
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:中國科學(xué)文化音像出版社  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):180  


  商務(wù)英語證書(BEC)考試是由劍橋大學(xué)考試委員會與教育部考試中心聯(lián)合推出的一項權(quán)威性的考試,該證書在英國、英聯(lián)邦各國及歐洲大多數(shù)國家的商業(yè)企業(yè)部門獲得認可,并且能作為考生英語能力的證明?! ∩虅?wù)英語證書(BEC)考試是在被認可的BEC考試中心舉行,每年能在6個固定的日期舉行,在中國每年舉行兩次。這些考試的主要對象是那些希望獲得相關(guān)的英語語言證書的學(xué)習(xí)者,考試標準為商務(wù)英語課程提供了理想的重點?! ∩虅?wù)英語證書測試的是以工作場合為背景的英語語言,而不是商務(wù)知識。商務(wù)英語證書(BEC)考試分三個級別,初級(BECPreliminary)針對大學(xué)英語二級或高中以上水平的學(xué)生,中級(BECVantage)則主要適合通過了大學(xué)英語四、六級的學(xué)生,同時也適合于從事國際商務(wù)的專業(yè)人士和公司的職員。商務(wù)英語高級(BECHigher)由于對英語水平及商務(wù)知識都有較高的要求,證書含金量高,目前參加該級別考試的人數(shù)呈上升的趨勢。


  B  The gradual completion of Europes single market means that more and more executives are icriss-crossing Europe to look for business. With European domestic air fares extremely high, acorporate jet looks more attractive for executives flying three or four times a month. Evensome of Europes smaller companies are investigating it. However, the larger Europeanairports operate priority regulations which govern slot allocation for take-off and createdelays airlines have first priority, chartered flights come second, air taxis third and businessjets are fourth on the list. Smaller airports pose problems of access and a risk of inadequateground handling.  C  Most businesses will not discuss their corporate aircraft or even reveal whether the alreadyhigh-earning chief executive has an aircraft, for fear of shareholder reaction. There is stillsome stigma attached to ownership of a business jet. With new planes costing anything from$ 5 million upwards plus extra comforts in the interior, many companies feel they cant justifythe expense to shareholders and employees. For some European managers a private jet isseen as an unacceptable perk indicating serious problems in a companys management.  D  The market for private aircraft fall into two sectors, the no-expense-spared rich mansplaything——the popular image——and the serious business tool owned by corporations.Manufacturers deliver the former as what is called a "green" aircraft——a plane that isunfinished except for a green corrosive-resistant paint which covers the bare metal. Ownerspersonalise the plane with telephones, dining areas and even cinemas. The latter sector isvery different and planes are normally bought with straightforward seating.





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