出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:群言出版社  作者:津恩  頁(yè)數(shù):336  


You need a great score on the SAT Biology test to get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at biology, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?    SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to test-smart strategies and full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal--from the experts more students trust!


作者:(美國(guó))津恩 (Zinn.S.M.)


PART `: ABOUT THE SAT I1: BIOLOGY E/M TEST  Chapter 1: What You Need to Know About the SAT I1: Biology E/M Test    The SAT/I: Subject Tests·The SAT/I: Biology ElM Test·Taking the Test Chapter 2: How to Use This Book  Studying Smart for the SAT II·Deciding between Biology-E and Biology-M Chapter 3: Smart Tips for the SAT I1: Biology E/M Test  Preparing for the Test·The Home Stretch·During the Test·After the Test Chapter 4: Diagnostic Test  Answer Sheet for the Diagnostic Test·Diagnostic Test·Answer Key·Answers and Explanations Chapter 5: Test-Taking Skills and Strategies  Genera/Test-Taking Strategies·Question Type I: The Matching Game ·  Question Type 2: The Numbered Diagram·Question Type 5: The Direct  Question·Question Type 4: The "Pick the "Wrong" Answer" Question ·  Question Type 5: Easy as I, II, III·Question Type 6: The Laboratory QuestionPART Ⅱ: REVIEW OF BIOLOGY TOPICS Chapter 6: Understanding Molecular and Cellular Biology  Lesson 6-1. Molecular Biology  Vocabulary·Elements, Compounds, and Bonds·The Elements of Life ·  Water, Water, Everywhere·The Role of Carbon·Carbohydrates and the  Dehydration Reaction·Amino Acids, Proteins, and Peptide Bonds ·  Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids·Lipids and Phospholipids·Lesson  Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 6-2. Cells  Vocabulary·Characteristics of Cells·Features of Eukaryotic Cells·Cell  Membranes and Cell Walls·Cellular Transport·Plant and Animal Cells ·  Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 6-3. Energy in the Cell: Enzymes, Respiration, and Photosynthesis  Vocabulary·Enzymes and Energy Carriers·Respiration·Fermentation ·  Photosynthesis·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 6-4. DNA, RNA, Protein6  Vocabulary·Copying DNA·DNA to mRNA·mRNA to Polypeptide ·  Mutations·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 6-5. Mitosis and Meiosis8  Vocabulary·The Cell Cycle·Mitosis·Meiosis·Lesson Summary·Review  Questions·Answers Chapter 7: Understanding Genetics  Lesson 7-1. Mendelian Inheritance  Vocabulary·Mendel: Patterns of Inheritance·Lesson Summary·Review  Questions·Answers  Lesson 7-2. The Genetic Bases of Inheritance  Vocabulary·DNA: The Genetic Material·Mendel and Molecules ·  Chromosomal Aberrations·Genetic Technology·Lesson Summary ·  Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 7-3. Beyond Simple Inheritance  Vocabulary·Sex Genes and Sex-Linked Genes·Polygenic Inheritance ·  Extra-Nuclear Genes·Beyond DNA·Lesson Summary·Review Questions ·  Answers  Lesson 7-4. Using Punnett Squares  Vocabulary·A Quick Review of Probability·Making a Punnett Square ·  Modeling Inheritance·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 7-5. Using Pedigrees2  Reading a Pedigree·Interpreting from a Pedigree·Lesson Summary ·  Review Questions·Answers Chapter 8: Understanding Evolution and Diversity3  Lesson 8-1. Evolution and Natural Selection3  Vocabulary·Darwin and Natural Selection·Evidence for Evolution·Lesson  Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 8-2. Mechanisms of Evolution  Vocabulary·Evolution in a Population·Creating Diversity: Speciation ·  Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 8-3. Origins of Diversity/191  Vocabulary·Creating Cells·After Cells·Classifying Life·Lesson Summary ·  Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 8-4. The Three Domains and the Five Kingdoms1  Vocabulary·Kingdom Monera·Kingdom Protista·Kingdom Fungi ,  Kingdom Plantae·Kingdom Animalia·Lesson Summary·Review Questions ·  Answers Chapter 9: Understanding Organismal Biology5  Lesson 9-1. Support and Movement5  Vocabulary·Support·The Human Skeletal System·Movement·The Human  Muscular System·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 9-2. Transport10  Vocabulary·Open and Closed Systems·The Human Circulatory System ·  The Human Respiratory System·Lesson Summary·Review Questions ·  Answers  Lesson 9-3. Nutrition15  Vocabulary·The Human Digestive System·Excretion·The Human  Excretory System·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 9-4. Protection /221  Vocabulary·The Skin·The Immune System·Lesson Summary·Review  Questions·Answers  Lesson 9-5. Coordination  Vocabulary·The Human Nervous System·The Human Endocrine System ·  Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 9-6. Reproduction and Development  Vocabulary·The Human Reproductive System·Development·Lesson  Summary·Review Questions·Answers Chapter 10: Understanding Ecology  Lesson 10-1. Population Growth  Vocabulary·Populations·Exponential Growth·Limited Growth·Lesson  Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 10-2. Food Chains and Food Webs  Vocabulary·Communities and Ecosystems·Food Chains·Food Webs ·  Energy Flow·Pyramids·Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 10-3. Ecological Relationships  Vocabulary·Symbiotic Relationships·Competition·Lesson Summary ·  Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 10-4. Biomes  Vocabulary·Terrestrial Biomes·Aquatic Biomes·Ecological SucceSsion ·  Lesson Summary·Review Questions·Answers  Lesson 10-5. Nutrient Cycles4  Vocabulary·Water Cycle·Carbon Cycle·Nitrogen Cycle·Lesson  Summary·Review Questions·AnswersPART Ⅲ: FOUR PRACTICE TESTS Practice Test 1 : Biology-E1  Answer Sheet·Practice Test I·Answer Key·Answers and Explanations Practice Test 2: Biology-E  Answer Sheet·Practice Test 2·Answer Key·Answers and Explanations Practice Test 3: Biology-M8  Answer Sheet·Practice Test 3·Answer Key·Answers and Explanations Practice Test 4: Biology-M17  Answer Sheet·Practice Test 4·Answer Key·Answers and Explanations




