
出版時(shí)間:2010-6  出版社:上海財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)出版社有限公司  作者:《2009中國(guó)財(cái)政發(fā)展報(bào)告》編委會(huì) 編  頁(yè)數(shù):203  


Since 1999, the Center for Public Policy Studies of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics has presented to readers a" Report on China' s Public Finance" annually. This year we bring you this condensed version in English. Although substantially reduced in size compared to the Chinese version, this English version still inherits the consistent style of "Report on China' s Public Finance", paying close attention to changes of fiscal policies in different times and their effects and reflecting hot issues in current economic society in time. Due to the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, we focus on "fiscal policies to boost domestic demand under the impacts of the global financial crisis" as the theme of "Report on China' s Public Finance 2009", from which this English version is adapted. Limited in length, as compared with the Chinese version, the English version has omitted a lot of contents but retained the most featured parts in "Report on China' s Public Finance" to mainly include five chapters as below: 1 ) an overview of China' s national economic performance in 2008;2) China' s fiscal revenue and expenditures in 2008; 3 ) performance of treasury bonds in 2008 ; 4) analysis of major policies on fis- cal revenue in 2008; and 5 ) analysis of major fiscal expenditure policies in 2008.


"Report on China' s Public Finance" in English is a crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Center for Public Policy Studies of Shanghai Universi- ty of Finance and Economics. Major contributors to the current English ver- sion are Song Jianmin and Sun Yue ( Chapter 1 ), Zhao Yongbing ( Chapter 2, 4 and 5), Gong Yangshu (Chapter 3 ) and Zhu Ping (the Attachment), mainly writers of relative chapters in Chinese. Adapted by Song Jianmin, it was finally translated into English by Vei Nanhai, Shen Jun, Kong Yah and Yang Haiyan.


Preface   An Overview of China' s National Economic Performance in 2008   1.1  As the Economy Entered a Period of Adjustment, the Trend of Indus- trial Restructuring has Taken in Shape While the Overall Arrange- ment for Steady and Rapid Development has Remained Unchanged   1.2  Agricultural Economy Kept a Steady Growth with Increase in Rural Incomes   1.3   Value Added of Industrial Production Slowed down with a Drop of Profits Made by Enterprises, but the Internal Structure was Opti- mized and the Situation was Improved at the End Of the Year   1.4  Investment in Fixed Assets Kept a Rapid Growth witl~ Improved In- vestment Structure and Declined Growth Rate of Investment in the Real Estate Development   1.5  The Growth Rate of Imports and Exports Dropped, but the Relation- ship with Major Trade Partners were Developed Stably and the Policy to Stimulate Export Began to Take Effect   1.6  Despite the Growth Rate of Prices Showed the Pattern of Rise and  Down,  Due to Rapidly Increased Domestic Sales of Consumer Goods, Consumption Contributed More to the Economic Growth   1.7  The Turnover Shrunk on the Stock Market and Market Value of the Stocks Dramatically Dropped, but the Financial Market Kept a Steady Growth Generally   1.8  The Financial System Worked Smoothly and Foreign Exchange Re-serves Continued to Increase   1.9  The Overall Employment Situation Was Grim, but Urban and Rural Incomes Kept Growing2  China' s Fiscal Revenue and Expenditures in 2008   2.1  China' s Fiscal Revenue in 2008   2.2  China' s Fiscal Expenditures in 20083  Performance of Treasury Bonds in 2008   3.1  Treasury Bonds Issued in 2008   3.2  Circulation of Treasury Bonds in 20084 Analysis of Major Policies on Fiscal Revenue in 2008   4.1  Policies on Value-added Tax Reform   4.2  Policies on Income Tax   4.3  Tax Policies on Imports and Exports……


插圖:The measure to support development in health care, culture and-educa-tion ranks No. 4 among the ten measures. To be specific, efforts by the gov-ernment in increasing input on health care and improving medical care systemin recent years helped accelerate expanding domestic demand for pharmaceu-tical industry. Investment on health care can not only drive up production val-ue of the pharmaceutical industry, but also reduce family expenses on medicalcare through a relatively complete medical care system so as to increase peo-ple' s consumption and confidence and promote demand for products of otherindustries. Thus, expenditures increased for health care wiU play an importantrole in driving up the social economy as a whole.As the fifth measure to boost domestic demand and facilitate economicgrowth steadily and rapidly, the measure to bolster construction of ecologicalenvironment can stimulate relative industries as well, especially the largestbeneficiary of energy saving and environmental protecting enterprises. To bespecific, the measure to enhance construction of ecological environment in-cludes enhancing the construction of sewage and rubbish treatment facilities inurban areas, preventing water pollution in key areas, accelerating green beltand natural forest planting programs and increasing support for energy conser-vation and pollution-control projects. This is undoubtedly good news to the in-dustry of environmental protection. As guided by the idea of sustainable eco-nomic growth that the central government has insisted on, the proportion of in-vestment in the field of environmental protection shall be increased year byyear (in 2008 expenditures allocated by the central government for this filedtotaled 102. 751 billion yuan, up 31.4 percent, at a growth rate higher thanthat in the past several years ), with a prospective growth in the fu-ture. Implementation of this measure provides a good opportunity and powerfulfinancial support for development of the industry of environment protection,not only helping expand demand for production material and products relatedto environmental protection and provide some job positions, but also help re-alize sustainable development of China' s economy.


《2009中國(guó)財(cái)政發(fā)展報(bào)告(英文版)》編輯推薦:The CPPS of SUFE is a consulting institution for fiscal and economic decision-making, with the professors and experts from SUFE specialized in public finance and economics as core members, and the socially well known personages engaged as part-time researchers. We have extensively contracted and exchanged with many main publicpolicy research institutions in such countries as U.S, U.K, Japan and so on. It focuses on comprehensive and special projects from central and local government and the administrative sectors. Areas that we pay special attention to are as follows: fiscal policy, taxation, assets management and a  ssessment, public policy studies, economic development strategy research, etc.



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