
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:東南大學出版社  作者:Francesco Cesarini,Simon Thompson  頁數(shù):470  


What made us start writing this book in the first place is the enthusiasm we share for Erlang. We wanted to help get the word out, giving back a little of what the community has given to us. Although we both got into Efiang for very different reasons, the end result was the same: lots of fun hours doing lots of fun stuff at a fraction of the effort it would have taken with other languages. And best of all, it is not a tool we use for hobby projects, but one we use on a daily basis in our real jobs! Francesco: Why Erlang? The year was 1994. While studying computer science at Uppsala University, one of the courses I took was on parallel programming. The lecturer held up the first edition of Concurrent Programming in Erlang (Prentice Hall) and said, "Read it." He then held up a handout and added, "These are the exercises, do them," after which Erlang barely got a mention; it was quickly overshadowed with the theory of threads, shared memory,semaphores, and deadlocks. As the main exercise for this course, we had to implement a simulated world inhabited by carrots, rabbits, and wolves. Rabbits would roam this world eating carrots that grew in random patches. When they had eaten enough carrots, the rabbits would get fat and split in two. Wolves ran around eating up the rabbits; if they managed to catch and eat enough rabbits, they would also get fat and split. Rabbits and wolves within a certain distance of each other would broadcast information on food and predators. If a rabbit found a carrot patch, other rabbits would quickly join him. If a wolf found a rabbit,the pack would start chasing it.


本書深入介紹了Erlang,這是一門滿足高并發(fā)、容錯和快速響應(yīng)等苛刻要求的理想編程語言。隨著多核CPU以及與之俱來的新并發(fā)擴展方式嶄露頭角,Erlang正在獲得更廣泛的接受和應(yīng)用。只要擁有這本指南,無論此前的編程水平或經(jīng)驗如何,你都將學會用Erlang編寫復(fù)雜的并發(fā)程序。    《Erlang編程》由Erlang國際社區(qū)的兩位領(lǐng)袖級人物基于他們的培訓教材撰寫,重點解析該語言的語法和語義,并詳細闡述模式匹配、嚴格列表(proper lists)、遞歸、調(diào)試、網(wǎng)絡(luò)與并發(fā)等重要概念的精髓要義。    本書可以幫助你:理解并掌握Erlang的諸多強項,以及其設(shè)計者潛心設(shè)計的各種特性;學習并發(fā)背后的概念和Erlang相應(yīng)的處理方法;編寫高效的Erlang程序,并且保持代碼整潔易讀;發(fā)現(xiàn)Erlang如何滿足分布式系統(tǒng)的需求;小試牛刀,添加簡單圖形用戶界面;學習Erlang的追蹤機制,用于調(diào)試并發(fā)和分布式系統(tǒng);使用內(nèi)嵌的Mnesia數(shù)據(jù)庫和其他表存儲特性。    無論你是新手還是富有經(jīng)驗的Erlang開發(fā)者,《Erlang編程》都是案頭必備的重要參考資料。


作者:(瑞典)塞薩芮利(Francesco Cesarini) (英國)湯普森(Simon Thompson)塞薩芮利(Francesco Cesarini)從事Erlang/OTP教學14年,學生不僅來自高校,還有開發(fā)者、測試人員和項目/技術(shù)經(jīng)理。他幫助籌建了愛爾蘭、 美國和英國的Erlang開發(fā)中心。湯普森(Simon Thompson)是一位來自肯特大學計算實驗室的邏輯學與計算方法教授,在過去的25年中,他一直致力于本科生和研究生的計算機教學工作。


ForewordPreface1.Introduction Why Should I Use Erlang? The History of Erlang Erlang's Characteristics  High-Level Constructs  Concurrent Processes and Message Passing  Scalable, Safe, and Efficient Concurrency  Soft Real-Time Properties  Robustness  Distributed Computation  Integration and Openness Erlang and Multicore Case Studies  The AXD301 ATM Switch  CouchDB  Comparing Erlang to C++ How Should I Use Erlang?2.Basic Erlang3.Sequential Erlang4.Concurrent Programming5.Process Design Patterns6.Process Error Handing7.Records and Macros8.Software Upgrade9.More Data Types and High-Level Constructs10.ETS and Dets Tables11.Distributed Programming in Erlang12.OTP Behaviors13.Introducing Mnesia14.GUI Programming with wxErlang15.Socket Programming16.Interfacing Erlang with Other Programming Languages17.Trace BIFs,the dbg Tracer,and Match Specifications18.Types and Documentation19.EUnit and Test-Driven Development20.Style and EfficiencyAppendix:Using ErlangIndex




“盡管我已經(jīng)使用Erlang多年,但在審讀這份手稿的過程中,我還是常常在屏幕上打開該書某些章節(jié),以便編程時引用。不同水平層次的所有Erlang程序員都能在這本頗具價值的好書中找到問題解答和參考材料。”   ——Steve Vinoski,“The Functional Web”專欄作家,《IEEE Internet Computing》雜志






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用戶評論 (總計22條)


  •   最近在學習Erlang,找了蠻多材料,這本書講的還是不錯的
  •   正在努力學習中,英文版的稍微有點難度。但是很感興趣,所以蠻有動力的。書的質(zhì)量還可以吧。
  •   這本書不錯,夯實基礎(chǔ)必備;建議再買一本OTP的書
  •   簡單易懂,7天看完
  •   書海沒看,一口氣又買了300多塊錢的,希望不要浪費
  •   才看了一點,就不評價了
  •   買回來 才看到是英語的,看起來雖然沒有障礙 但是比漢語的慢多了
  •   感覺很好, 送貨速度很快,感覺很好。
  •   如果想真正掌握Erlang,從這本書開始吧。
  •   推薦入門好書
  •   還沒看完,總體感覺很不錯
  •   老外喜歡這么看這么小的字嗎?
  •   If you are doing erlang programming in your daily work, this is a must-have in-depth textbook for you.
  •   跟perl一起買的,當時為了考ccna,買來自己看還是可以的
  •   還不錯,蠻清楚的影印版,比想象的要好
  •   紙張不錯,印刷還行,給4分
  •   書的質(zhì)量不錯,講的很好,像跟著一位很好的老師,就算是英文也很好懂
  •   這里都沒說明是英文版,我不小心買來了英文版。請問如何退貨?
  •   書很不錯,印刷質(zhì)量挺好
  •   紙質(zhì)印刷都還不錯。字小了點
  •   書的紙張顏色很難看,字體也不好看。還沒開始讀,不知道內(nèi)容怎么樣。
  •   書送到后,發(fā)現(xiàn)到處是折角,破損,失望····

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
