
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:群言出版社  作者:(美)帕特萊克(Putlack,M.A.),(美)林克(Link,W.) 編著  頁數(shù):228  


《新托??荚噷m椷M階》系列叢書從托福考試所考查的聽、說、讀、寫四項技能入手,為考生提供了詳盡的考試指導,并將各技能分為初、中、高三級,通過獨特的“進階訓練”方式,再輔以大量練習,讓考生逐步掌握托福實考的技巧,同時切實提高英語實際運用能力,從而在短期內(nèi)輕松取得托福高分。本叢書內(nèi)容編排由易到難,循序漸進,實戰(zhàn)性強,是不可多得的托福備考資料。    本叢書引進自韓國多樂園出版社。該社成立于1977年,在韓國英語教育出版領域始終處于領軍地位。本叢書被韓國眾多學校和培訓機構(gòu)指定為課堂教材,在托福考生中享有較高聲譽。


IntroductionHow to Use This BookPART 1 Independent Speaking  Chapter 1 Personal Experience    Unit 1 People    Unit 2 Places    Unit 3 Events    Unit 4 Obiects    Unit 5 Transportation    Unit 6 Actions    Unit 7 Qualities  Chapter 2 Personal Preference    Unit 8 Education    Unit 9 Welfare    Unit 10 School    Unit 11 Studying    Unit 12 Travel    Unit 13 Money    Unit 14 ComputersPART 2 Integrated Speaking I  Chapter 3 Reading & Conversation    Unit 15 School Facilities    Unit 16 University Construction    Unit 17 School Appointments    Unit 18 School Policies    Unit 19 Bus Routes    Unit 20 Library Construction    Unit 21 Student Affairs  Chapter 4 Reading & Lecture    Unit 22 Biology I    Unit 23 Sociology I    Unit 24 Psychology I    Unit 25 Biology II    Unit 26 Philosophy    Unit 27 Sociology II    Unit 28 Psychology IIPART 3 Integrated Speaking II  Chapter 5 Conversation    Unit 29 Student Life I    Unit 30 Internships    Unit 31 Part-time Jobs    Unit 32 Transportation    Unit 33 Campus Tours    Unit 34 Student Life II    Unit 35 Makeup Exams  Chapter 6 Lecture    Unit 36 Writing 120    Unit 37 Botany 122    Unit38 Education 124    Unit 39 Earth Science    Unit 40 Ecology    Unit 41 Geography    Unit 42 MarketingExpressions & CollocationsActual TestsAnswer BookChapter 1 Personal Experience  Unit 1 People  Unit 2 Places  Unit 3 Events  Unit 4 Obiects  Unit 5 Transportation  Unit 6 Actions  Unit 7 QualitiesChapter 2 Personal Preference  Unit 8 Education  Unit 9 Welfare  Unit 10 School  Unit 11 Studying  Unit 12 Travel  Unit 13 Money  Unit 14 ComputersChapter 3 Reading & Conversation  Unit 15 School Facilities  Unit 16 University Construction  Unit 17 School Appointments  Unit 18 School Policies  Unit 19 Bus Routes  Unit 20 Library Construction  Unit 21 Student AffairsChapter 4 Reading & Lecture  Unit 22 Biology I  Unit 23 Sociology I  Unit 24 Psychology I  Unit 25 Biology II  Unit 26 Philosophy  Unit 27 Sociology II  Unit 28 Psychology IIChapter 5 Conversation  Unit 29 Student Life I  Unit 30 Internships  Unit 31 Part-time Jobs  Unit 32 Transportation  Unit 33 Campus Tours  Unit 34 Student Life II  Unit 35 Makeup ExamsChapter 6 Lecture  Unit 36 Writing 120  Unit 37 Botany 122  Unit38 Education 124  Unit 39 Earth Science  Unit 40 Ecology  Unit 41 Geography  Unit 42 MarketingActual Tests


  So those are some of the roles you might find yourselfplaying at various times in your life. But, Im sure someof you are wondering what happens when there is asituation that arises which could be handled in, uh,different ways, depending upon which role you decide toact out. Understand what I mean? Well, let me give you acouple of examples.  I know many of you have part-time jobs. Well, have thereever been cases where your job has conflicted withschool? Probably. For example, assume that a studenthas a part-time job at a restaurant. His boss tells him tocome to work at three the next day, but the student hasclass at that time. So, which role does he play——that ofthe student or employee? Hes conflicted. His choice willbe determined by which role he chooses for himself.Heres another example. Perhaps one of my colleagueslives close by the school, which is very convenient sincehe has a wife and, oh, two young children. Suddenly,he gets a better job offer from a university thirty milesaway. He could vastly improve his career prospects bytaking the job, but hed be home less often. Hes got arole conflict, right? Does he choose the role of father oremployee?


