
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:中國海洋大學(xué)出版社  作者:李玲 等主編  頁數(shù):343  字?jǐn)?shù):500000  




Unit 1  An Overview of Ocean and Oceanography 
Text A The World Ocean
Text B Oceanography
Unit 2 Marine Biology
Text A Current Events in Marine Biology
Text B Why Is the Ocean Less Green?
Unit 3 Marine Pollution
Text A A Sea of Troubles
Text B The Acid Sea
Unit 4 Climate Variability
Text A Global Warming: A Changing Climate of Opinion?
Text B Geo-Engineering: Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud
Unit 5 Marine Disaste
Text A What Are Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)?
Text B Making Waves
Unit 6 Marine Resource Exploration
Text A Tapping the Ocea
Text B Plumbing the Depths
Unit 7 Marine Coervation
TextA The Conundrums of the Deep Dark Sea
Text B Not Whaling but Drowning
Unit 8 Protection of Fisheries Resources
Text A Inland Fishery Enhancement
Text B Maintaining Biosecurity in Aquaculture
Unit 9 Polar Marine Expedition
Text A To Save the Southern Polar Environment: Dump the
Antarctic Treaty
Text B Bubble Curtai: Can They Dampen Offshore Energy Sound for
Unit 10 Future Ocea
Text A Introducing the Traparent Ocean
Text B Summary for Policy-Make
Appendix 1 Academic Writing
Appendix 2 Key Marine-related Journals & Books





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