Mac OS X Sonw Leopard實戰(zhàn)手冊

出版時間:2010-6  出版社:東南大學出版社  作者:伯格  頁數(shù):885  


新系統(tǒng)大量的更新。新系統(tǒng)針對64位進行了修正,整個操作系統(tǒng)更加快速,F(xiàn)inder被重寫了代碼,增加了Microsoft Exchange兼容性,以及推出了全新的QuickTime播放器。所有蘋果公司在本次更新中增加的內容,本書都有涵括。    Snow Leopard的閃亮之處。本書揭秘了數(shù)以百計的應用程序增強之處,包含了Mac操作系統(tǒng)中所有原生的50個應用程序:Safari,Mail,iChat,預覽,Time Machine……    熟悉新系統(tǒng)的捷徑。本書將會是目前市面上包含使用小技巧最多的蘋果系列指導手冊。書中每頁都有從未被刊登過的使用技巧等待讀者去發(fā)現(xiàn)。    強大的實用指導。如何提高系統(tǒng)安全性,接入網(wǎng)絡,建立自己的網(wǎng)絡服務,與Windows用戶共享文件,甚至是Mac OS X的Unix操作基礎等等使用操作——都在這本語言風趣的專業(yè)指導手冊中得以清晰地呈現(xiàn)。


David Pogue是《紐約時報》技術專欄作家,獲得Emmy獎的CBS News通訊記者以及“Missing Manual”系列的創(chuàng)始人。


Introduction  What's New in Snow Leopard  About This Book  The Very BasicsPart One: The Mac O5 X Desktop  Chapter 1: Folders & Windows    Getting into Mac OS X   Windows and How to Work Them   The Four Window Views   Icon View   List View   Column View   Cover Flow View   Quick Look   Logging Out, Shutting Down   Getting Help in Mac OS X Chapter 2: Organizing Your Stuff   The Mac OS X Folder Structure   Icon Names   Selecting Icons   Moving and Copying Icons   Aliases: Icons in Two Places at Once   Color Labels   The Trash   Get Info Chapter 3: Spotlight   The Spotlight Menu   The Spotlight Window   Customizing Spotlight   Smart Folders Chapter 4: Dock, Desktop, & Toolbars   The Dock   Setting Up the Dock   Using the Dock   The Finder Toolbar   Designing Your Desktop   Menulets: The Missing ManualPart Two: Programs in Mac OS XPart Three: The Components of Mac OS XPart Four: The Technologies of Mac OS XPart Five: Mac OS OnlinePart Six: AppendixesIndex


插圖:The Sidebar is the pane at the left side of every Finder window, unless you've hiddenit (and by the way, it's also at the left side of every Open dialog box and every ftdl-sized Save dialog box).The Sidebar has as many as four different sections, each preceded by a collapsibleheading: Devices. This section lists every storage device connected to, or installed inside, your Mac: hard drives, CDs, DVDs, iPods, memory cards, USB flash drives, and so on. The removable ones (like CDs, DVDs, and iPods) bear a little gray ——logo, which you can click to eject that disk. Shared. It took 20 years for an operating system to list all the other computers on the home or small-office network, right there in every window, without any dig- ging, connecting, button-clicking, or window-opening. But here it is: a complete list of the other computers on your network whose owners have turned on File Sharing, ready for access. See Chapter 13 for details. Places. This primary section of the Sidebar lists places (in this case, folders) where you might look for files and folders. Into this list, you can stick the icons of anything at all——files, programs, folders, anything but disks——for easy access. Each icon is a shortcut. For example, click the Applications icon to view the contents of your Applications folder in the main part of the window (Figure 1-3). And if you click the icon of a file or program, it opens.


《Mac OS X Sonw Leopard實戰(zhàn)手冊(影印版)》:此前宣布會在新系統(tǒng)中“暫緩增加新的功能”的蘋果公司一定沒有輕松下來。在新的Mac OS x 10.6“Snow Leopard”操作系統(tǒng)中,幾乎沒有一項功能沒有被優(yōu)化修改過。新的操作系統(tǒng)更加快速,更加美觀,更加細致,但是仍舊缺失了用戶手冊。幸運的是David Pogue又回來了,這次他帶著他幽默且不失專業(yè)性的語言風格,推出了八年來一如既往名列蘋果計算機類圖書銷售榜首的這本“Snow Leopard”用戶手冊。當知識富有吸引力、條理清楚并且顯得有趣時,人們的學習效果最好。不幸的是,大多數(shù)計算機書籍味同嚼蠟。這就是我開始創(chuàng)立“Missing Manual”系列的原因。它們有趣,不怕某項特性用處不大或者不能正常工作,并且(哦,順便說一句)由真正的作家撰寫。我們在每一頁都回答一個簡單的問題:“這項特性有什么用?”David Pogue是《紐約時報》技術專欄作家,獲得Emmy獎的CBS New8通訊記者以及“Missing Manual”系列的創(chuàng)始人。



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