
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:對外經(jīng)濟貿易大學出版社  作者:楊潮光  頁數(shù):377  


  《展望(Prospect)全國高等院校英語專業(yè)系列精品教材:語言學導論(第2版)》采用功能派語言學的觀點編寫,與迄今為止國內已出版的各類語言學導論教材相比,具有如下鮮明特點:  一、本書著重從語言的社會功能出發(fā),書中的第一部分在揭示了語言性質和功能之后,首先討論語義學的基本內容,即人們是如何通過語言來交流信息,表達思想的;然后討論詞法學、詞匯學及句法學,即如何用詞匯和句子來表達不同的語義;最后討論語音學和音位學,即如何利用言語的語音和音位系統(tǒng)來傳遞語義?! 《⒈緯牡诙糠纸沂玖苏Z言與思維、現(xiàn)實,語言與文化、社會、個人的密切關系,意在引導學員宏觀地認識語言,深入地理解語言學的理論價值和實用價值?! ∪⒈緯淖詈髱渍绿接懻Z言與商業(yè)、語言與政治的密切關系,并討論語言學對外語“教”與“學”的啟迪,重點介紹功派語言教學的一些觀點?! ∷?、本書力求深入淺出,在介紹相關理論的同時,使用大量生動典型的語言實例,以期達到學術性和實用性的完美結合。本書還為各章節(jié)配有復習題和筆頭作業(yè)題,并列出所推薦的參考書目。


Part OneChapter l Language and Linguistics1.1.Nature and Properties of Human Language1.1.1.The nature of human language1.1.2.The comparison between human language and animal communication systems 1.1.3.The definitions of language1.2.Functions of Human Language1.2.1.From a learner's individual, pragmatic point of view1.2.2.From an interactive point of view1.2.3.From a social point of view1.3.Linguistics1.3.1 The definition of linguistics1.3.2.The major branches of general linguistics1.3.3.The basic concepts in linguistics1.3.4.The major modern linguistic schools and theories1.3.5.Representative figures of schools of linguistics1.4.The Study of Language in Functional ApproachTooics for DiscussionBooks for ReferenceExercises for the ChapterPart TwoChaDter 2 Language, Thought and Reality2.1.Early Theories Concerning the Relationship Between Language, Thought and Reality2.1.1.Monism2.1.2.Dualism2.1.3.Saussure's Sign Theory, Richard and Ogden's Semantic Triangle2.2.Sapir-Whorf Hypotheses2.2.1.Introduction to Sapir and Whorf2.2.2.Sapir's Linguistic Relativity2.2.3.Whorf's Linguistic Determinism2.3.Argument Concerning the Issue2.3.1.Supporting views2.3.2.Criticism on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis2.4.Other Views Concerning the Relationship Between Language, Thought and Reality2.5.The Insight the Debate Has Brought to Us2.6.Comparison of the Thinking Patterns of Chinese and English- Speaking PeopteTopics for DiscussionBooks for referenceExercises for the ChapterChapter 3 Language, Culture, Society and Individuals3.1.The Relationship Between Language and Culture3.1.1.Definitions of culture3.1.2.The nature of culture3.1.3.The universality in biology, culture and language3.1.4.The peculiarity in biology, culture and language3.1.5.The dialectal relation between lantzuage and culture3.1.6.Problems concerning language and culture3.2.The Relationship Between Language and Society3.2.1.Language is first of all a social phenomenon.3.2.2.Human societies are varied, soj are their languages.3.3.The Relationship Between Language and Individuals3.3.1.Language is an important means of survival for every individual.3.3.2.Language is a tool of learning for everybody.3.3.3.Every speaker has his own style.3.3.4.Every speaker is a member of the soeech communitv.3.4.Comparison Between the Two Major Culture Models3.4.1.High-Context Cultures and Low-Context Cultures3.4.2.P-Time Culture and M-Time Culture3.5.Cross-Cultural Communication3.5.1.Problems in cross-cultural communication3.5.2.The importance of non-verbal communication3.5.3.The ability to communicate effectively in cross-cultural settingsTopics for DiscussionBooks for ReferenceExercises for the ChapterChapter 4 Language in Business and Language in Politics4.1.Language in Business4.1.1.Language and business4.1.2.English in business in a broader sense4.1.3.English in business in a narrower sense4.1.4.Culture and its implication in business4.1.5.How to improve competence in business English?……Part threeAppendix 1 Introduction to the CourseAppendix 2 Syllabus for the CourseAppendix 3 The Constituent Structure of English SemologyAppendix 4 The Constituent Structure of English GrammarAppendix 5 The Constituent Structure of English PhonologyModel Key to ExercisesGeneral Bibliography




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