
出版時(shí)間:2010-6  出版社:東南大學(xué)  作者:(希)斯皮內(nèi)利斯//郭西奧斯  頁(yè)數(shù):404  字?jǐn)?shù):663000  


THE IDEA FOR THE BOOK YOU'RE READING WAS CONCEIVED IN 2007 as a successor to the award-winning, best-selling Beauti/ul Code. a collection of essays about innovative and sometimessurprising solutions to programming problems. In Beautiul Architecture, the scope andpurpose is different, but similarly focused: to get leading software designers and architects todescribe a software architecture of their choice, peeling back the layers of their creations toshow how they developed software that is functional, reliable, usable, efficient, maintainable,portable, and, yes, elegant.To put together this book, we contacted leading architects of well-known or less-well-knownbut highly innovative software projects. Many of them replied promptly and came back to uswith thought-provoking ideas. Some of the contributors even caught us by surprise byproposing not to write about a specific system, but instead investigating the depth and theextent of architectural aspects in software engineering.All chapter authors were glad to hear that the work they put in their chapters is also helpinga good cause, as the royalties of this book are donated to Meddcins Sans FrontiOres (DoctorsWithout Borders), an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergencymedical assistance to suffering people.




編者:(希臘)斯皮內(nèi)利斯(Diomidis Spinellis) (希臘)郭西奧斯(Georgios Gousios)


序前言第一部分 論架構(gòu) 第1章 什么是架構(gòu)  1.1 簡(jiǎn)介  1.2 創(chuàng)建軟件架構(gòu)  1.3 架構(gòu)結(jié)構(gòu)  1.4 好的架構(gòu)  1.5 美麗的架構(gòu)  1.6 致謝  1.7 參考文獻(xiàn) 第2章 兩個(gè)系統(tǒng)的故事:現(xiàn)代軟件神話(huà)  2.1 混亂大都市  2.2 設(shè)計(jì)之城  2.3 說(shuō)明什么問(wèn)題  2.4 輪到您了  2.5 參考文獻(xiàn)第二部分 企業(yè)級(jí)應(yīng)用架構(gòu) 第3章 伸縮性架構(gòu)設(shè)計(jì)  3.1 簡(jiǎn)介  3.2 背景  3.3 架構(gòu)  3.4 關(guān)于架構(gòu)的思考 第4章 記憶留存  4.1 功能和約束  4.2 工作流  4.3 架構(gòu)關(guān)注點(diǎn)  4.4 用戶(hù)反應(yīng)  4.5 結(jié)論 第5章 面向資源的架構(gòu):在Web中  5.1 簡(jiǎn)介  5.2 傳統(tǒng)的Web服務(wù)  5.3 Web  5.4 面向資源的架構(gòu)  5.5 數(shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動(dòng)的應(yīng)用  5.6 應(yīng)用面向資源的架構(gòu)  5.7 結(jié)論 第6章 數(shù)據(jù)增長(zhǎng):Facebook平臺(tái)的架構(gòu)  6.1 簡(jiǎn)介  6.2 創(chuàng)建一個(gè)社會(huì)關(guān)系Web服務(wù)  6.3 創(chuàng)建社會(huì)關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)查詢(xún)服務(wù)  6.4 創(chuàng)建一個(gè)社會(huì)關(guān)系Web門(mén)戶(hù):FBML  6.5 系統(tǒng)的支持功能  6.6 總結(jié)第三部分 系統(tǒng)架構(gòu) 第7章 Xen和虛擬化之美  7.1 簡(jiǎn)介  7.2 Xenoservers  7.3 虛擬化的挑戰(zhàn)  7.4 半虛擬化  7.5 Xen的變換形式  7.6 改變的硬件,改變的Xen  7.7 經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn)  7.8 延伸閱讀 第8章 Guardian:一個(gè)容錯(cuò)操作系統(tǒng)環(huán)境  8.1 Tandem/16,將來(lái)所有的計(jì)算機(jī)都會(huì)像這樣構(gòu)建  8.2 硬件  8.3 機(jī)械布局  8.4 處理器架構(gòu)  8.5 處理器間總線(xiàn)  8.6 輸入/輸出  8.7 進(jìn)程結(jié)構(gòu)  8.8 消息系統(tǒng)  8.9 文件系統(tǒng)  8.10 民間傳說(shuō)  8.11 弊端  8.12 后繼者  8.13 延伸閱讀 第9章 JPC:一個(gè)純Java的x86PC模擬程序  9.1 簡(jiǎn)介  9.2 概念驗(yàn)證  9.3 PC架構(gòu)  9.4 Java性能技巧  9.5 把4GB放入4GB:這不起作用  9.6 保護(hù)模式的危險(xiǎn)  9.7 從事一項(xiàng)毫無(wú)成功希望的斗爭(zhēng)  9.8 劫持JVM  9.9 最終靈活性  9.10 最佳安全性  9.11 第二次做會(huì)更好 第10章 元循環(huán)虛擬機(jī)的力量:JikesRVM  10.1 背景  10.2 與運(yùn)行時(shí)環(huán)境相關(guān)的傳言  10.3 JikesRVM簡(jiǎn)史  10.4 一個(gè)自足執(zhí)行的運(yùn)行時(shí)自舉  10.5 運(yùn)行時(shí)組件  10.6 經(jīng)驗(yàn)教訓(xùn) 參考文獻(xiàn)第四部分 最終用戶(hù)應(yīng)用架構(gòu) 第11章 GNUEmacs:滋長(zhǎng)的特性是其優(yōu)勢(shì)  11.1 使用中的Emacs  11.2 Emacs的架構(gòu)  11.3 滋長(zhǎng)的特性  11.4 另外兩個(gè)架構(gòu) 第12章 當(dāng)集市開(kāi)始構(gòu)建教堂  12.1 簡(jiǎn)介  12.2 KDE項(xiàng)目的歷史和組織結(jié)構(gòu)  12.3 Akonadi  12.4 ThreadWeaver第五部分 語(yǔ)言與架構(gòu) 第13章 軟件架構(gòu):面向?qū)ο笈c面向功能  13.1 概述  13.2 示例  13.3 面向功能解決方案的模塊性評(píng)價(jià)  13.4 面向?qū)ο笠晥D  13.5 面向?qū)ο竽K性的評(píng)價(jià)和改進(jìn)  13.6 代理:將操作封裝到對(duì)象中 致謝 參考文獻(xiàn) 第14章 重讀經(jīng)典  14.1 所有東西都是對(duì)象  14.2 類(lèi)型是隱式定義的  14.3 問(wèn)題  14.4 磚塊和灰漿建筑架構(gòu)參考文獻(xiàn)跋


