
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社  作者:林俊偉 編  頁(yè)數(shù):197  


  傳媒英語(yǔ)(Media English)為專門用途英語(yǔ)(English for specific Purpose)的二種,其主要功能是通過(guò)不同主題的選材,為讀者的多元觀點(diǎn)和思考空間提供元素,并借此加深學(xué)習(xí)者對(duì)于新聞傳媒專業(yè)的理解,提高他們運(yùn)用專業(yè)語(yǔ)言的能力。在全球化的大趨勢(shì)下,具備良好的專業(yè)英語(yǔ)素質(zhì)顯然是一個(gè)具有國(guó)際視野、有開拓性和前瞻性的傳媒從業(yè)人員的必備前提?! ”緯菜膬?cè),主要面向傳媒院校學(xué)生、傳媒從業(yè)人員、從事跨國(guó)貿(mào)易或其他具有與國(guó)外交流行業(yè)背景的人員。編者們力圖使本書具備下列特色:  1.創(chuàng)新教材編寫思路。編者們擬盡其所能將每年7月1日至12月31日間由全球主流傳媒機(jī)構(gòu)報(bào)道或評(píng)論的世界熱點(diǎn)話題加以理性選擇,分門別類,編輯成第二、第四冊(cè),供春季學(xué)期使用;每年1月1日至6月30日的熱點(diǎn)話題編輯成第一、第三冊(cè),供秋季學(xué)期使用。每年修訂一版,與時(shí)俱進(jìn)?! ?.提供全球視野。編者們以為培養(yǎng)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者的跨文化意識(shí)以及全球視野比傳授語(yǔ)言知識(shí)更重要。井底之蛙,恐成夜郎自大笑柄。本書每?jī)?cè)含有10個(gè)單元,每單元有3篇文章,從不同視角談?wù)撓嚓P(guān)話題,見仁見智。文章主要出自英、美兩國(guó),亞洲、非洲和南美洲的主流媒體。本冊(cè)關(guān)注的話題主要是:冰島火山噴發(fā),歐債危機(jī),墨西哥灣漏油事件,南非世界杯,日本政壇風(fēng)云,世界經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇,火星計(jì)劃等?! ?.習(xí)得時(shí)代英語(yǔ)。編者們相信媒體的語(yǔ)言最能體現(xiàn)時(shí)代特色,也具有時(shí)代文化符號(hào)意義。編者們希望與本書有緣的人能耐心地閱讀喜歡的文章,積累熱點(diǎn)詞匯,一鳴驚人?! ”緯氖痪幷叨际侵袊?guó)傳媒大學(xué)南廣學(xué)院公共英語(yǔ)教學(xué)部的教師。除了主編人到中年,才疏學(xué)淺外,其余九位都是朝氣蓬勃、激情四射、好學(xué)上進(jìn)的年輕潮人。書中如有冒犯之舉,皆非編者們的主觀行為。如能得到你的諒解,我們不勝感激,否則,一切責(zé)任皆由本書主編一人承擔(dān)。  參加本山編寫的主要還有:直長(zhǎng)亮、薛棋文、賴敏、孟雅、秦智娟、李濤、楊青、羅金妮、張?jiān)?、李璐、鄭小彗、王濤濤、劉艷青,李婷等?! 「兄x東南大學(xué)出版社的英美文學(xué)博士劉堅(jiān)先生。他的熱情和細(xì)心使得本書得以順利出版。




Unit One Arts and Culture Section A "Hubble Bubble" Tower Will Be Icon of Olympic Legacy. Section B Channel 4 Gives Romeo and Juliet a Twitter Twist Section C The Post Wins Four Pulitzers; Bristol, Va., Paper Wins for Public ServiceUnit Two Stores Entertainment Section A Designer Has Fan at Top, but Too Few at the  Section B Celebrity Rehab Uncovered and Trends  Section C Growing Conversion of Movies to 3-D Draws Mixed ReactionsUnit Three Environment Section A Gulf Oil Spill Could Be Unprecedented Disasterm-Obama Section B Copenhagen Climate Summit Wasn't a Flop, Reports Say Section C Can the Rainforests Be Saved without a Plan?Unit Four Sports Section A Africa. As World Cup Opens, UN Celebrates the Power of Sport for Peace and Development Section B Triumph Overcomes Tragedy after Host Nation Takes Games to Its Heart Section C Former IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch Dies at 89Unit Five Health Section A Green Spaces "Improve Health" Section B To Cut Diabetes Heart Risks, Diet and Exercise May Beat Drugs Section C Obama Signs Health Care Reform Bill, Aims to Promote It on the RoadUnit Six Economy Section A Europe's Debt Crisis. What It Means for Americans Section B Davos 2010: The West Accepts India and China as Equals Section C Global Economic Crisis Abated, but Effects LingerUnit Seven Society and Life  Section A Apple Boss Defends Conditions at iPhone Factory Section B Social Media at Work——Bane or Boon? Section C Do Open Marriages Work?Unit Eight Politics Section A New Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan Promises to Rebuild Country Section B Health Reform's Winners and Losers Section C Britain's Election Ends in Political StandoffUnit Nine Travel Section A A Quick Stop in Old Cuba Section B ZTA Hails A'Sambeni's Pulling Power Section C New Travel Guides, from Lonely Planet to LuxuryUnit Ten Science and Technology Section A North Korean Red Star Operating System Details Emerge Section B Mobile TV's Last Frontier: U.S. and Europe Section C White-hot Energy


  Officially the structure, which will be 22m taller than the Statue of Liberty and more than twice the height of Nelsons Column, is called the Arcelor Mittal Orbit2. It is named after the steel company owned by Lakshmi Mittal3, the richest man in Britain, who is paying most of the cost——and planting a giant advert in the Olympic site. However Mr Johnson immediately bombarded his new landmark with a fusillade of alternative names.  "Some may choose to think of it as the Colossus of Stratford," he said. "Some eyes may detect a helter-skelter or a supersized mutant trombone. Some may even see the worlds biggest ever representation of a shisha pipe and call it The Hubble-Bubble. But I know that it is the ArcelorMittal Orbit. It represents the dynamism of a city coming out of recession and the embodiment of the cross- fertilisation of cultures and styles that makes London the world capital of arts, the cultural and creative industries. "



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