Google App Engine編程

出版時間:2011-1  出版社:東南大學出版社  作者:Dan Sanderson 丹·桑德森  頁數(shù):367  


  google app
engine是一種與眾不同的云計算服務:它為構建自動擴展的百萬用戶級應用提供了簡單的模型。在《google app
sanderson將向你展示如何設計可擴展的應用,以及如何使用app engine的api和可擴展服務完成一般的開發(fā)任務。
engine可以提供幾乎無限的計算能力,《google app
engine編程:英文版》給出了簡明扼要的指導,以便最大化利用其資源——信息來自app engine開發(fā)團隊。
   ·發(fā)現(xiàn)傳統(tǒng)web開發(fā)和app engine開發(fā)之間的差異
   ·學習app engine python和java運行時環(huán)境的細節(jié)
   ·理解app engine如何處理web請求并執(zhí)行應用代碼
   ·學習如何使用app engine的可擴展數(shù)據(jù)存儲,包括查詢和索引、事務以及數(shù)據(jù)建模




preface xiii
1. introducing google app engine
the runtime environment
the static file servers
the datastore
entities and properties
queries and indexes
the services
google accounts
task queues and cron jobs
developer tools
the administration console
things app engine doesn’t do...yet
getting started
2. creating an application
setting up the sdk
installing the python sdk
installing the java sdk
developing the application
the user preferences pattern
developing a python app
developing a java app
the development console
registering the application
the application id and title
setting up a domain name
google apps and authentication
uploading the application
introducing the administration console
3. handling web requests
the app engine architecture
configuring the frontend
configuring a python app
configuring a java app
domain names
app ids and versions
request handlers
static files and resource files
secure connections
authorization with google accounts
how the app is run
the python runtime environment
the java runtime environment
the sandbox
app caching
quotas and limits
request limits
cpu limits
service limits
deployment limits
billable quotas
resource usage headers
4. datastore entities
entities, keys, and properties
introducing the python datastore api
introducing the java datastore api
property values
strings, text, and blobs
unset versus the null value
multivalued properties
keys and key objects
using entities
getting entities using keys
inspecting entity objects
saving entities
deleting entities
5. datastore queries
6. datastore transactions
7. data modeling with python
8. the java persistence api
9. the memory cache 227
10. fetching urls and web resources
11. sending and receiving mail and instant messages
12. bulk data operations and remote access
13. task queues and scheduled tasks
14. the django web application framework
15. deploying and managing applications


版權頁:插圖:The Java environment runs applications built for the Java 6 Virtual Machine 0VM).An app can be developed using the Java programming language, or most other lan-guages that compile to or otherwise run in the JVM, such as PHP (using Quercus),Ruby (using JRuby), JavaScript (using the Rhino interpreter), Scala, and Groovy. Theapp accesses the environment and services using interfaces based on web industrystandards, including Java servlets and the Java Persistence API (JPA). Any Java tech-nology that functions within the sandbox restrictions can run on App Engine, makingit suitable for many existing frameworks and libraries. Notably, App Engine fully sup-ports Google Web Toolkit (GWT), a framework for rich web applications that lets youwrite all of the app's code——including the user interface——in the Java language, andhave your rich graphical app work with all major browsers without plug-ins.The Python environment runs apps written in the Python 2.5 programming language,using a custom version of CPython, the official Python interpreter. App Engine invokesa Python app using CGI, a widely supported application interface standard. An appli-cation can use most of Python's large and excellent standard library, as well as rich APIsand libraries for accessing services and modeling data. Many open source Python webapplication frameworks work with App Engine, such as Django, web2py, and Pylons,and App Engine even includes a simple framework of its own.The Java and Python environments use the same application server model: a request isrouted to an app server, the application is started on the app server (if necessary) andinvoked to handle the request to produce a response, and the response is returned tothe client. Each environment runs its interpreter (the JVM or the Python interpreter)with sandbox restrictions, such that any attempt to use a feature of the language or alibrary that would require access outside of the sandbox fails with an exception.


“毋庸置疑,這是最全面、易讀以及內(nèi)容最新的App Engine圖書。我想這么說是恰如其分的,如果你從頭到尾一頁不漏地讀完這本書,那么現(xiàn)在肯定是App Engine專家了。”  ——Kevin Gibbs技術領導者兼經(jīng)理,Google App Engine團隊


《Google App Engine編程(影印版)》:·發(fā)現(xiàn)傳統(tǒng)web開發(fā)和app engine開發(fā)之間的差異·學習app engine python和java運行時環(huán)境的細節(jié)·理解app engine如何處理web請求并執(zhí)行應用代碼·學習如何使用app engine的可擴展數(shù)據(jù)存儲,包括查詢和索引、事務以及數(shù)據(jù)建?!な褂萌蝿贞犃性诨A設施中并行化和分布工作·輕松部署和管理應用




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