插圖:Finally, we would want to include architectures that have features that delight the developersand testers who use the architecture and build it and maintain it, as well as the users of thesystem(s) built from it. Why delight developers? It makes their job easier and is more likely toresult in a high-quality system. Why delight testers? They are the ones who have to attemptto emulate what the users will do as part of the testing process. If they are delighted, it is likelythat the users will be, too. Think of the chef who is unhappy with his culinary creations. Hiscustomers, who consume those creations, are likely to be unhappy, too.Different systems and application domains offer opportunities for architectures to exhibitspecific delightful features, but Conceptual Integrity is a feature that cuts across all domainsand that always delights. A consistent architecture is easier and faster to learn, and once youknow a little, you can begin to predict the rest. Without the need to remember and handlespecial cases, code is cleaner and test sets are smaller. A consistent architecture does not offertwo (or more) ways to do the same thing, forcing the user to waste time choosing. As LudwigMies van der Rohe said of good design, "Less is more," and Albert Einstein might say thatbeautiful architectures are as simple as possible, but no simpler.Given these criteria, we propose some initial candidates for our "Gallery of BeautifulArchitectures."


“本書(shū)的作者們?cè)诮榻B軟件架構(gòu)的基本實(shí)踐和最佳實(shí)踐方面干得很漂亮,他們也同樣漂亮地介紹了各式各樣的現(xiàn)代系統(tǒng)。我特別喜歡他們談及的架構(gòu)的廣泛性,從Emacs到Facebook,從非常正式的系統(tǒng)到非常有靈氣的系統(tǒng)。簡(jiǎn)而言之,這是一本非常及時(shí)的書(shū),對(duì)于軟件架構(gòu)的藝術(shù)、科學(xué)和實(shí)踐是非常有益的貢獻(xiàn)?!?   ——GradyBooch,IBM院士







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用戶(hù)評(píng)論 (總計(jì)15條)


  •   很不錯(cuò)的書(shū),慢慢體會(huì)吧
  •   此書(shū)是英文版,但是下面的目錄確是中文版。被騙了。
  •   還沒(méi)開(kāi)始看,書(shū)的印刷質(zhì)量還行。
  •   給老公買(mǎi)的 質(zhì)量還不錯(cuò) 就是有點(diǎn)小貴
  •   網(wǎng)站介紹目錄是中文內(nèi)容竟然是英文的
  •   呵呵 字體小得沒(méi)法兒看??!得趕緊找個(gè)放大鏡了...
  •   看了兩章,通俗易懂,書(shū)非常棒,值得一看
  •   經(jīng)典之著.英文版本讀起來(lái),感覺(jué)更好.
  •   并不像其他介紹架構(gòu)的書(shū)籍僅從技術(shù)方面如同教程一般講解,該書(shū)另辟棲徑,以故事的形式將技術(shù)融入其中,沿襲了《代碼之美》的風(fēng)格
  •   絕對(duì)好書(shū),經(jīng)典之作
  •   很好的 一本書(shū)全英文的
  •   東西不錯(cuò),買(mǎi)來(lái)送人
  •   原版名作
  •   內(nèi)容很好,閱讀無(wú)障礙,受益匪淺!
  •   剛買(mǎi)完正在看

250萬(wàn)本中文圖書(shū)簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書(shū)網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
