
出版時(shí)間:1996-1  出版社:商務(wù)印書館國際有限公司  作者:陳翰笙  頁數(shù):618  


Professor Chen Han-seng has a unique and remarkable life. Hewas
educated in a well-known Dong Lin School in Wuxi where hewas born;
later, he went to the United States to study history atPomona
College in southern California where he enrolled under
thewesternized name, Geoffrey Chu Chen, and graduated with honorsin
1920. He then went to study at the University of Chicago andbecame
an assistant to Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin who taughtAmerican
Constitution History. In 1921, he received his Master'sDegree with
the title of the thesis——"The Conference of Ambassa-dors in London,
1912-13, and the Creation of the Albanian State:A Diplomatic


Foreward By Hu Sheng
A Foreign Policy of Good Intention
(July 7, 1919)
The Conference of Ambassadors in London, 1912-13, and the
Creation of Albanian State: A Diplomatic Study
The Burdens of the Chinese Peasantry
(]uly 1929)
Economic Conditions in China
(September 1932)
The Great Game of Chinese Politics Without the Trimmings
(January 13, 20, 27; March 15, 25; April 2, 9, 16, 23;
May 5, 21, 28; June 4, 11; July 9, 1932)
Economic Disintegration in China
(April-May 1933)
The Good Earth of China's Model Province
(September 1936)
Cotton Production in China Doubled
(October 8, 1936)
Hopei-Chahar Council Legalizes Smuggled Goods
(Novermber 4, 1936)
Japanese Penetration in Southernmost China
(November 4, 1936)
Record Harvests Bring New Menace to Rural China
(November 18, 1936)
Renewed Attempts to Save Chinese Shipping Lines
(November 18, 1936)
China's Military Costs Bring Huge Fiscal Deficits
(December 2, 1936)
The Economic Stake in Suiyuan and Chahar
(December 19, 1936)
Tientsin Slowly Emerging as A New Textile Center
(January 6, 1937)
Cooperatives As A Panacea for China's Ills
(March 31, 1937)
Japanese Industrial Disputes on the Increase
(April 28, 1937)
Conquest and Population
(June 1937)
Railway Strategy in China, New Style
(July 21, 1937)
Japan Faces Loss of China Trade
(September 15, 1937)
Chinese Business Revival Interrupted by War
(September 29, 1937)
Looking Back from July 7
(December 1937)
The Economic Background of the Sino-Japanese War
(January 1938)
Prospects of Continued Resistance in China
(October 1938)
Land System in Southwest China
New Soul Comes to Old Soil
(April 1940)
Looking Abroad
(February 14, 1941)
General Economic and Political Situation in China
(November 30, 1941)
The Chinese Peasant
Gung-Ho-The Story of the Chinese Cooperatives
Agrarian Reform in China
(February 25, 1948)
Book Reviews
Review of Wirtschaft und Geselischaft Chinas: Erster Teil
Produktivkraefte, Productions-und Zirkulationsprozes. By K.A.
Wittfogel. 1931
(December 1931)
Review of Modern Economic History of China. By Shih Fu-liang.
(February-March 1933)
Review of A Hiaory of the Development of Chinese Society. By
Safanoff; translated from Russian into Chinese by Liu Yin and
Lee Li-jen. 1932
(February-March 1933)
Review of China' s Geographic Foundations: A Survey of the Land
Its People. By George B. Cressey. 1934
(December 1934)
Review of Outlines of Chinese Economic Geography. (In
Russian) By M.E. Kazanin. 1935
(June 1937)
Review of The North China Problem. By Shuhsi Hsu. 1937
(September 22, 1937)
Review of When China Unites: An Interpretative History of the
Chinese Revolution. By Harry Gannes. 1937
(December 1937)
Review of First Act in China: The Story of the Sian Mutiny. By
M. Bertram. 1938
(March 1938)
Review of South Seas Chinese and Social Conditions in Fukien
Kwangtung. By Ta Chen. 1938
(March 1939)
Review of Japan's Economic Offensive in China. By Lowe
Chuan-hua. 1939
(December 1940)
Review of Asia Between Two World Wars. By J.F. Normano. 1944
(September 1945)
Review of h is Dark Underground. By Loo Pin-fei. 1946
(December 1946)
Review of Visit to the Soviet Union. By Kuo Mo-jou. 1946
(September 1947)
Review of Land Policy, Agricultural Labour and Insurance and
and Cottage Indusries. Edited by K.T. Shah. 1948
(December 1949)
Review of The Chinese in Malaya. By Victor Purcell. 1948
(December 1948-January 1949)
Review of Agrarian Unrest in Southeast Asia. By Erich H.
(June 1949)
An Open Letter to Pomona College Alumni
(July 15, 1925)
A Letter to William L. Holland
(July 21, 1936)
An Open Letter to Amerasia
(June 1937)
A Letter to Edward C. Carter
(September 15, 1937)
A Letter to Frederick V. Field
(September 22, 1937)
A Letter to Frederick V. Field
(October 15, 1937)
(A Letter Responding to Chen Han-seng, October 19, 1937)
A Letter to Frederick V. Field
(March 8, 1938)



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