
出版時間:2009-9  出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社  作者:何三寧 編  頁數(shù):298  


  翻譯是一門快速發(fā)展的學(xué)科,及時修訂教科書是非常必要的一項工作。為了使教材內(nèi)容更科學(xué)、更實用、更適應(yīng)于時代的需求,我們決定進行合理的修訂、整合和增補。具體做法如下:補充和完菩了原第1章“翻譯簡述”;把原第2、3、5章(Lexical Translation,Semantic Translation,How to Translate Numbers)整合在了一起,設(shè)置為第2章“詞法翻譯”,顯得更為合理科學(xué);把原第4、6、7章(How to Translate the Negative,How to Translate the Passive,How to Translate Long Sentences)整合在一起,更名為現(xiàn)在的第3章“句法翻譯”;把原第9章(Cultural Translation)前移為現(xiàn)在的第4章“文化翻譯”,以突出文化在翻譯中的重要性;增設(shè)補充第5章“文學(xué)翻譯”和第6章“科學(xué)翻譯”;分解和修訂原第8章,單設(shè)為現(xiàn)在的第7章“應(yīng)用翻譯”,其中包括“行業(yè)翻譯”、“實用翻譯”和“媒體翻譯”,以體現(xiàn)其實用性;原有的第10章(Some Terms in Translation and Their Understanding)自然成為現(xiàn)在的第8章,并補充了部分常用的概念,以滿足英語專業(yè)學(xué)生考研的需求?!案戒洝辈糠直3植蛔儯皇亲隽松倭康男抻??! ”窘滩拇舜涡抻喎缺容^大,主要是出于幾種考慮:第一,該教材自2005年8月第一版以來,受到了廣泛肯定,屢次重印。部分高校還把此教材列入2008年、2009年的碩士研究生招生參考書目中。我們深感有責(zé)任去完善教材,使其能夠與時俱進,適應(yīng)時代的需求。其次,原教材主張的教學(xué)模式和“講授→分析→總結(jié)→對比→實踐→講評→閱讀”的理念適合我國學(xué)生翻譯課的學(xué)習(xí)和實踐,在我校英語專業(yè)使用的效果很好。學(xué)生普遍反映此教材實用性強、知識點易于掌握。由此2006年原教材獲得了校級教學(xué)成果一等獎。更為重要的是,本次修訂對講授內(nèi)容及其劃分做了更加科學(xué)化的調(diào)整。




Chapter1:翻譯簡述  1.1 什么是翻譯  1.2 譯者的素質(zhì)  1.3 翻譯技巧的重要性  1.4 翻譯原則  1.5 翻譯的過程  1.6 翻譯工作的六大趨勢  1.7 提高翻譯水平之道  1.8 課堂評估測試Chapter2:詞法翻譯  2.1 詞類轉(zhuǎn)譯  2.2 省詞與增詞翻譯  2.3 語義翻譯  2.4 數(shù)字的翻譯Chapter3:結(jié)構(gòu)翻譯  3.1 否定句的翻譯  3.2 被動句的翻譯  3.3 長句的翻譯Chapter4:文化翻譯  4.1 Differences between “Culture”in English and 文化 in Chinese漢英文化的差異  4.2 文化與語言的關(guān)系  4.3 翻譯與文化  4.4 文化中的詞義翻譯  4.5 習(xí)語的文化內(nèi)涵與翻譯  4.6 委婉語的文化內(nèi)涵與翻譯  4.7 比較與分析  4.8 練習(xí)Chapter5:文學(xué)翻譯  5.1 文學(xué)翻譯的定義  5.2 文學(xué)翻譯的范疇  5.3 文學(xué)翻譯的標準  5.4 文學(xué)翻譯的過程  5.5 文學(xué)翻譯需要注意的方面  5.6 練習(xí)Chapter6:科學(xué)文本翻譯  6.1 科學(xué)翻譯的文本類型和范疇  6.2 科學(xué)文本的特點  6.3 比較與分析  6.4 練習(xí)Chapter7:應(yīng)用文本翻譯Chapter8:一些翻譯術(shù)語及其理解Appendix1 對比閱讀Appendix2 常用頭街Appendix3 常用公示語Appendix4 論文參考題目Appendix5 閱讀書目參考文獻


  Translation, generally speaking, implies rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. It is essentially the faithful representation in one language of what is written or spoken in another. It is the replacement of the information of the source language by its counterpart of the target language. Also it can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.  However, translation, in a narrow sense, is the practice of finding the equivalent both in form and essence between two cultures. The two terms translation and translating should be distinguished for a translator. Translation just refers to the act that the translator translates from one language into another, and translating is the process in which the translator does his best to convey the message of the source language. Furthermore, translating is not a word-for-word conversion, but a process of bilingual and intercultural communication. It expresses the message of the source language from the receptor language message, and the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that between the original receptor and the message.  Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, or rhetorical devices. As a means of communication, translation plays an important role in human civilization. In the West, literary translation can be traced back to 300 B. C. , while in China, recorded translation activities were even earlier, dating from the Zhou Dynasty (1100 B. C. ). However, not until recent centuries, especially by the end of the 19th century did systematic study of translation get under way. In the past decades translation theories and activities have developed fast both at home and abroad.  World-famous British writer and dictionary compiler, Sammel Johnson, once said, "To translate is to change into another language, retaining as much of the sense as one can. " This definition for translation has two key points. One is "to change into", which tells us that translation is an act of putting one language in place of another language.




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   很好的書 質(zhì)量沒有問題
  •   上課用的,這次送貨速度夠快
  •   書很好。送貨快。質(zhì)量好
  •   買來自己用的,質(zhì)量不錯,紙質(zhì)也很好,速度也快第二天就到了。呵呵,總之很滿意
  •   還可以,書中練習(xí)題沒有答案;另外翻譯理論是用英語描述的,看起來有點費勁。是教材風(fēng)格的,不是我需要的翻譯實務(wù)風(fēng)格。

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