SAT II 數(shù)學 level 1

出版時間:2009-1  出版社:群言  作者:迪爾  頁數(shù):346  


You need a great score on the SAT Mathematics Level1 test to get into your first-choice college, You've always been good at math, but now you want to be sure you're ready for this tough exam, How can you make certain you're getting the very best preparation available?    SAT Subject Test: Mathe Level 1 is the answer, It's the best because it's packed with the first-rate instruction and practice students expect, Everything you need is here, from top-quality topic reviews to full-length sample exams, So choose the test-prep guide that's sure to help you reach your goal--from the experts more students trust!


PART Ⅰ ABOUT THE SAT II MATH LEVEL 1 TEST  Chapter 1  Test Basics    About the Math Level l Test    TheLevel l VS.Level 2 Test    How to Use This Book  Chapter 2  Calculator Tips    On the Day of the Test Chapter 3 Diagnostic TestPART Ⅱ MATH REVIEW  Chapter 4 Algebra    Evaluating Expressions    Order of Operations    Fractions      Simplilying Fractions      Least Common Denominator      Multiplying Fractions      using Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions      Variables in the Denominator    Percents      Converting Percents to Decimals      Converting Fractions to Percents      PercentProblems    Exponents      Properties of Exponents      Common Mistakes with Exponents      Rational Exponents     Negative Exponents     Variables in an Exponent    Real Numbers     Vocabulary     Properties of Real Numbers    Absolute Value    Radical Expressions     Roots of Real Numbers     Simplest Radical Form     Rationalizing the Denominator   Conjugates  Polynomials   Vocabulary     Adding and Subtracting Polynomials     Multiplying Polynomials     Factoring     Quadratic Equations     Quadratic Formula     Solving by Substitution     The Discriminant     Equations with Radicals  Inequalities     Transitive Property of Inequality     Addition and Multiplication Properties     “And”VS.“Or”     Inequalities with Absolute Value  Rational Expressions     Simplifying Rational Expressions     Multiplyi ng and Dividing Rational Expressions     Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions     Solving Equations with Rational Expressions  Systems     Solving by Substitution     Solving by Linear Combination     NO Solution VS.Infinite Solutions     Word Problems with Systems Chapter 5 Plane Geometry   Undefined Terms   Lines,Segments.Rays   Angles     Measures of Angles     Supplementary and Complementary Angles     Vertical Angles     Linear Pairs of Angles   Triangles     Types of Triangles     Sum of Interior Angles and Exterior Angles     Medians,Altitudes,and Angle Bisectors     Congruent Triangles     Isosceles Triangles     Triangle Inequality     Pythagorean Theorem     Special Right Triangles   Parallel Lines   Polygons     Types of Polygons     Perimeter     Sum of the Interior Angles     Sum of the Exterior Angles     Special Quadrilaterals   Similarity     Ratio and Proportion     Similar Triangles   Circles     Chords     Tangents     Arcs and Angles     CircumfeFence     Arc Length  Area     Area Formulas     Area VS.Perimeter     Area Ratio of Similar Figures     Figures That Combine Numerous Shapes Chapter 6 Solid Geometry   Vocabulary for Polyhedra   Prisms     Distance Between Opposiste Vertices of a Rectangular Prism   Cylinders   Pyramids   Cones   Spheres   Volume Ratio of Similar Figures Chapter 7 Coordinate Geometry   Plotting Ppints   Midpoint   Distance   Slope   Slope of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines   Equations of Lines     Horizontal and Vertical Lines     Standard Form     Point—Slope Form     Slope.Intercept Form     Determining x.a(chǎn)nd y—Intercepts   Circles   Parabolas   Graphing Inequalities   Graphing Absolute Value Chapter 8 Trigonometry   Right Triangle Trigonometry   RelationshiDs Among Trigonometric Ratios     Secant,Cosecant,Cotangent     COfunction Identities     Inverse Functions   Special Right Triangles   Trigonometric Identities Chapter 9  Functions   Functional Notation   Functions VS.Relations     Graphing Functions   Composition of Functions     Identity.Zero,and Constant Functions   Determining the Maximum or Minimum   The Roots of a Ouadratic Function  Inverse Functions     Rational Functions  Higher—Degree Polynomial Functions   Exponential Functions Chapter 10 Data Analysis,Statistics,and Probability   Counting Problems   Probability   Mean,Median,Mode   Data Interpretation Chapter 11 Number and Operations   Invented Operations   "In Terms Of"Problems   Sequences   Arithmetic Sequences   Geometric Sequences   Logic   Number TheoryPART Ⅲ SIX PRACTlCE TESTS Practice Test 1   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses Practice Test 2   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses Practice Test 3   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses Practice Test 4   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses Practice Test 5   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses Practice Test 6   Diagnose Your Strengths and Weaknesses


  《新東方·SAT2:數(shù)學(Level1)(7套題)》全面覆蓋SAT Ⅱ數(shù)學Level1考點,精心設計診斷測試,發(fā)現(xiàn)知識漏洞,專家點撥解題思路,直擊正確答案,7套全真模擬試題,提高應試技能。




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