  How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Writing Intermediate is designed to be used either as a textbook for a TOEFL iBT writing preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are preparing for the TOEFL test on their own. With a total of 16 units, this book is organized to prepare you for the test by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the test and thorough practice of essential skills and question types to address the writing tasks on the TOEFL iBT. Each unit provides a step-by-step program that can enhance your writing ability as well as familiarize you with the question types asked on the TOEFL iBT. At the back of the book are a list of essential essay topics and two actual tests of the Writing section of the TOEFL iBT.  Special Features:  Intensive practice of the main question types for the Integrated and Independent Tasks  Passages and questions that closely simulate the ones that have occurred on the TOEFL iBT  Step-by-step brainstorming, note-taking, outlining, paraphrasing, and summarizing practice  A list of essay topics reconstructed from the ones that have so far been asked on the TOEF L iBT  Two complete tests that familiarize students with the actual test format  Full answer key and Chinese translations




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用戶評論 (總計62條)


  •   “新托??荚噷m椷M階—中級口語(..”
  •   今天做了一個單元練習,明顯覺得托??谡Z真的應該好好練練,這本書不錯,不同方面一個口語練習,相信堅持下來的話一定可以提高托??谡Z能力的~
  •   其實一開始我都不知道要如何開始復習托福 但看到這本書后有很多啟發(fā) 復習托福要全面 循序漸進 這本書以深入淺出的方式教我們?nèi)绾螒獙谡Z和寫作 真心的不錯
  •   老師推薦的,據(jù)說對托??荚嚭苡袔椭?,自己也蠻喜歡的,這個版本比較權(quán)威
  •   將托??谡Z分類,前面是問題模板,后面是給出的例子回答,前后對照,可以自己寫,也可以參考后面的。分類很全。
  •   內(nèi)容和toefl考試貼切并循序漸進,是非常好的一本書,basic有點簡單,interm不錯。
  •   對於備考託福的考生來說 太實用了
  •   這本是中級教材,循序漸進的學習,個人認為不錯。
  •   口語比較差,新東方老師推薦的。
  •   說說說說,大家一起說英語吧,挺好的書
  •   正準備考試,相當好,還挺實用
  •   很好的書,對考試很有幫助
  •   需要加強口語練習值得使用
  •   整體還行,適合已經(jīng)練習過一段時間口語的人來用
  •   其實最想提高的就是口語了~所以這本書給了很多的題型和素材~確實值得嘗試
  •   口語是很薄弱的環(huán)節(jié),本書很好的鍛煉了口語的能力
  •   新東方這一系列書很實用,書店質(zhì)量也很好。
  •   一直用新東方的,放心
  •   光看內(nèi)容,中級和初級沒什么區(qū)別,希望用了以后能收到效果
  •   突破口語還得靠自己
  •   很喜歡 希望有幫助啦 中級初級都買了 慢慢看
  •   既能用來學習,又能用來練習
  •   這個系列的備考書都很不錯,版面安排比較適合拓展學習,很喜歡。
  •   一口氣買了好多本,但是看上去不錯不知用起來如何,不算很難,推薦
  •   速度快 很好 價格便宜公道 適合 下次再來
  •   根據(jù)不同題型都有相關(guān)的練習,挺好
  •   不錯的一本練習書
  •   書的質(zhì)量是沒的說,還都是塑料膜封著的??爝f態(tài)度不錯,發(fā)貨挺及時。
  •   speaking是我得弱項啊,我根本說不清楚還說的很快。
  •   對口語的提高很有益,很不錯的書。
  •   這本書對我的學習幫助挺大。
  •   包裝的很好,書也看著很舒服,不過內(nèi)容不太理想
  •   好用,內(nèi)容充實!
  •   書的質(zhì)量就不用說了,配送特別快,而且已經(jīng)不是第一次在這邊買書了
  •   老師推薦看的,感覺很實用
  •   如題啊。看起來可以開始努力了。
  •   快遞很快,書籍質(zhì)量挺好的,滿意。
  •   很好的一本書。買了一整套
  •   還沒看,但是感覺不錯
  •   質(zhì)量還可以,是正版的
  •   買了一套了,很好
  •   這本書在基礎階段看看還不錯~
  •   在用,堅持,加油
  •   我經(jīng)朋友介紹一下買了這兩本,非常棒的
  •   替別人買的,很好
  •   非常好的書,很有用,正版
  •   這一套都挺好的呀
  •   看了一段時間,認為不錯,5分
  •   感覺不錯,書的裝幀和質(zhì)量都特別好,值得買!
  •   這本書很正,看起來不錯哦~~
  •   按步驟一步一步教你如何構(gòu)思
  •   書挺好,看著簡單明了的
  •   the most useful book for toefl ibt
  •   好書,目前已經(jīng)看完,很實用
  •   挺實用,物有所值
  •   紙張質(zhì)量都不錯 送得也快 里面還配的有聽力 一舉兩得
  •   I love this series, a great reference book!
  •   這本書紙質(zhì)不錯,還沒有看
  •   good luck!
  •   給力的書啊
  •   考托福必備書籍,很有用哦
  •   考試要用老師建議買的

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
