
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社  作者:艾倫  頁(yè)數(shù):356  


獲取為iPhone和iPod Tbuch編程所需的實(shí)戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。有了這本易學(xué)易用的指南,你將通過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)如何運(yùn)用Xcode、Objective—C編程語(yǔ)言與核心框架,構(gòu)建多個(gè)樣例應(yīng)用程序。在你掌握它之前,你將不僅擁有開(kāi)發(fā)應(yīng)用的技能,還會(huì)知道如何順利完成提交應(yīng)用到iTunesApp store的流程。    無(wú)論你是一位Mac編程新手還是摩拳擦掌準(zhǔn)備上手iPhone和iPodTouch的Mac開(kāi)發(fā)行家,《學(xué)習(xí)iPhone編程》都將為你構(gòu)建面向市場(chǎng)的iPhone應(yīng)用開(kāi)一個(gè)好頭。


Alasdair Allan是一位Exeter大學(xué)資深研究員,他負(fù)責(zé)構(gòu)建P2P望遠(yuǎn)鏡網(wǎng)絡(luò)。他還忙于制作開(kāi)源硬件,還有一系列用于管理云服務(wù)和監(jiān)控分布式傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò)的iPhone應(yīng)用。


Preface  1. Why Go Native?  The Pros and Cons  Why Write Native Applications?  The Release Cycle  Build It and They Will Come  2. Becoming a Developer  Registering As an iPhone Developer  Enrolling in the iPhone Developer Program  The Apple Developer Connection  Installing the iPhone SDK  Preparing Your iPhone or iPod touch  Creating a Development Certificate  Getting the UDID of Your Development Device  Creating an App ID  Creating a Mobile Provisioning Profile  Making Your Device Available for Development  3. Your First iPhone App'.  Objective-C Basics  Object-Oriented Programming  The Objective-C Object Model  The Basics of Objective-C Syntax  Creating a Project  Exploring the Project in Xcode  Our Project in Interface Builder  Adding Code  Connecting the Outlets in Interface Builder  Putting the Application on Your iPhone4. Coding in Objective-C  Declaring and Defining Classes  Declaring a Class with the Interface  Defining a Class with the Implementation  Object Typing  Properties  Synthesizing Properties  The Dot Syntax  Declaring Methods  Calling Methods  Calling Methods on nil  Memory Management  Creating Objects  The Autorelease Pool  The alloc, retain, copy, and release Cycle  The dealloc Method  Responding to Memory Warnings  Fundamental iPhone Design Patterns  The Model-View-Controller Pattern  Views and View Controllers  The Delegates and DataSource Pattern  Conclusion5. Table-View-Based Applications  Simplifying the Template Classes  Creating a Table View  Organizing and Navigating Your Source Code  Connecting the Outlets  Building a Model  Adding Images to Your Projects  Connecting the Controller to the Model  Mocking Up Functionality with Alert Windows  Adding Navigation Controls to the Application  Adding a City View  Edit Mode  Deleting a City Entry  Adding a City Entry  The "Add New City..." Interface  Capturing the City Data6. Other View Controllers  Utility Applications  Making the Battery Monitoring Application  Tab Bar Applications  Refactoring the Template  Adding Another Tab Bar Item  Finishing Up  Modal View Controllers  Modifying the City Guide Application  The Image Picker View Controller  Adding the Image Picker to the City Guide Application7. Connecting to the Network  Detecting Network Status  Apple's Reachability Class  Embedding a Web Browser in Your App  A Simple Web View Controller  Displaying Static HTML Files  Getting Data Out of a UlWebView  Sending Email  Getting Data from the Internet  Synchronous Requests  Asynchronous Requests  Using Web Services8. Handling Data  Data Entry  UITextField and Its Delegate  UITextView and Its Delegate  Parsing XML  Parsing XML with libxml2  Parsing XML with NSXMLParser  Parsing JSON  The Twitter Search Service  The Twitter Trends Application  Regular Expressions  Introduction to Regular Expressions  Storing Data  Using Flat Files  Storing Information in an SQL Database  Core Data9. Distributing Your Application  Adding Missing Features  Adding an Icon  Adding a Launch Image  Changing the Display Name  Enabling Rotation  Building and Signing  Ad Hoc Distribution  Developer-to-Developer Distribution  App Store Distribution  Submitting to the App Store  The App Store Resource Center  Reasons for Rejection10. Using Sensors  Hardware Support  Determining Available Hardware Support  Setting Required Hardware Capabilities  Using the Camera  The Core Location Framework  Location-Dependent Weather  Using the Accelerometer  Writing an Accelerometer Application  Using the Digital Compass  Accessing the Proximity Sensor  Using Vibration11. Geolocation and Mapping  User Location  Annotating Maps12. Integrating Y0urApplicati0n  Application Preferences  Accessing Global Preferences  Custom URL Schemes  Using Custom Schemes  Registering Custom Schemes  Media Playback  Using the Address Book  Interactive People Picking  Programmatic People Picking13. Other Native Platforms   PhoneGap  Download and Installation  Building a PhoneGap Project  MonoTouch  Download and Installation  Building a MonoTouch Project14. Going Further  Cocoa and Objective-C  The iPhone SDK  Web Applications  Core Data  Push Notifications  In-App Purchase  Core Animation  Game Kit  Writing Games  Look and Feel  Hardware Accessoriesindex


