SAT II 數(shù)學 level 2

出版時間:2009-1  出版社:群言出版社  作者:迪爾  


You need a great score on the SAT Mathematics Level1 test to get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at math, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?    SAT Subject Test: Mathe Level 1 is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal--from the experts more students trust!


PART I ABOUT THE SAT MATH LEVEL 2 TEST  Chapter 1 : Test Basics    About the Math Level 2 Test     When to Take the Test     The Level 1 vs. Level 2 Test    Scoring     How to Use This Book   Chapter 2: Calculator Tips    On the Day of the Test   Chapter 3: Diagnostic Test     Answer Sheet for the Diagnostic Test    Diagnostic Test Questions     Answer Key     Answers and Solutions     Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses PART II MATH REVIEW  Chapter 4: Algebra    Evaluating Expressions     Fractions     Percentages     Exponents     Real Numbers    Absolute Value     Radical Expressions    Polynomials    Quadratic Equations    Inequalities    Rational Expressions     Systems    Binomial Theorem   Chapter 5: Solid Geometry    Vocabulary for Polyhedra     Review of Area Formulas    Prisms    Cylinders     Pyramids     Cones     Spheres    Volume Ratio of Similar Figures     Coordinates in Three Dimensions  Chapter 6: Coordinate Geometry     Plotting Points     Midpoint     Distance    Slope     Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines     Equations of Lines     Circles    Parabolas    Ellipses    Hyperbolas     Graphing Inequalities    Graphing Absolute Value     Symmetry    Transformations     Polar Coordinates  Chapter 7: Trigonometry     Right Triangle Trigonometry     Relationships Among Trigonometric Ratios     Special Right Triangles    Trigonometric Identities     Radian Measure    Law of Cosines     Law of Sines    Trigonometric Equations    Double Angle Formulas   Chapter 8: Functions/136    Function Notation     Functions vs. Relations     Composition of Functions    Determining the Maximum or Minimum    The Roots of a Quadratic Function     Inverse Functions    Rational Functions    Higher-Degree Polynomial Functions    Exponential Functions    Logarithmic Functions     Trigonometric Functions    Inverse Trigonometric Functions    Periodic Functions     Piecewise Functions    Recursive Functions    Parametric Functions Chapter 9: Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Mean, Median, Mode     Range    Interquartile Range    Standard Deviation    Data Interpretation    Regression    Probability  Chapter 10 Number and Operations    Invented Operations    In Terms of”Problems    Ratio and Proportion    Complex Numbers    Counting Problems    Number Theow    Logic    Matrices    Sequences    Series    Vectors    LimitsPART III EIGHT PRACTICE TESTS  Practice Test l    Answer Sheet for Practice Test l    Practice Test l Questions    Answer Key    Answers and Solutions    Diagnose You r Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice Test 2    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 2    Practice Test 2 Questions    Answer Key    Answers and Solutions    Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice Test 3    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 3    Practice Test 3 Questions/262    Answer Key    Answers and Solutions    Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice Test 4     Answer Sheet for Practice Test 4    Practice Test 4 Questions    Answer Key    Answers and Solutions    Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice TeSt 5    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 5    Practice Test 5 Questions    Answer Key    Answers and Solutions     Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice TeSt 6    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 6    Practice Test 6 Questions     Answer Key/345    Answers and Solutions l 345    Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice Test 7    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 7 1 355    Practice Test 7 Questions     Answer Key    Answers and Solutions     Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses  Practice Test 8    Answer Sheet for Practice Test 8    PraIctice Test 8 Questions     Answer Key    Answers and Solutions    Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses




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  •   覺得這本書非常的受用。剛剛收到這本書,做了沒幾頁,可是覺得很多東西,先講再讓我們做題感覺非常舒服,題也不難。其實美國的SAT數(shù)學對于中國人來說就不會太難了。巴郎的數(shù)學我覺得有一定難度不過新東方的這本的確不是很難,對于我這個剛剛想用它入門的學生來說還會讓自己有一點小小的成就感。講的比較細。內(nèi)容比較豐富。在就說包裝。書很新而且很厚,當時買的時候是滿300立減100元所以也覺得比較值了。。。??!
  •   SAT, 老難得呀,我不知道我的寶寶,怎么讀的?考試就在眼前,希望這本書能起到作用。
  •   對英語很有提高,挺好的。(比第一本好用)
  •   朋友很喜歡,對學習很有幫助
  •   女兒學習用書,非常感謝!
  •   數(shù)學都考完了,再回來評價的。開始是老師要求買的,書店都沒了,幸虧網(wǎng)上還有。這本加上Barron,還有平時的基礎,輕輕松松滿分。
  •   沒有近期出的版本啊希望有用
  •   工作有用!
  •   好書,是正版
  •   寫的有點像在應付差事
  •   書是幫別人買的,應該不錯。
  •   本商品我急用卻就為找到貨源,感謝當當讓我及時收到圖書下次價格便宜一點就更好了~
  •   好東東、贊一個
  •   比書城便宜可質量不減。。。。免運費
  •   雖然SAT II的數(shù)學比較簡單,但是還是有它的特點,值得參考。
  •   一本好書,質量很好,對SAT II的考試應該有幫助
  •   很好的一本SAT數(shù)學復習書。物美價廉,很值得。
  •   作為準備SAT考試的備考練習還是不錯的。但有不少錯誤希望能在下版改正。
  •   了解SAT考試內(nèi)容
  •   有些題出錯了
  •   內(nèi)容比較詳細,有助于考試獲利。
  •   我同學說里面的題目因版權問題有部分刪減,但值得慶幸的是該有的點都有了,也有同學做完整本考了滿分的哦,但愿我也是滿分??!
  •   當當網(wǎng)效率好高??!星期四訂的貨,星期五就到了!
  •   好久沒做數(shù)學啊,買這本書做最后沖刺,啊哈哈~~
  •   書的質量很好. 但里面的例題偏容易了. 聽說和真題的難度有點距離.
  •   簡單,還是巴朗好
  •   建議還是買本巴郎折磨下自己

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