
出版時間:2009-7  出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)克蘭(Kline,K),(美)克蘭(Kline,D),(美)亨特(Hunt,B) 著  頁數(shù):578  


Since its first incarnation in the 1970s,the Structured Query Language (SQL)hasbeen developed hand in hand with the information boom,and as a result,it is themost widely used database manipulation language in business and industry.Anumber of different software companies and program developers,including thosein the open source movement (http://www.opensource.org),have concurrently developed their own SQL dialects in response to specific professional needs.Allthe while,standards bodies have developed a growing list of common features.SQL in a Nutshell,Third Edition,describes the latest ANSI standard,SQL2003(SQL3)version of each SQL command,and then documents each platform'simplementation of that command.In this book,you will find a concise explana-tion of the relational database management system (RDBMS)model,a clear-cutexplanation of foundational RDBMS concepts,and thorough coverage of SQLsyntax and commands.Most importantly,at least if you're a programmer or developer,SQL in a Nutshell,Third Edition,provides a concise guide both to the most popular commercialdatabase packages on the market (Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle).It is also theguide for two of the best-known open source database products (MySQL andPostgreSQL).The attention this book pays to open source SQL platforms recog-nizes the growing importance of the open source movement within the computingcommunity.


《SQL技術(shù)手冊》是當今最流行的數(shù)據(jù)庫產(chǎn)品中使用的SQL語言的必不可少的一本指南。這個更新的版本依照最新的ANSI標準清楚地評述了每個SQL命令,并詳述了這些命令在Microsoft SQL Server 2008、Oracle 11g、MySQL 5.1和PostgreSQL 8.3中分別如何實現(xiàn)。你還可以縱覽關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng)(RDBMS)模型,并獲取關(guān)于RDBMS基本原理的明確解釋。這本通俗易懂的書提供了:  ·關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫模型的背景,包括當前的和以前的SQL標準  ·用于理解關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫和SQL命令的必要基礎(chǔ)原理  ·按照SQL2003ANSI標準的按字母表順序排列的SQL語句  ·每一條命令的MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL和SQL Server實現(xiàn)  ·按字母表順序排列的ANSISQL2003函數(shù)和廠商實現(xiàn)  ·每種實現(xiàn)獨有的平臺特定函數(shù)  《SQL技術(shù)手冊》在廠商文檔結(jié)束時就著手更新至第三版,提取了眾多專業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)庫管理者和開發(fā)者使用SQL支持復(fù)雜的企業(yè)級應(yīng)用程序的不同經(jīng)驗。無論你是初學(xué)者還是已經(jīng)使用了一段時間SQL,這本簡明扼要且實用的書籍都會讓你學(xué)習(xí)到許多技巧和技術(shù)。


Kevin E.Kline是Quest Software公司SQL Server Solution的負責人,該公司是數(shù)據(jù)庫管理及應(yīng)用程序監(jiān)測工具的供應(yīng)商。


Preface1.SQL History and Implementations The Relational Model and ANSISQL History of the SQL Standard SQL Dialects2.Foundational Concepts Database Platforms Described in This Book Categories of Syntax SQL2003 and Platform-Specific Datatypes Constraints3.SQL Statement Command Reference HowtoUseThisChapter SQLPlatformSupport SQLCommandReference4.SQL Functions Types of Functions ANSI SQL Aggregate Functions ANSI SQL Window Functions ANSI SQL Scalar Functions Platform-Specific ExtensionsAppendix:Shared and Platform-Specific KeywordsIndex


插圖:History of the SQL StandardIn response to the proliferation of SQL dialects,ANSI published its first SQL stan-dard in 1986 to bring about greater conformity among vendors.This was followedby a second,widely adopted standard in 1989.The International Standards Orga-nization (ISO)also approved the SQL standard.ANSI released one update in1992,known as SQL92 or SQL2,and another in 1999,termed SQL99 or SQL3.The next update,made in 2003,is also referred to as SQL3(or SQL2003).Whenwe use that term in this book,we are referring to the 2003 revision of thestandard.Each time it revises the SQL standard,ANSI adds new features and incorporatesnew commands and capabilities into the language.For example,the SQL99 stan-dard added a group of capabilities that handled object-oriented datatypeextensions.What's New in SQL2006The ANSI standards body that regulates SQL issued a new standard in 2006,inwhich the important major improvements of SQL3 were retained and augmented.The ANSI SQL2006 release was evolutionary over the SQL3 release,but it did notinclude any significant changes to the SQL3 commands and functions that weredescribed in the second edition of this book.Instead,SQL2006 described anentirely new functional area of behavior for the SQL standard.Briefly,SQL2006describes how SQL and XML(the eXtensible Markup Language)interact.Forexample,the SQL2006 standard describes how to import and store XML data in aSQL database,manipulate that data,and then publish the data both in nativeXML form and as conventional SQL data wrapped in XML form.The SQL2006standard provides a means of integrating SQL application code with XQuery,theXML Query Language standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C).Because XML and XQuery are disciplines in their own right,they are consideredbeyond the scope of this book and are not covered here.What's New in SQL2003(SQL3)SQL99 had two main parts,Foundation:1999 and Bindings:1999.The SQL3 Foun-dation section includes all of the Foundation and Bindings standards fromSQL99,as well as a new section called Schemata.The Core requirements of SQL3 did not change from Core SQL99,so the data-base platforms that conformed to Core SQL99 automatically conform to SQL3.Although the Core of SQI_3 has no additions(except for a few new reservedwords),a number of individual statements and behaviors have been updated ormodified.Because these updates are reflected in the individual syntax descrip-tions of each statement in Chapter 3,we won't spend time on them here.





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  •   本書是影印的英文原版,需要一定的SQL語句學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)和英語才能很好地閱讀。
    本書將SQL標準以及SQL Server、Oracle、MySQL和PostgreSQL四大數(shù)據(jù)庫中涉及的語句逐條地進行解析,包括各種關(guān)鍵字的使用方法,在不同數(shù)據(jù)庫中的支持情況等都有詳細的說明。適合已經(jīng)有一點基礎(chǔ)的SQL學(xué)習(xí)者進階使用,不僅可以當做SQL語句查詢工具書,同時借助本書還可以提高自己的數(shù)據(jù)庫英語專業(yè)詞匯的能力,可謂一舉兩得。
  •   不錯的字典!
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  •   對幾種最常見的數(shù)據(jù)庫中幾乎所有SQL命令都齊全,是一本完整的工具書。不過最可惜的是書中的大目錄從第三章末的63頁直接跳到了第四章的437頁,橫跨了三百多頁。書的最后單獨為第三章列了一個明細目錄,像字典一樣。第三章正好就是講具體各個數(shù)據(jù)庫各個命令函數(shù)的細節(jié)的。不過覺得還是放在前面好,因為大目錄只有一頁,最后一二四章估計都不怎么翻的了。然后日后都從書的后面開始,往前翻到字典目錄的開頭,然后再往后查詢,十分繁瑣。人又不是機器,指個Index就可以找到那一頁的。希望再版的時候能把字典目錄移到前面第二三頁開始。

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