer.Recipients who are sufficiently annoyed at responses that do not answer theirquestions often decide to do without the services of the respondent organization.They, literally, take their business elsewhere.If the number of enquiries received force a company to use a form letter, thenthat letter should be written in such a way that the standard data can besupplemented with answers to specific questions. The availability of sophisti-cated computer software makes such flexibility an easy task.If you respond to an enquiry about your company's products or services, youshould sell as well as inform. In other words, you should try to assess thepotential customer's needs and, if you require further details before you cananswer all questions, you should ask for them promptly.There will be occasions when you are unable to provide the requested infor-mation or render the required service. Letters of refusal are always difficult towrite because you cannot risk losing either goodwill or potential friendships. Thepoint you should remember, therefore, is to first of all express appreciation forthe writer's interest. Then you tell him or her directly (but not apologetically)that you cannot grant the request or provide the information, giving valid reasonsfor your refusal. If possible, you should refer the writer to alternative sourcesof information.Departmental responsibility for writing the kind of letters that follow varies fromone company to another. The responsibility may lie with a department of PublicRelations, Customer Relations, Marketing or Administrative Services, often de-pendent on the size and type of corporation.





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