
出版時(shí)間:2012-3  出版社:東北財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)出版社有限責(zé)任公司  作者:胡英坤,孫寧,盧欣 主編  頁數(shù):378  




Part Ⅰ International Business
Unit 1
Text A International Trade Theory
Text B A Tale of Two Nations
Unit 2
Text A Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade
Text B Proust Winery
Unit 3
Text A Non-export Entry Modes--Strategic Alliances
Text B World Wide Pharmaceutical
Unit 4
Text A Foreign Direct Investment
Text B Honda in North America
Part Ⅱ Environments of International Business
Unit 5
Text A International Monetary System
Text B The Fall and Rise of Caterpillar Tractor
Unit 6
Text A Legal Systems in International Business
Text B International Intellectual Property Law
Unit 7
Text A Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw
Text B Emerging Trends in Business Law Online
Unit 8
Text A Cultural Environment in International Business
Text B Control in Multi-national Corporations
Unit 9
Text A Frameworks of Cultural Differences
Text B Organizational Behavior in Action
Unit 10
Text A Demographic Environment
Text B Micromarketing: A New Marketing Era
Part Ⅲ Business Management
Unit 11
Text A Managerial Importance of Customer Behavior
Text B Competitive Advantages through Customer Orientation
Unit 12
Text A Products and Branding in Brand Management
Text B A Glimpse into the Past of Selected Brands
Unit 13
Text A Integrated Marketing Communications
Text B Are Consumer Goods Companies Getting Too "Pushy"?
Unit 14
Text A E-commerce
Text B Competing against the Net: Traditional Retailers
Unit 15
Text A Accounting
Text B Cash Flow Statement
Unit 16
Text A Restructuring Organizations
Text B Reengineering Schlage Lock Company
Unit 17
Text A Entrepreneurs: The Energizers of Small Businesses
Text B King's Beauty Supply
Appendix Keys to Exercises I and 1V





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