
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:東北財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)出版社有限責(zé)任公司  作者:(美)彼得,(美)奧爾森 著,王欣雙 譯注  頁(yè)數(shù):503  字?jǐn)?shù):1268000  譯者:王欣雙 注釋  


  We are delighted that so many instructors and students have found ourbook useful for teaching and learning the fascinating field of consumerbehavior. We appreciate their sentiments that our book does the bestjob of integrating consumer behavior into the marketing curriculum.Since the objective of the book is to give students the knowledge and skills necessaryto perform useful consumer analyses for developing effective marketing strategies,we are encouraged that the book is accomplishing its objective.  The ninth edition of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy continues toreflect our belief that the Wheel of Consumer Analysis is a powerful tool not only fororganizing consumer behavior knowledge but also for understanding consumers andfor guiding the development of successful marketing strategies. In fact, it has beenused by marketing consultants and practitioners to do so. The four major parts of theWheel of Consumer Analysis are consumer affect and cognition, consumer behavior,  consumer environment, and marketing strategv Each of these components is thetopic of one of the four major sections of this book.


本書(shū)通過(guò)深入淺出的講解以及豐富的實(shí)際案例,帶你走入消費(fèi)者行為學(xué)的神秘殿堂,使你深入地了解消費(fèi)者的思維模式、習(xí)慣,尤其在直接面對(duì)消費(fèi)者的終端管理中,它可以用來(lái)幫助解決很多不同類型的問(wèn)題:     ·如何從管理角度洞悉消費(fèi)者行為;     ·如何運(yùn)用營(yíng)銷組合因素影響消費(fèi)者行為;     ·如何對(duì)不同類型的顧客進(jìn)行產(chǎn)品價(jià)值塑造;     ·如何應(yīng)用消費(fèi)者行為學(xué)制定營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略。     總之,本書(shū)將理論和實(shí)際操作近乎完美地結(jié)合起來(lái),信息量非常豐富,讀起來(lái)趣味盎然,與管理決策密切相關(guān),而且內(nèi)容很新穎,適合工商管理尤其是營(yíng)銷專業(yè)學(xué)生作為課程教材和參考教材。同時(shí),對(duì)于那些有志于在營(yíng)銷領(lǐng)域有所建樹(shù)的人士來(lái)說(shuō),這本書(shū)是極好的入門鑰匙。


  J.保羅·彼得(J.Patll Peter)是威斯康星大學(xué)麥迪遜分校的營(yíng)銷學(xué)教授,也是James R.McManus-Bascom的成員。在威斯康星大學(xué)任教之前,他曾在印第安納州立大學(xué)、俄亥俄州立大學(xué)和華盛頓大學(xué)任教。在俄亥俄州立大學(xué)任教期間,他被學(xué)生評(píng)選為“杰出營(yíng)銷學(xué)教授”。在威斯康星大學(xué),他曾獲.Iohn R.Larson教育獎(jiǎng)。他曾講授過(guò)多門課程,包括營(yíng)銷管理、營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略、消費(fèi)者行為、營(yíng)銷研究以及營(yíng)銷理論?! 〗芾铩.奧爾森(Jerry C.Olson)是賓夕法尼亞州立大學(xué)的營(yíng)銷學(xué)教授,也是Earl P.Strong教育執(zhí)行委員會(huì)的委員,Earl P.Strong和Olsorl Zaltman協(xié)會(huì)的創(chuàng)辦者之一。他在普渡大學(xué)獲得消費(fèi)者心理學(xué)博士學(xué)位后,于1971年加入賓夕法尼亞州立大學(xué)。在賓夕法尼亞州立大學(xué),他曾講授過(guò)的課程包括消費(fèi)者行為、營(yíng)銷管理、廣告與促銷管理、研究方法和營(yíng)銷理論。


第一篇  消費(fèi)者行為概述  第1章 消費(fèi)者行為與營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略概論  第2章 消費(fèi)者分析的框架第二篇  感知、認(rèn)知與營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略  第3章 感知與認(rèn)知概論  第4章 消費(fèi)者的產(chǎn)品知識(shí)和參與  第5章 注意與理解  第6章 態(tài)度與意圖  第7章 消費(fèi)者決策的制定第三篇  行為與營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略  第8章 行為概論  第9章 制約與學(xué)習(xí)過(guò)程  第10章 影響消費(fèi)者行為第四篇  環(huán)境與營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略  第11章 環(huán)境概論  第12章 文化與跨文化影響  第13章 亞文化群與社會(huì)階層  第14章 參照集團(tuán)和家庭第五篇  消費(fèi)者分析與營(yíng)銷戰(zhàn)略  第15章 市場(chǎng)細(xì)分與產(chǎn)品定位  第16章 消費(fèi)者行為與產(chǎn)品戰(zhàn)略  第17章 消費(fèi)者行為與促銷戰(zhàn)略  第18章消費(fèi)者行為與價(jià)格戰(zhàn)略  第19章 消費(fèi)者行為、電子商務(wù)與渠道戰(zhàn)略術(shù)語(yǔ)表圖片來(lái)源


  advertising and offering free cards, consumers initiallydidnt believe the company could deliver such gooddeals. In iDines first directory, published in 1985, 41 res-taurants were listed and only 225 consumers signed up.By 1995, 5,500 restaurants worldwide were on boardand nearly 600,000 consumers. By 2008, 9,500 restau-rants were dealing with iDine——7,500 of them in the U.S.——and 3 million consumers.  When the service first started, consumers had toshow a special card in the restaurant to receive benefits. However, many consumers found this embarrassingsince it indicated to their dining guests and others in the restaurant that they were using a discount card. Nowconsumers can register their credit card with iDine andsimply use it at the restaurant and receive the discount.Consumers can sign up with iDine and check to seewhat restaurants are covered by it by logging on to www. rewardsnetwork.com.  Overall, this strategy increases the probability of con- sumers purchasing meals in specific restaurants and isprofitable for iDine Network, the restaurants, and con-sumers who dine out a lot.





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