出版時間:2009-4 出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社 作者:(美)布拉德斯基,(美)克勒 著 頁數(shù):555 字數(shù):605000
《學(xué)習(xí)0penCV》將你置身于迅速發(fā)展的計算機視覺領(lǐng)域。本書作者是免費開源0penCV的發(fā)起人,這本書為你介紹了計算機視覺,例證了如何迅速建立使計算機能“看”的應(yīng)用程序,以及如何基于計算機獲取的數(shù)據(jù)作出決策?! ∮嬎銠C視覺幾乎隨處可見:安全系統(tǒng)、管理檢驗系統(tǒng)、醫(yī)學(xué)圖像分析、無人機等。它將Google地圖和Google地球結(jié)合在一起,在LCD屏幕上核對像素,確保襯衫上的每一個針腳都完全縫合。OpenCV提供了一個簡易實用的計算機視覺框架以及一個含有超過500種可以實時運行視覺代碼的函數(shù)的綜合庫?!秾W(xué)習(xí)OpenCV》在每一章里教授任何OpenCV的開發(fā)者或熱愛者如何在這些實戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗的幫助下迅速掌握該軟件。這本書包括了如下內(nèi)容: 對0penCV全面詳盡的介紹 從照相機中導(dǎo)入圖片 轉(zhuǎn)換圖像 分割圖像和形狀匹配 模式識別,包括人臉檢測 兩到三個計量單位間的跟蹤和運動 立體視覺中的3D再現(xiàn) 機器學(xué)習(xí)算法 使機器能看見是一個具有挑戰(zhàn)卻又充滿樂趣的目標。無論你是想建立一個簡單的還是復(fù)雜的視覺應(yīng)用程序,《學(xué)習(xí)OpenCV》都是你入門的必備教材。
倫比亞大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)教授Gary Rost BradSki博士,斯坦福大學(xué)人工智能實驗室的顧問教授,也是Willow Garage公司機器;人學(xué)研究協(xié)會的資深科學(xué)家。Ad rian Kaehler博士,Applied Mind S公司的資深科學(xué)家,從事機器學(xué)習(xí)、統(tǒng)計建模、計算機視覺和機器人學(xué)方面的研究。
Preface1. Overview What Is OpenCV? Who Uses OpenCV? What Is Computer Vision? The Origin of OpenCV Downloading and Installing OpenCV Getting the Latest OpenCV via CVS More OpenCV Documentation OpenCV Structure and Content Portability Exercises2. Introduction to OpenCV Getting Started First Program--Display a Picture Second Program--AVI Video Moving Around A Simple Transformation A Not-So-Simple Transformation Input from a Camera Writing to an AVI File Onward Exercises3. Gettingto KnowOpenCV OpenCV Primitive Data Types CvMat Matrix Structure IplImage Data Structure Matrix and Image Operators Drawing Things Data Persistence Integrated Performance Primitives Summary Exercises4. HighGUI A Portable Graphics Toolkit Creating a Window Loading an Image Displaying Images Working with Video ConvertImage Exercises5. Image Processing Overview Smoothing Image Morphology Flood Fill Resize Image Pyramids Threshold Exercises6. Image Transforms Overview Convolution Gradients and Sobel Derivatives Laplace Canny Hough Transforms Remap Stretch, Shrink, Warp, and Rotate CartToPolar and PolarToCart LogPolar Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) Integral Images Distance Transform Histogram Equalization Exercises7. Histograms and Matching Basic Histogram Data Structure Accessing Histograms Basic Manipulations with Histograms Some More Complicated Stuff Exercises8. Contours Memory Storage Sequences Contour Finding Another Contour Example More to Do with Contours Matching Contours Exercises9. Image Parts and Segmentation Parts and Segments Background Subtraction Watershed Algorithm Image Repair by Inpainting Mean-Shift Segmentation Delaunay Triangulation, Voronoi Tesselation Exercises10. Tracking and Motion The Basics of Tracking Corner Finding Subpixel Corners Invariant Features Optical Flow Mean-Shift and Camshift Tracking Motion Templates Estimators The Condensation Algorithm Exercises11. Camera Models and Calibration Camera Model Calibration Undistortion Putting Calibration All Together Rodrigues Transform Exercises12. Projection and 3D Vision Projections Affine and Perspective Transformations POSIT: 3D Pose Estimation Stereo Imaging Structure from Motion Fitting Lines in Two and Three Dimensions Exercises13. Machine Learning What Is Machine Learning Common Routines in the ML Library Mahalanobis Distance K-Means Naive/Normal Bayes Classifier Binary Decision Trees Boosting Random Trees Face Detection or Haar Classifier Other Machine Learning Algorithms Exercises14. OpenCV's Future Past and Future Directions OpenCV for Artists Afterword BibliographyIndex
Chapter 1 oVerviw What Is OpenCV? OpenCV [OpenCV] is an open source (see http://opensource.org) computer vision library available from http://SourceForge.net/projects/opencvlibrary. The library is written in Cand C++ and runs under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. There is active development on interfaces for Python, Ruby, Matlab, and other languages. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and with a strong focus on realtime applications. OpenCV is written in optimized C and can take advantage of mul ticore processors. If you desire further automatic optimization on Intel architectures [Intel], you can buy Intels Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) libraries [IPP], which consist of low-level optimized routines in many different algorithmic areas. OpenCV automatically uses the appropriate IPP library at runtime if that library is installed. One of OpenCVs goals is to provide a simple-to-use computer vision infrastructure that helps people build fairly sophisticated vision applications quickly. The OpenCV library contains over 500 functions that span many areas in vision。 including factory product inspection, medical imaging, security, user interface, camera calibration, stereo vision, and robotics. Because computer vision and machine learning often go hand-inhand, OpenCV also contains a full, general-purpose Machine Learning Library (MLL).This sublibrary is focused on statistical pattern recognition and clustering. The MLL is highly useful for the vision tasks that are at the core of OpenCVs mission, but it is gen eral enough to be used for any machine learning problem. Who Uses OpenCV? Most computer scientists and practical programmers are aware of some facet of the role that computer vision plays. But few people are aware of all the ways in which computer vision is used. For example, most people are somewhat aware of its use in surveillance,and many also know that it is increasingly being used for images and yideo on the Web. A few have seen some use of computer vision in game interfaces.
“這本寶庫對專業(yè)人員來講非常有用,對初涉這個領(lǐng)域的人們也是個絕好的工具。像其宣傳的那樣,它是一組計算機視覺算法。” ——William T.Freeman. 麻省理工學(xué)院計算機科學(xué)與人工智能實驗室“《學(xué)習(xí)0penCV》即將占據(jù)每從從事計算機視覺領(lǐng)域的人的書架上最顯著的一處?!薄 狣avid Lowe,英屬哥