
出版時(shí)間:2012-6  出版社:中國(guó)傳媒大學(xué)出版社  作者:徐珊珊  頁(yè)數(shù):102  


  Chinese Phonetics is the study of the Chinese phonetic system
and its structure and rules. Chinese Phonetics is characterized by
syllables. The structure of Chinese Phonetics is simple, syllable
boundaries clear, and tone is an important component of syllables.
Chinese syllable structure has a strong regularity. The vowel is
generallyan indispensable element of a syllable, and a syllable has
a maximum of three consecutive vowels. Consonants go in front of
vowels, which is the beginning of syllables. Only a few consonants
can come after vowels, that is at the end ofsyllables. Vowels
commonly only have one consonant before or after.


Lesson 1 Introduction of Chinese Phonetics
Lesson 2 Introduction of Finals
Lesson 3 Single Finals a,o,e,i,u,u
Lesson 4 Complex Finals ai,ei,ui,ao,ou,iu,ie,ue,er
Lesson 5 Nasal Finals an,en,in,un,un
Lesson 6 Nasal Finals ang,eng,ing,ong
Lesson 7 Finals Revision Sum Up
Lesson 8 Introduction of Initials
Lesson 9 Initials b,p,m,f
Lesson 10 Initials d,t,n,l
Lesson 11 Initials g,k,h
Lesson 12 Initials j,q,x
Lesson 13 Initials z,c,s
Lesson 14 Initials zh,ch,sh,r
Lesson 15 Initials y,w
Lesson 16 Initials Revision Sum Up
Lesson 17 Liaison, Tonal Modification, and Retroflexion with
Lesson 18 General Phrases
Answer Key



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