
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:東南大學  作者:鄭家順 編  頁數(shù):226  


《大學英語6級高分突破》為了幫助廣大考生在增加難度的新題型出臺后能夠順利地通過大學英語六級考試,我們組織編寫了這本《大學英語六級高分突破》。    該書是在廣泛征求多所高校六級強化班考生意見的基礎上,通過我們在強化班教學的親身體驗而進行編寫的。目前圖書市場上大量的六級試題集,大部分都僅有題目及答案,卻無詳細解釋。遇到疑難問題,查字典、問老師,不僅要花費很多時間與精力,還很難掌握考試規(guī)律。該書正彌補了這方面的不足,增加了最具特色的解釋部分。    1.題目:根據(jù)新版教學大綱編寫,按新題型六級考試的形式,匯編成10個Test。考生自測時每個Test須在125分鐘內(nèi)完成。    2.KEYS:每套試卷后均有KEYS,方便考生速查。    3.試題詳解:解釋部分為該書最顯著的特點。    (Part I)作文:用黑體字給出作文寫作套路,考生可背熟此套路,輕松應對六級作文。(PartⅡ)快速閱讀、(PartⅣ)深度閱讀、(Part V)完形填空或改錯:①為便于考生理解原文,提高翻譯水平以及實際運用語言的能力,每篇均給出中文大意或譯文,要點或主題句均用黑體字注出。②選擇項均給出答題依據(jù),培養(yǎng)考生形成良好的定位閱讀思維習慣。(PartⅢ)聽力:答題依據(jù)在原文中用黑體標出,簡潔明了;且較難的單詞、短語等均給出中文釋義。(PartⅥ)翻譯:用較為簡潔的語言解釋清楚翻譯方法與技巧。    該書主要適用于考生對新題型六級作文、閱讀理解、聽力、完形填空、翻譯以及做題技巧的突破,也適用于具有中級英語水平的學生自學考試使用,同時也可作為強化班教師的教學參考用書。    相信您只要有效地利用此書,就可在短時間里突破新題型六級作文、閱讀理解、聽力、完形填空、翻譯關,掌握做題技巧,提高實際運用英語的能力。    《大學英語6級高分突破》的譯句、例句、解釋都是經(jīng)過反復推敲、實踐的,但不當之處在所難免。敬請廣大讀者指正,以便改進。




入門分析篇  Test 1    試題詳解  Test 2    試題詳解技能實戰(zhàn)篇  Test 3    試題詳解  Test 4    試題詳解學習提高篇  Test 5    試題詳解  Test 6    試題詳解鞏固強化篇  Test 7    試題詳解  Test 8    試題詳解考前沖刺篇  Test 9    試題詳解  Test 10    試題詳解附錄  大學英語四、六級考試作文題評分原則、標準以及標準分  大學英語四、六級710分換算表


 ?。?9) In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to harness stress, sothat it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self.destructive.Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. What aspect of stress is the talk mainly about?27. How can we deal with stress according to the doctor?28. According to the speaker, what is stress a sign of?29. What will the doctor do in the next program? ?。?0) I will be talking about how the railroad changed Chicago in the mid-nineteenth century into acommercialized city.  OK. Think of the time. It is not yet twenty years since the City Government was first organized. At that timethere was not a canal, railroad, or plank-road leading out of the city. Chicagos transformation into a railroad  tcapital was aided by the national trend of the time, in which the general direction of trade had shifted from north-south to east-west.  (31) Prior to the advent of railroads, the major mode of transportation had been thesteamboat, which caused the building of canals and the commercial predominance of southern river cities, such asNew Orleans. ?。?2) Canals declined in the 1840s and became regarded as "an old fogy institution"——one ofthe things that was, to be supereeded by new inventions. They gave way to railroads, mostof which ran east-west.  Chicagos significant expansion was a result of its status as a railroad capital. In 1850, only one railroadpassed through Chicago. The Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, which never actually reached Galena, was openedin 1848. The opening of the Galena had an immediate impact, and by 1852, over half of Chicagos wheat arrivedvia the Galena.


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