出版時間:2011-9 出版社:中國礦業(yè)大學出版社 作者:郭楚文等 頁數(shù):299
This textbook is an introduction to engineering fluid mechanices. It mainly includes fluids and their properties, fluid statics, fluid dynamics, similitude and dimensional analysis, viscous flow and hydraulic calculation, vortex flow, irrotational flow, introduction to theory of boundary layer, and introduction to aerodynamics.
1 Fluids and Their Properties1.1 Definition of Fluids1.2 Fluid as a Continuum1.3 Inertia of Fluids1.4 Compressibility and Expansibility of Fluids1.5 Viscosity of Fluids1.6 Surface TensionProblems for Chapter 12 Fluid Statics2.1 Forces Exerted on Fluids2.2 Static Pressure of Fluids and Its Properties2.3 Basic Equation of Fluids Statics2.4 Measurement of Pressure2.5 Relative Equilibrium of Liquid2.6 Forces Acting on a Plane Due to Hydrostatic Pressure2.7 Forces Acting on a Curved Surface Due to Hydrostatic Pressure2.8 Buoyancy and Stability of Floating BodiesProblems for Chapter 23 Fluid Dynamics3.1 Basic Concepts of Flow3.2 Flow Descriptions3.3 Reynolds" Transport Theorem3.4 Equation of Continuity3.5 Momentum Equation3.6 Moment-of-momentum Equation3.7 Energy Equation3.8 Bernoulli's Equation Along a Streamline3.9 Bernoulli's Equation for Total Flow3.10 Other Applications of Basic Equations of Fluid DynamicsProblems for Chapter 34 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis4.1 Similitude and Model Tests4.2 Dimensional Analysis and the Buckingham Problems for Chapter 45 Viscous Flow and Hydraulic Calculations5.1 Fundamental Flow States of Viscous Fluids5.2 Navier-Stokes Equations of a Real Fluid5.3 Laminar Flow of Incompressible Viscous Fluid5.4 Turbulent Flow of Viscous Fluids5.5 Experimental Study on Head Loss……6 Vortex Flow7 Irrotational Flow8 Introduction to Boundary Layer Theory9 Introduction to AerodynamicsReferencesIndex