出版時間:2011-4 出版社:北京大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué) 作者:(英)米歇爾-提圖斯 頁數(shù):333
編者:(英國)Adina Michael-Titus (英國)Patricia Revest (英國)Peter Shortland
1 ORGANIZATION OFTHE NERVOUS SYSTEM 1Introduction 2Overview of brain anatomy 2Internal anatomy of the brain 5Ventricular system 10Forebrain 11Hemisphere specialization 12Limbic system 14Orbitofrontal cortex 17Basal ganglia 17Diencephalon 17Thalamus 18Hypothalamus 19Peripheral nervous system 21Putting it all together: from anatomy to behaviour 292 ELEMENTS OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 31Introduction 32Neurones 32Glial cells 34Neurone excitability 35Neurotransmitters 41Postsynaptic events and postsynaptic receptors 423 CLINICAL EXAMINATION 47Introduction 48Parts of the clinical examination 48Other investigations 55General comments 574 THE SPINAL CORD 59Introduction 60Gross anatomy of the spinal cord and vertebralcolumn 60Functional organization of the spinal cord 61Spinal cord cell types 63Receptive fields 64Somatosensory pathways 65Blood supply to the spinal cord 71Damage to the spinal cord 72Comments on the case history 785 PAIN AND ANALGESIA 79Introduction 80Nociceptors 81Pain pathways 82How does the central nervous system interpret astimulus as painful? 84Physiology of pain modulation 86Pain mechanisms after tissue damage: peripheral andcentral sensitization 90Neuropathic pain mechanisms 92Pharmacology of pain 93Other approaches to pain management 99General comments on pain management 1046 CRANIAL NERVES AND THE BRAINSTEM 105Introduction 106Anatomical organization of cranial nerves in the brain 106Internal organization of the brainstem 107Reticular formation 109Blood supply to the brainstem ~12Brainstem reflexes 112Brainstem lesions 116Comments on the case history 1187 THE VISUAL SYSTEM 121Introduction 122Structure of the eye 122Visual pathways 125Visual field defects 127Pupillary light reflexes 127Focusing of light on the retina 127Control of eye movements 130Structure and function of the retina 131Processing of visual information 137Summary 1408 HEARING AND BALANCE: THE AUDITORY AND VESTIBULAR SYSTEMS 141Introduction 142The auditory system 142The vestibular system 152Comments on the case history 1589 MOTOR SYSTEMS h DESCENDING PATHWAYS AND CEREBELLUM 159Introduction 160Skeletal muscle contraction 161Reflexes 164Descending pathways 167Clinical importance of reflexes 172The cerebellum 17510 MOTOR SYSTEMS II: THE BASAL GANGLIA 181Introduction 182The basal ganglia: structure and organization 182Parkinson's disease 184Huntington's disease 19411 STROKE AND HEAD iNJURY 199Introduction 200Physiological control of cdrebral blood flow 200Blood supply to the brain 201Venous system 204Functional anatomy of the cerebral vasculature 205Angiography 206Stroke 206Head injury 219Comments on the case history 22512 INFECTION IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 227Introduction 228Types of infection of the central nervous system 228The meninges 229Cerebrospinal fluid production and circulation 230The blood-brain barrier 232Meningitis 232Diagnosis and treatment of meningitis 234Treatment of meningitis 235Encephalitis 235Cerebral abscesses 235Brain infections in the immunocompromised patient 23613 EPILEPSY 237Introduction 238General description of epilepsy 238Epidemiology of epilepsy 238Types o.f epileptic syndrome 239Diagnostic investigations of epilepsy 239Different types of seizure 242Neurobiology of epilepsy 243Pharmacological treatment of epilepsy 246Other treatments for epilepsy 248Treatment of status epilepticus 249Social consequences of epilepsy 24914 DEMENTIA 251Introduction 252Causes and diagnosis of dementia 252Neurobiology of learning and memory 253Alzheimer's disease 256Treatment of Alzheimer's disease 261Other types of dementia 263General considerations in the management ofAlzheimer's disease and other types of dementia 26515 SCHIZOPHRENIA 267Introduction 268Schizophrenia: the clinical diagnosis 268Aetiology of schizophrenia 271Neurobiology of schizophrenia 272Treatment of schizophrenia 275Comments on the management of schizophrenia and the long-term prognosis 278Other psychoses and schizophrenia-like syndromes 27916 DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 281Introduction 282Classification o~ mood disorders 282Clinical features of mood disorders 282Epidemiology of depression and natural evolution of the disease 283Genetics of mood disorders 283Neurobiology of depression 286Treatment of depression 287Bipolar disorder and its treatment 292General comments on mood disorders 293Need for new therapeutic targets 294Comments on the case history 294Anxiety disorders 294Treatment of anxiety disorders 295Insomnia 29717 ADDICTION 301Introduction 302Addiction and drug misuse: general comments 302Opiates 302Cocaine and crack 304Cannabis 305Nicotine 307Alcohol 308Phencyclidine 309Amphetamines 310Ecstasy——or the beginning of agony? 310Hallucinogens 311Solvents 311Neurobiology of addiction 312Addiction and rehabilitation: general issues 313Index 315
版權(quán)頁:插圖:The cingulate cortex evaluates the affective signifi-cance of events, i.e. whether they are harmful or benefi-cial. Anatomical studies have revealed prominent afferentinput to the cingulate motor areas from the limbic struc-tures and the prefrontal cortex, which can send informa-tion about motivation and the internal state of subjects, aswell as cognitive evaluation of the environment. The ante-rior cingulate cortex is also involved in pain perception,receiving input from the posterior insula cortex. Otherimportant inputs are from the anterior thalamic nucleus,which receives its input from the mamillary bodies form-ing the Papez circuit, involved in the cortical control ofemotion (see Fig. 1.18). The anterior cingulate gyrus com-municates between the prefrontal cortex and subcorticalareas of the limbic system. Bilateral destruction releasesthe 'rage centres' of the amygdala and hypothalamusfrom any prefrontal inhibitory influence. The limbic system is tightly connected to the prefron-tal cortex, and together they funnel emotional input tothe hypothalamus. There is frontal lobe asymmetry inregard to emotional processing. Activation in the left pre-frontal regions may be part of a mechanism that inhibits'negative' affect (e.g. sadness and disgust); conversely,the right prefrontal regions may inhibit positive emotions(e.g. happiness). Peple with increased left prefrontalactivity are described as more 'optimistic' and more adeptat minimizing negative emotions. Lesions of the left pre-frontal neocortex are more likely to be associated withdepression than lesions in the homologous location inthe right hemisphere. During the Wada test, when the lefthemisphere is temporarily anaesthetized, patients reportnegative changes in mood (e.g. sadness). PET studieshave indicated increased left-side orbitofrontal blood flowduring self-generated sadness.
《神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)(第2版)》:The Systems of the Body series has established itself as a valuable resource for allmedical and other health science students following system-based courses. In thissecond edition all the volumes have been updated to take into account feedback fromreaders of the first edition. Each volume conunues to present the core knowledge ofbasic science and clinical conditions that medical students need, offering an integratedview of the system unavailable from standard textbooks. An expanded selection ofThis book brings to life the basic science of the nervous sy.stem andits major diseases. After early chapters on its general organxzationand cellular and molecular mechanisms, clinical scenarios are usedto introduce and discuss the knowledge required for diagnosis andtreatment of major conditions of the nervous system.Organization of the nervous system、Elements of cellular and molecular neuroscience、Clinical examination、Spinal cord、Pain and analgesia、Cranial nerves and the brainstem、The visual system、Hearing and balance: the auditory and vestibular systems、Motor systems I: descending pathways and cerebellum、Motor systems II: the basal ganglia、Stroke and head injury、Infection in the central nervous system、Epilepsy、Dementia、Schizophrenia、Depression and anxiety、AddictionThe Nervous System is ideal for medical students, and also for studentsof other health professions taking systems-based courses.