
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:中國礦業(yè)大學(xué)出版社  作者:段榮娟  頁數(shù):251  字?jǐn)?shù):407000  




Unit 1
 1.Dialogues Introductions
 2.Text A Introductions and Titles
 3.Word Study meet,say,introduce,response
 4.Grammar Basic Sentence Patterns
 5.Text B The Sun and the Moon
Unit 2
 1.Dialogues Greetings and Saying Goodbye
 2.Text A People and the Earth
 3.Word Study come,make,grow,turn
 4.Grammar The Noun
 5.Text B Geology and Historical Geology
 1.Dialogues Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret
 2.Text A What is Coal
 3.Word Study compose,source,take,live
 4.Grammar The Pronoun
 5.Text B Coal is an Important Fuel
Unit 4
 1.Dialogues Talking about the Weather
 2.Text A Language Etiquette in Communication
 3.Word Study pretend,create,ask,seem
 4.Grammar The Determiner
 5.Text B Natural resources
Unit 5
 1.Dialogues Making a Telephone Call
 2.Text A Types of Coal
 3.Word Study produce,depend,contain,act
 4.Grammar The Preposition
 5.Text B Classification of Coals Test Yourself I
Unit 6
 1.Dialogues Making an Appointment & Leaving a Message
 2.Text A Social Customs and Behavior
 3.Word Study serve,shake,habit,offer
 4.Grammar The Adjective and the Adverb
 5.Text B Origin of Coal
Unit 7
 1.Dialogues Spending Holidays
 2.Text A Coal-Mining
 3.Word Study need,part,work,keep
 4.Grammar The Tense
 5.Text B Early Mining Technology
Unit 8
 1.Dialogues Traveling
 2.Text A Energy in Coal
 3.Word Study change,get,remain,absorb
 4.Grammar The Simple Future Tense
 5.Text B Surface Mining
Unit 9
 1.Dialogues Reservations
 2.Text A Do You Know These Signs?
 3.Word Study spend,cost,help,aid
 4.Grammar The Present Continuous Tense & The Past Continuous
 5.Text B Ventilation
Unit 10
 1.Dialogues Asking for Directions
 2.Text A Rocks and Minerals
 3.Word Study under,over,beneath,on
 4.Grammar Present Perfect Tense ~ Past Perfect Tense
 5.Text B Surveying
 Test Yourself Ⅱ
Unit 11
 1.Dialogues Shopping
 2.Text A Rescue Operation
 3.Word Study decline,refuse,reject,deny
 4.Grammar Passive Voice
 5.Text B Coal Mining Safety
Unit 12
 1.Dialogues Eating Out
 2.Text A Seams of Coal
 3.Word Study direct,conduct,avoid,escape
 4.Grammar Non-finite Verbs
 5.Text B Coal and the Environment
Unit 13
 1.Dialogues Invitation
 2.Text A A Successful Language Learner
 3.Word Study wish,hope,want,desire
 4.Grammar The Clause
 5.Text B Coal-Fired Engines
Unit 14
 1.Dialogues At the Doctor's Office
 2.Text A Answer to Energy Shortage Could Lie Deeper Down
 3.Word Study allow,permit,guide,lead
 4.Grammar Subject-verb Concord
 5.Text B Coal-fired Power Plants
Unit 15
 1.Dialogues Talking about Health
 2.Text A Clean Air
 3.Word Study rise,arise,rouse,raise
 4.Grammar Inversion
 5.Text B Underground Mining
 Test Yourself Ⅲ
Appendix 1
Appendix 2




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