出版時(shí)間:2009-4 出版社:東南大學(xué) 作者:鄭家順 編 頁數(shù):236
為了幫助廣大考生在新大綱出臺之后能夠輕松獲得英語專業(yè)八級高分,我們組織編寫了《英語專業(yè)八級閱讀理解100篇精講》?! ∫?、題目:根據(jù)新版教學(xué)大綱編寫,按專業(yè)八級考試的形式,將100篇閱讀理解匯編成25個(gè)Test(分為人門分析篇、技能實(shí)戰(zhàn)篇、學(xué)習(xí)提高篇、鞏固強(qiáng)化篇和考前沖刺篇),每個(gè)Test均含20道題(4篇文章)?! 《⑽恼码y易度編排:由易到難,循序漸進(jìn),便于考生有效突破閱讀難關(guān)?! ∪?、解釋為該書最顯著的特點(diǎn): 1.為便于考生理解原文、提高翻譯水平以及實(shí)際英語運(yùn)用的能力,每篇均給出中文內(nèi)容大意,主題或主題句均用黑體字注出?! ?.選擇項(xiàng)均給出答題依據(jù),附以簡練精講,幫助考生養(yǎng)成良好的解題思維。通過做題,每天一個(gè)Test,舉一反三,一個(gè)月內(nèi)有效突破英語閱讀難關(guān),輕輕松松提高英語專業(yè)水平?! ”緯x的例題、譯句和解釋都經(jīng)過反復(fù)推敲、實(shí)踐,但不當(dāng)之處在所難免,敬請廣大讀者、同行專家不吝指正,以便改進(jìn)。
為了幫助廣大考生在新大綱出臺之后能夠輕松獲得英語專業(yè)八級高分,我們組織編寫了《英語專業(yè)八級閱讀理解100篇精講》。 全書根據(jù)新版教學(xué)大綱編寫,按專業(yè)八級考試的形式,將100篇閱讀理解匯編成25個(gè)Test(分為入門分析篇、技能實(shí)戰(zhàn)篇、學(xué)習(xí)提高篇、鞏固強(qiáng)化篇和考前沖刺篇),每個(gè)Test均含20道題(4篇文章)。
入門分析篇Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5技能實(shí)戰(zhàn)篇Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10學(xué)習(xí)提高篇Test 11Test 12Test 13Test 14Test 15鞏固強(qiáng)化篇Test 16Test 17Test 18Test 19Test 20考前沖刺篇Test 21Test 22Test 23Test 24Test 25
People with hearing impairments dont want to be treated as though they are somehow lessvaluable in the community. Is it normal to be a little nervous communicating with a deaf personfor the first time? Sure. Whats important though is realizing that while these people cant hear,they definitely can communicate effectively with you if you give them a chance. Any form of communication between people is a two way street. It is very important then todetermine how a deaf person prefers to communicate. There are a number of options available tothem such as sign language, lip reading or using text. There will be a way of making aconnection. It may sometimes be difficult or awkward but the effort is well worth it. If you need to communicate regularly with a deaf person there is no doubt that significanteffort is required on your part to make the connection. It is almost like needing to~,learn a secondlanguage. Unfortunately for the majority of people it is not something that they encounter on aregular basis, so novices to sign language and lip reading can make unintentional errors. Mostly these errors are the result of speed. For lip reading it may be a case of talking too fastso that the deaf person doesnt have the capacity to catch all of the conversation. Alternatively it isnot unusual for people to talk too slowly, as though the deaf person has a comprehension disorderrather than hearing. In terms of sign language it can be just as frustrating for the deaf person who is fluent insigning to try to decipher an untrained persons attempts at sign language. Novices who learn thesigns but only use them occasionally never really learn how to "speak" in sign language the waysomeone closely tied to deaf people can. The dilemma can be compared to visiting a foreign country in which the inhabitants speak adifferent language. You may have spent years studying that language but when you find yourselfthrust into a different culture you realize that you have learned the rules and vocabulary of thelanguage but you have not learned how to speak it. Dealing with deaf people does not necessarily have to significantly alter the way that you getyour message across. Even with heating people verbal communication only makes up a smallcomponent of the way a message is delivered. You may need to think a little more about the bestway of making a connection but it can be done. These are ordinary people you are dealing withand they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, the same as anyone else.
《英語專業(yè)八級閱讀理解100篇精講》入門分析+技能實(shí)戰(zhàn)+考前沖刺 把握試題中心與答題依據(jù),省去查字典、問老師的麻煩。