插圖:I added a custom PNG icon for the Refresh button to the project, setting the UIButton type to Custom and the image to point at my refresh icon (you will need to drag your icon into your Xcode project before it will be available as a custom image). I resized the Refresh button to be the same size as the Info button provided by the template, setting the View Mode to "Scale to Fill" in the Attributes tab of the Inspector window.When connecting the UIButtons to the received actions——for example, when dragging the refresh View: action to the Refresh button——choose Touch Up Inside from the drop-down menu of events that Interface Builder will present to you when you make the connection.With this number of UI elements to play with, it's going to be easy to get confused. What's more, we are not going to connect all of the labels to our code, as some of them aren't going to be updated (e.g., section headers and the “Temp:”, “Humidity:”, and “Wind:” labels).So, for the elements you will connect to an IB0utlet, use the Identity Inspector's Interface Builder Identity section to change the Name attribute of the element to be the same as the variable in the Main View Controller interface file. Figure 7-11 shows the assignments.While this doesn't make it easier to connect the outlets to the UI elements, it does make it easier to check whether we've made an incorrect connection. If you click on File's Owner and switch to the Connections tab of the Inspector window, as Figure 7-12 shows, you can quickly check that each outlet is connected to the correct UI element since the name on each side of the connection should be the same.Although we've written the interface for the view controller and built and connected our view to the interface, we haven't implemented it yet. Let's hold off on that until we've built our data model.


“《學(xué)習(xí)iPhone編程》涵蓋了一位有追求的程序員在iPhone OS平臺(tái)上開(kāi)始工作所需的·切內(nèi)容。我認(rèn)為它全面而且非??勺x。力薦!”  ——Fraser Speirs總監(jiān),Connected Flow有限公司,F(xiàn)lickrExport的作者


《學(xué)習(xí)iPhone編程(英文)(影印版)》:立即開(kāi)始使用Xcode,并且學(xué)習(xí)如何操作Interface Builder,利用模型-視圖-控制器(MVC)架構(gòu)和Objective-c,構(gòu)建一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)條目界面,學(xué)習(xí)如何解析和存儲(chǔ)所收到的數(shù)據(jù),在構(gòu)建大量富有挑戰(zhàn)的樣例應(yīng)用時(shí),解決一些典型的問(wèn)題,理解App Store和ad hoc發(fā)布的要求及相關(guān)細(xì)節(jié)。使用iPhone的加速表、臨近傳感器、GPS、數(shù)字羅盤(pán)和攝像頭,將你的應(yīng)用iPhone偏好設(shè)置、媒體回放等功能集成。





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  •   原版英文影印,不錯(cuò) 喜歡 是正版
  •   每一個(gè)主題都有一個(gè)相應(yīng)的例子,
  •   英文的教材,用起來(lái)很不錯(cuò)
  •   內(nèi)容還可以,但不算最好,特別是初學(xué)者
  •   這本書(shū)是寫(xiě)給有編程經(jīng)驗(yàn)、但沒(méi)編過(guò)iPhone的人看的,需要讀者有編程經(jīng)驗(yàn)??!同系列的另一本“構(gòu)建與運(yùn)行”才是給零基礎(chǔ)的人看的?。?/li>

250萬(wàn)本中文圖書(shū)簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書(shū)網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
