出版時間:2012-3 出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社 作者:汪小祥 主編 頁數(shù):230 字數(shù):400000
Unit 1 Cultures
A The Oddness of Spanish Culture
B The Manners of Australians
C My Travel in Ireland
D A Major Component in Indian Culture
Unit 2 Historical Relics
A The History of Egyptian Pyramids
B The Origin of the Ancient City of Tikal
C The Story behind Taj Mahal
D The History of Tun-huang
Unit 3 Meaningful Colors
A Wedding Dress Design
B Color Meaning fulness
C Chinese Understanding of"Red"
D Undiscovered Things in Men's Hairstyle
Unit 4 Religions
A The Origin of lslam
B The Core of Buddhism
C Bible Story
D The Core of Taoism
Unit 5 Science, Technology and Human Beings
A The Misery of Poverty
B The Navigation I Chip
C DarkMatter
D Findings ofthe Poverty Pulse Survey
Unit 6 Imnugration
A My Overseas Study Experiences
B How to Be an International Student
C Double Citizenship
D Green Card
Unit 7 Temptations
A Drug Addiction
B Internet Addiction
C My Gambling Boyfriend
D Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, Estrogen
Unit 8 Old People
A Problems of Elderly Americans
B Medicallnsurance
C The Memory Problem of Old People
D Older People Are Happier
Unit 9 Laws and Regulations
A Fake Medicines
B Lithonia Woman Indicted for Computer Fraud
C Bank Roberry
D Internet Safety Policies
Unit 10 Professions and Technology
A My Interview Experience
B Tips for lnterviews
C The Story of My Patient
D Employment in Dubai
Unit 11 Secrets of Success
A Helen Keller
B Bill Gates
C Schwarzenegger
D Improve Yourself Every Day
Unit 12 My Future Life
A My College Life
B Trust between Lovers
C Tips for College Students
D Harvard University
Answer Key
Bank Robbery There are lots of stories about Adela, but there is one which is most often told. Shortly after the wall came down, a friend of Adela's approached her andsaid "Now we can do things which we havc not been able to do for over 40 years.What should we do?" Adela barely paused and replied "We should rob a bank. " They wcnt to the local bank in Cheb, a Czech border town, near Germany,where Adela grew up. They approached the teller and said, "We are from the studentradio station (which was true) and we are here to test your security systems (which wasnot)-this is a robbery, give us all your money." The bank teller, who was notimpressed with these teenage criminal wanna-bes, showed them out of the bank. Twenty minutes later, they returned with shirts pulled up over their faces,fingers under their shirts and said, "This time we are not fooling around, giveus the money." This time the security guard was not fooling around and grabbedthem both. After a brief discussion, they were deposited in the bank presidents'office. Adela is unusually charming. Within about 20 minutes,she had the bankpresident laughing about the situatio. After 40 minutes9 the door to the bankpresidents' office burst open and six police stormed in guns drawn. "We hearthere is a robbery in progress," said one of them breathlessly. "You are a bitlate," said the bank prez, who went on to tell them that they should attend other .problems and that he had this one under control. The bank prez made a deal with Adela after he dispatched the police. Hemade her promise that she would retire from bank robbery and not go to the presswith the fact that the police took the better part of an hour to respond to a robbery. ……