
出版時間:2011-12  出版社:東南大學出版社  作者:(美)梅德尼克斯 等著  頁數(shù):482  




  Zigurd Mednieks是一位咨詢師,為領先外包廠商,企業(yè)和風險投資開發(fā)基于Android的系統(tǒng)提供咨詢。
  Laird Dornin 是一家主要無線運營商的高級工程師,在Java,


Tools and Basics
About the Android Framework
A Skeleton Application for Android
Advanced Topics


版權頁:   插圖:   Eclipse refactoring tools are your best friend.With just a few clicks you can create anew project for the now standalone subtree,cut and paste the content provider codeinto it,and then rename the packages as appropriate.Eclipse will fix most things,including the changed references. It's worth a reminder that shortcutting package names-using a package named justweatherprediction,for instance-is a bad idea.Even if you are pretty sure the code youare creating will never be used outside its current context,you may want to use externally produced code in that context.Don't set yourself up for a name collision.Concurrency in AndroidAs mentioned in Chapter 2,writing correct concurrent programs can be very difficult.The Android libraries provide some convenient tools to make concurrency both easierand safer. When discussing concurrent programs,developers get into the habit of talking asthough writing code with multiple threads actually causes those threads to execute atthe same time-as though threading actually makes-the program run faster.Of course,it isn't quite that simple.Unless there are multiple processors to execute the threads,a program that needs to perform multiple,unrelated,computebound tasks will complete those tasks no more quickly if they are implemented as separate threads than itwill if they are on the same thread.In fact,on a single processor,the concurrent versionmay actually run somewhat more slowly because of the overhead due to contextswitching. Multithreaded Java applications were around for a long time before most people couldafford machines with more than one processor on which to run them.In the Androidworld,multithreading is an essential tool,even though the majority of devices willprobably have only a single CPU for another year or so.So what is the point of concurrency if not to make a program run faster?If you've been programming for any length of time at all,you probably don't even thinkabout how absolutely essential it is that the statements in your code are executed in arigid sequential order.The execution of any given statement must,unconditionally,happen before the execution of the next statement.Threads are no more than an explicitway of relaxing this constraint.They are the abstraction that developers use to make itpossible to write code that is still ordered,logical,and easy to read,even when tasksembodied by the code are not related by ordering.


“終于!有本深入細節(jié)的書了!歡呼!” - Perry J. Nally “了不起的著作。我讀了幾章就無法放下?!?- Wenjing Dai 開發(fā)人員




“終于!有本深入細節(jié)的書了!歡呼!” ——Perry J.Nally “了不起的著作。我讀了幾章就無法放下?!?——Wenjing Dai開發(fā)人員




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  •   花了一整周,書看了一半了,書是真不錯,原汁原味,但前提是得用心讀,靜下心來讀。這個不是那種傻瓜式的操作指南,更加偏重理論和一些編程思想。我是把這本書和android sdk document一起看的,先看書中的思想,再看help文檔的具體解釋。書的深度夠了,要是還嫌不夠,只能下載android源碼看了。書中的例子可以到oreily官網上下載源碼,例子很不錯(現(xiàn)在只仔細看了一個)。p.s.書中的長句子很多,有時看懂一句話要看三四遍才看懂,用的詞匯比msdn/android sdk doc要難懂一些,因為不是正式文檔,感覺像是日常談話??偲饋碚f,很好的一本書!!

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