出版時間:2010-12 出版社:東北財大 作者:(英)馬克·桑德斯//菲利普·劉易斯//阿德里安·桑希爾|譯者:余宇瑩//張宜霞 頁數(shù):602
作者:(英國)馬克·桑德斯(Mark Saunders) (英國)菲利普·劉易斯(Philip Lewis) (英國)阿德里安·桑希爾(Adrian Thornhill) 注譯:余宇瑩 張宜霞馬克·桑德斯,薩里大學管理學院經(jīng)管研究方法教授。他曾是牛津布魯克斯大學商學院經(jīng)管研究方法教授、主任助理(碩士生和博士生項目主管),諾森比亞大學紐卡爾斯商學院訪問教授。他給碩士生和博士生講授研究方法,同時他也指導碩士生和博士生撰寫論文。菲利普·劉易斯,他在人力資源管理方面的職業(yè)生涯開始于個體行業(yè)培訓委員會,是一名培訓師。他曾在英國三所大學講授人力資源管理和研究方法,還曾在公共和私人部門擔任顧問。阿德里安·桑希爾,曾任格魯斯特大學格魯斯特商學院人力資源管理系主任。他為本科生和研究生及專業(yè)學生講授研究方法,并指導學生撰寫論文。阿德里安從雇員及公平視角發(fā)表了大量有關(guān)管理變革和組織精簡的論文。
如何使用本書閱讀指南前言作者出版者致謝第1章 經(jīng)營研究的特征及本書的框架第2章 制定和闡明研究主題第3章 文獻綜述第4章 理解研究哲學和方法第5章 闡述研究設計第6章 準入?yún)f(xié)商與道德規(guī)范研究第7章 選取樣本第8章 運用二手數(shù)據(jù)第9章 通過觀察搜集原始數(shù)據(jù)第10章 用半結(jié)構(gòu)化訪談、深度訪談、分組訪談搜集原始資料第11章 使用問卷搜集原始數(shù)據(jù)第12章 分析定量數(shù)據(jù)第13章 分析定性數(shù)據(jù)第14章 撰寫和陳述項目報告參考書目附錄術(shù)語表
插圖:3.2 This is a difficult one without knowing her research question! However, you could stilladvise her on the general principles. Your advice will probably include:a Define the parameters of the research, considering language, subject area, businesssector, geographical area, publication period and literature type. Generate key wordsand search terms using one or a variety of techniques such as reading, brainstormingor relevance trees. Discuss her ideas as widely as possible, including with her tutor,librarians and you.b Start the search using tertiary sources to identify relevant secondary literature. Sheshould commence with those tertiary sources that abstract and index academic journalarticles and books. At the same time she should obtain relevant literature that hasbeen referenced in articles that she has already read.3.3 There are no incorrect answers with brainstorming! However, you might like to checkyour key words for suitability prior to using them to search an appropriate database. Wesuggest that you follow the approach outlined in Section 3.5 under 'searching using thetertiary literature'.3.4 There is a variety of possible reasons, including:One or more of the parameters of your search are defined too narrowly.The key words you have chosen do not appear in the controlled index language.Your spelling of the key word is incorrect.The terminology you are using is incorrect.The acronyms you have chosen are not used by databases.You are using jargon rather than accepted terminology.3.5 There are two parts to this answer: rewriting the text and using the Harvard system ofreferencing. Your text will inevitably differ from the answer given below owing to yourpersonal writing style. Don't worry about this too much as it is discussed in far moredetail in Section 14.5. The references should follow the same format.