《新東方·SAT II生物》是新東方SAT考試輔導(dǎo)教材叢書之一。全面覆蓋SAT Ⅱ生物考點(diǎn),專家點(diǎn)撥解題思路,增加聚勝把握,傾囊相授解題技巧,直擊正確答案,4套全真模擬試題,提高應(yīng)試能力。The fastest way to a higher score!SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M gives you an unbeatable edge with:4 full-length sample exams-2 sample Biology-E exams and 2 sample Biology-M exams In-depth review of every test topicTeacher-tested tips and strategies to help you raise your score





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  •   這是新東方代理出版的,全英文,可以。就是那個(gè)禮物,唉,無(wú)言。。。。當(dāng)當(dāng),誠(chéng)信啊~~~
  •   慢慢看,對(duì)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)有幫助。
  •   不錯(cuò)的英語(yǔ)書籍
  •   對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)幫助不小。
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  •   包裝什么的雖然沒(méi)有所料包裝,但是書一點(diǎn)都沒(méi)有折,而且當(dāng)當(dāng)送貨好快
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  •   thought-provoking~
  •   講解很詳細(xì),很生動(dòng)。
  •   挺好的一本書 比想象的好一些
  •   書店沒(méi)賣的,只有在網(wǎng)上訂購(gòu)了
  •   很適合升美本的學(xué)生使用。
  •   書好薄,但我很喜歡
  •   中國(guó)的高考對(duì)生物的考察過(guò)于狹隘而 SAT2 把不同的領(lǐng)域劃分開了 就是你今后想研究什么 就向哪方面發(fā)展 就準(zhǔn)備M或E由于 M 和 E的本身研究方向不一樣 考生可以選擇 M 或E 更或者 M和E摻在一起考 人性化啊鐵了心要走生物的人 比如我 看這本書很有用 即使背了托福單詞 雅思單詞的童鞋 這本書也很有用 想想以后出國(guó)老師講課 誰(shuí)會(huì)給你說(shuō)中文啊 而且考試也全是英文加拉丁文PS: 考考你 雙縮脲試劑英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)?很多老師都不推薦SAT2選生物 因?yàn)橹袊?guó)的高中生物書 1,與時(shí)代的滯后性 買的同學(xué)看了就知道 和國(guó)內(nèi)的生物講的 略有出入 但我覺(jué)得總體不影響 尤其是教改之后的課本 差距應(yīng)該不大 2,對(duì)實(shí)驗(yàn)有很高的要求 有一條就是建議選擇 SAT2 BIO的同學(xué) 有過(guò)生物專業(yè)實(shí)驗(yàn)室實(shí)驗(yàn)的基礎(chǔ),事實(shí)在中國(guó),除了搞競(jìng)賽的學(xué)生, 誰(shuí)有這經(jīng)驗(yàn)。3,很多專有名詞和部分拉丁語(yǔ)名詞(雅思有篇文章介紹拉丁語(yǔ)專有名詞的,且生物和化學(xué)中見到的最多)SUM UP:我覺(jué)得如果只是要湊科目 還是別選BIO 復(fù)習(xí)時(shí)間太長(zhǎng)了 可以選歷史 死記硬背啊但如果出國(guó)就是學(xué)生物的童鞋 還是好好看看吧
  •   喜歡講細(xì)胞器的那章,線索很清楚,比普通人教的高中生物書有條理
  •   內(nèi)容沒(méi)有巴郎的好,巴郎的要全一些
  •   非常喜歡。不是很難。感覺(jué)與普通生物學(xué)有點(diǎn)點(diǎn)接近了
  •   剛好為小孩出國(guó)留學(xué)準(zhǔn)備。
  •   是給妹妹買的,好像還行吧
  •   題目難度適中,非常實(shí)用

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