出版時間:2009-2  出版社:群言出版社  作者:芒托  頁數(shù):233  


全面覆蓋SATⅡ 文學考點;專家點撥解題思路,增加取勝把握;傾囊相授解題技巧,直擊正確答案;7套全真模擬試題,提高應試技能。




PART I. INTRODUCTION TO THE SAT LITERATURE TEST    All About the SAT Literature Test   About the Literature Test     When to Take the Test       Scoring   Test-Taking Strategies for the Literature Test     Test-Taking Strategies for the Literature Test    Diagnostic Test: Literature     Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score   PART II. TOPIC REVIEW FOR THE LITERATURE TEST      Chapter 1 Literary Terms     Chapter 2 Fiction       Chapter 3 Nonfiction      Chapter 4 Poetry      Chapter 5 Drama     PART III. SIX FULL-LENGTH PRACTICE TESTS      Practice Test 1       Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score    Practice Test 2       Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score    Practice Test 3       Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score    Practice Test 4       Answer Key     Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score    Practice Test 5       Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score    Practice Test 6       Answer Key       Answers and Explanations       How to Calculate Your Score   Literary Resources


Nonfiction is the opposite of fiction——-it is not imagined stories, but true ones. Nonfiction comes in two varieties: narrative nonfiction and expository nonfiction.Narrative nonfiction resembles narrative fiction in its structure and its use of literary elements. Narrative history, biography, or autobiography,like narrative fiction, consist of characters acting out events in a specific setting. The difference is that in nonfiction, the characters are real people, the settings are the real times and places in which those people lived, and the plot consists of events that actually took place. Historical novels are outside the category of narrative nonfiction; they are based on real people and events,but they are works of fiction because the author retells the events in an imaginative way.Expository nonfiction includes prose works written by authors who want to persuade, inform, and/or entertain readers by writing about their thoughts, ideas, and observations. Essays and speeches are the primary forms of expository nonfiction.This chapter gives a brief overview of the three types of nonfiction you are most likely to see excerpted on the SAT Literature Test: the autobiography or memoir, the essay, and the speech. Use the sample passages and questions to test your ability to read and understand literary nonfiction.The AutobiographyAn autobiography or memoir is the story of the author's life. Autobiographies are usually written in the form of journal entries or prose narratives; a notable exception to this rule is the free-verse autobiography Leaves of Grass (Walt Whitman, United States, 1855). Writing about this work more than 30 years later, Whitman explained,Leaves of Grass indeed (I cannot too often reiterate) has mainly been the outcropping of my own emotional and other personal nature-an attempt, from first to last, to put a Person, a human being (myself, in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, in America), feely, fully, and truly on record.When studying or analyzing an autobiography, the reader must consider what is termed in fiction the unreliable narrator-a first-person narrator whose account of events the reader should accept only with caution. There are three reasons that autobiographies may be unreliable accounts, despite the fact that their authors were (obviously) eyewitnesses to everything they describe.


《新東方·SAT2:文學》由群言出版出版。We've put all of our proven expertise into SAT Subject Test: Literature to make sure you're fully prepared for this difficult exam. With this book, you'll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies created by leading high school literature specialists and curriculum developers. You'll also get 7 full-length practice tests, hundreds of sample questions, and all the facts about the current exam. With SAT Subject Test;Literature, we'll guide you step by step through your preparation program-and give you the tools you need to succeed.




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