
出版時(shí)間:1992-09  出版社:開明出版社  作者:荷馬  譯者:程毓燕  


about the author
Nearly thirty-two hundied years ago, long before
the Greeks ever had a written language, Homer lived
and told his stories. Hc was a bard-a wandering poet
who kept his country's great legends alive by rcciting
them over and over.
Most people believe that Homer was blind. Perhaps
he was able to compose and remember all his poems
bccause he could see nothing to distract him from his
thoughts. When he arrived at a village, or at the home
of a wcalthy man, all work stopped. A great feast was
held, and everyone sat around afterward to listen to
Homer's stories. The men and womcn, gods and god-
desses he spoke about were part of Greece's legcndary
history. In their own way, his stories becamc one of
the things that held this nation of dty-states together.
Although Homer must have composed many poems
during his hfetime, he is best known for the lliad, his
story of the Trojan War, and the Odyssey, the story of
the wanderings of the hero Odysseus. Together, these
two books are counted among the finest works ever
osed bv man.




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