
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:鄭州大學(xué)  作者:曾利娟  頁(yè)數(shù):342  




UNIT 1  Food  Text A  Fruits  Text B  Sweet Potatoes  Text C  A Good Eating HabitUNIT 2  Animals  Text A  Dogs  Text B  The White Elephant  Text C  SharksUNIT 3  Entertainment  Text A  Leisure Time  Text B  Life of Pop Stars  Text C  Three Popular Sports in the United StatesUNIT 4  Culture  Text A  British Customs  Text B  Social Customs and Ways of Behaving  Text C  Manners for Invitations in AmericaUNIT 5  Learning  Text A  The Best Way to Improve Your Reading Ability  Text B  English Learners  Text C  Good Language LearnersUNIT 6  Career  Text A  My Working Experience  Text B  Team Player  Text C  Attitudes Towards WorkUNIT 7  Invention  Text A  A New Machine  Text B  The Future City  Text C  Cars in the FutureUNIT 8  Crime  Text A  A Burglar  Text B  For the Matching Pearl  Text C  A Warning of a ThiefUNIT 9  Education  Text A  Scientists and Our Education  Text B  Adult Education in America  Text C  Cambridge UniversityUNIT 10  Social Problem  Text A  Rural Unemployment Becomes Urban Unemployment  Text B  A Problem of Modern Life  Text C  Stop Drug AbuseKey to Quiz



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