
出版時間:2011-3  出版社:河南大學(xué)出版社  作者:張韌 著  頁數(shù):325  






序言前言Chapter One Introduction1.0 Preliminary Remarks1.1 Rationale of the Study1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 Methodology and Data1.4 Organization of the BookChapter Two Literature Review2.0 Preliminary Remarks2.1 Affect / Emotion2.2 Modality2.3 Evidentiality2.4 Hedging2.5 Stance2.6 Evaluation2.7 SummaryChapter Three Appraisal Theory3.0 Preliminary Remarks3.1 Historical Development of Appraisal Theory3.2 Appraisal Theory and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)3.3 Basic Framework of Appraisal Theory3.4 Applications of Appraisal Theory3.5 Potential Drawbacks of Appraisal Theory3.6 Measures to Improve Appraisal AnalysisChapter Four Appraisal in Newspaper Book Reviews4.0 Preliminary Remarks4.1 Characterization of Attitude System4.2 Characterization of Engagement System4.3 Characterization of Graduation SystemChapter Five Realizations of Appraisal5.0 Preliminary Remarks5.1 Realizations of Attitude5.2 Realizations of Engagement5.3 Realizations of Graduation :5.4 Evaluative Sentence PatternsChapter Six Distribution of Appraisal Resources across Generic Structure6.0 Preliminary Remarks6.1 Systemic Functional Approach to Generic Structure6.2 Structure of Reviews as Described in Journalistic Books6.3 Generic Structure of Newspaper Book Reviews6.4 Distribution of Appraisal Resources across Generic StructureChapter Seven Conclusion7.0 Preliminary Remarks7.1 Summary of Major Findings7.2 Implications7.3 Limitations of the Present Study7.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix后記


  Therefore, the fact that in book reviews affect is the least frequently used among the three subcategories of attitude is probably because reviewers try not to be too subjective and emotionally involved while reviewing books, or at least they do not want the readers to have this kind of impression. Although book reviews are surely much more subjective than hard news, issue reports and ordinary feature articles, it does not mean that reviewers get to use whatever attitudinal resources to present their views, It seems that most reviewers do not regard affect as an effective device for persuading the readers. It is simply too subjective and personal to convince the readers. That is an important reason why the proportion of affect in book reviews is much smaller than that of judgment and appreciation. Actually, most resources of affect in book reviews are used to describe not the emotions of the reviewer, but those of the characters in novels, the subjects of biographies, and the historical figures in history books. These resources of affect serve to arouse the readers' interests and make them empathize with these imaginary characters or real life people, rather than to convince the readers of the reviewer's opinion. Among the 30 book reviews we investigated, only one of them (Review : Fiction : Chin,a girl: Lian Hearn enjoys a rich and insightful exploration of the redemptive power of love) contain resources of affect which directly describe the reviewer's emotional response to the book, thus giving an extremely subjective evaluation of the book.  ……


  深入研究評價問題對研究語言與認(rèn)知科學(xué)之間的關(guān)系、分析各類文本特征等都具有重要意義,該書抓住了目前語言學(xué)研究中的這一熱點(diǎn)問題進(jìn)行深入探討,使得研究具有較高的理論價值。在研究方法上,該書較好地將用予評價研究中較為傳統(tǒng)的定性研究方法和語料庫語言學(xué)中的定量研究方法結(jié)合起來,使得研究既有深度分析,又不乏可推廣性?!  好山淌?北京外國語大學(xué)博士生導(dǎo)師    本書作者借鑒國外系統(tǒng)功能語言學(xué)框架下的評價理論,對該理論做了合理的修正和擴(kuò)充,并選擇了四種英美主流報紙上的書評為自己的分析語料,從而使該研究在理論和應(yīng)用兩方面都有所提升。作為一部語言研究專著,本書結(jié)構(gòu)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),行文通順;在理論上有所創(chuàng)新,在理論的應(yīng)用上提供了范例,對今后同類的研究具有啟示作用。  ——何兆熊教授 上海外國語大學(xué)博士生導(dǎo)師    張韌的論文系統(tǒng)地研究了英語報刊書評,深入探討了評價與語類之間的關(guān)系,提出了獨(dú)到的文本評價分析的綜合模式。她的研究有較強(qiáng)的理論性,對于深化我國語篇分析研究有較好的貢獻(xiàn)。她所設(shè)計的綜合模式為語篇分析提供了較科學(xué)的分析程序。這是一篇有特色的研究論文,研究成果填補(bǔ)了國內(nèi)這方面的不足?!  l(wèi)國教授 復(fù)旦大學(xué)博士生導(dǎo)師    我國對書評文章的研究較少,從評價理論的視角進(jìn)行研究的更為鮮見。張韌博士的這部著作是目前為止這方面較為少見的力作。該書除了應(yīng)用評價理論揭示報紙書評的評價系統(tǒng)各個子類的特點(diǎn)外,還借鑒評價句型和評價局部語法,研究了評價現(xiàn)象在句子層面的運(yùn)作情況,并探討了評價資源在書評語類結(jié)構(gòu)中的分布模式,具有重大的理論參考價值。  ——王振華教授 上海交通大學(xué)博士生導(dǎo)師




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