
出版時間:2011-9  出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社  作者:李蕾  頁數(shù):321  




Unit One Business Letter-Writing and Its Layout
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Business Letter-Writing
 Part Three: Notes
 Part Four: Exercises
Unit Two Faxes and E-mails
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Fax
 Part Three: Study of E-mail
 Part Four: Notes
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Three Establishing Business Relations
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Four Enquiries and Replies
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Five Offers and Counteroffers
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Six Letters of Ordering
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Seven Terms of Payment
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Eight Shipment
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Nine Insurance
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Ten Complaints and Adjustments
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Eleven Sales Letters
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Letters
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Twelve Common Business Documentation
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Commercial Invoice
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises
Unit Thirteen Contract
 Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements
 Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge
 Part Three: Study of Sample Contract
 Part Four: Associative Thinking
 Part Five: Exercises


  The layout or the format of a letter refers to the way a message is laid out on a page,including the use of spacing, underlining and capital letters. Although formality in modern business correspondence is rapidly giving way to a less conventional and friendlier style,the layout of the letter still follows a more or less set pattern determined by custom. Choice of formats is a matter of personal taste, but it is better to follow established practice to which the business world has become accustomed.  1. The Styles of the Business Letter  The business letter has a history of thousands of years and it has undergone a lot of changes in its language, style and format. From the traditional format it has developed a variety of styles ranging from the block style, the mixed style, simplified style, etc. the reason being the rapid growth of international trade. In today's business world, people no longer spend much time or efforts on writing/drafting a message with trite or wordy phrases; instead, they pay much attention to the effectiveness of business communicating and the working efficiency of the business persons. Thus, the tendency of business letter writing is toward simplicity, plainness, casualness and friendliness which are discussed through the whole textbook.  ……



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