出版時間:2008-8  出版社:溫茲 (Wenz.C.) 東南大學(xué)出版社 (2008-08出版)  作者:溫茲  頁數(shù):454  


Chapter 1, ASP.NET AJAX, Ajax, and ASP.NET, gives a broad overview of Ajax and the ASP.NET AJAX framework and then covers the installation of ASP.NET AJAX, a review of its structure, and a first simple example. . Chapter 2, JavaScript, is a concise introduction to JavaScript. Although ASP.NET AJAX does its best to hide the functional details from ASP.NET programmers, a certain knowledge of JavaScript is required to really master ASP.NET AJAX. Chapter 3, Ajax, explains the technologies beyond the hype. You learn what happens in the background, how Ajax works, and what it really is all about, in fewer than 20 pages. Chapter 4, Using ASP.NET AJAX JavaScript Extensions, describes how ASP.NET AJAX enriches the functionality of client-side JavaScript by adding new OOP-like features and even reimpleme nting some classes of the .NET Framework so they can be used on the client side. Chapter 5, Web Services, deals with XML web services. Even though ASP.NET AJAX focuses on client-based development, it also adds features for server-side web services. This includes features for error management and session support. Chapter 6, UpdatePanel: Refreshing Only Parts of a Page, introduces the UpdatePanel control that makes individual parts of a web page updateable independent from the rest of the page, without a page refresh. This is one of the most important elements of ASP.NET AJAX. Chapter 7, Using the ASP.NET AJAX Profile Service, details how ASP.NET AJAX provides a JavaScript access to the ASP.NET 2.0 Profile API. Chapter 8, Using the ASP.NET AJAX Authentication Service, explains the JavaScript hook into the ASP.NET 2.0 Forms Authentication API. .. Chapter 9, Localizing and Globalizing Applications, covers the emerging topic of providing a web application that works with different languages and regional settings. Chapter 10, Using the Control Toolkit, introduces the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, a collection of impressive server controls enriched with Ajax features. Chapter 11, Adding Animation to a Web Page, introduces the animation framework that is part of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Chapter 12, Autocompleting User Input, Fighting Spam, and More, shows the (debatable) highlights of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, showcasing the diversity of the toolkit and also covering some best practices and tips. hapter 13, Writing Custom Controls and Contributing to the Community, explains how to write your own controls using the Control Toolkit infrastructure, and how to integrate them, or patches, to existing controls in the toolkit project. Chapter 14, Client Controls, describes the client-side controls that come with the ASP.NET AJAX Futures CTP. These make accessing HTML elements from Java- Script easy using a consistent API. Chapter 15, Binding and Validating Data, shows how to implement a client-side data binding between (client) controls, courtesy of the ASP.NET AJAX Futures CTP. Chapter 16, Using Behaviors and Components, shows you the built-in behaviors of ASP.NET AJAX and how to attach their functionality to client-side controls and components. Chapter 17, Using Server Data, explains how you connect to databases. ASP.NET AJAX can be linked to a data source via specifically crafted web services, making data binding without page refreshes quite easy. ASP.NET AJAX also provides special client-side controls to display data. Chapter 18, Using Remote Web Services, helps you overcome the same-domain policy of JavaScript and allows you to call remote web services, using a server-side bridge. Chapter 19, Using Animations, showcases some animation features in the ASP.NET AJAX Futures CTP. Chapter 20, Fixing Bookmarks and Back/Forward Buttons, provides possible solutions to two of the most annoying issues with Ajax applications (breaking the standard browser behavior). Chapter 21, Web Parts, demonstrates that ASP.NET AJAX web parts can do things ASP.NET web parts cannot, including, for example, drag-and-drop on any browser. Chapter 22, Using ASP.NET AJAX with Other Server Technologies, proves that some parts of the Microsoft Ajax Library are not tied to ASP.NET 2.0; a sample application in PHP shows how to bridge these two worlds. Appendix A, Debugging ASP.NET AJAX Applications, covers how to find bugs in ASP.NET AJAX applications and introduces some must-have browser tools. Appendix B, XMLHttpRequest Reference, lists important methods and properties of the XMLHttpRequest object. Appendix C, DOM Reference, covers important JavaScript DOM methods. Appendix D, ASP.NET AJAX Reference, lists the most important methods provided by the ASP.NET AJAX framework. Appendix E, ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress, and Timer Declarative Reference, documents the properties of these four key ASP.NET AJAX server controls.


  傳授關(guān)于構(gòu)建豐富Web 2.0風(fēng)格的相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗并非易事?!禔SP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》提供微軟ASP.NET AJAX 1.0實用而全面的介紹,與ASP.NET給服務(wù)器端開發(fā)帶來的眾多益處一樣,該框架給Ajax開發(fā)也帶來了諸多便利。擁有《ASP.NET AJAX編程》,你將學(xué)會如何使用Ajax快速創(chuàng)建專業(yè)的動態(tài)Web頁面。  《ASP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》運用大量代碼樣例,全方位展現(xiàn)該框架的各個關(guān)鍵部分,不僅是那些想在應(yīng)用程序開發(fā)中嘗試Ajax的ASP.NET開發(fā)者,也是任何對ASP.NET AJAX感興趣的Web開發(fā)者的理想讀物,無論他們現(xiàn)在在使用什么開發(fā)技術(shù)?!  禔SP.NET AJAX編程》為你提供:  ASP.NET AJAX框架的高級概要;  可剪切/粘貼用于個人應(yīng)用程序的功能代碼;  JavaScript和Ajax的關(guān)鍵要點,以幫助你理解框架所使用的各項獨立技術(shù);  反映框架軟件包構(gòu)成的內(nèi)容編排,包含擴展、控件工具包、Futures CTP和AJAX程序庫等;  關(guān)于如何編寫你自己的控件,以及如何向社區(qū)工具包貢獻(xiàn)代碼的說明;  將標(biāo)準(zhǔn)AJAX程序庫用于其他平臺(如 PHP)的方法;  用一整章的篇幅討論使用更新面板(UpdatePanel)控件,讓W(xué)eb頁面中的多個部分可以獨立更新——該框架最重要的元素之一?!  禔SP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》此前曾以《Programming Atlas》為名出版,涵蓋該微軟框架的beta版本,而如今已完全更新并擴展至ASP.NET AJAX 1.0正式發(fā)布版?!  禔SP.NET AJAX編程》包含了很多難以發(fā)現(xiàn)的細(xì)節(jié),并通過一些非正式途徑完成任務(wù)。就這個新框架而言,《ASP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》是最理想的知識來源?! ∽髡吆喗椋骸 hristian Wenz是一位培訓(xùn)師和咨詢師,撰寫過50余《ASP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》籍。他同時使用開源和閉源Web技術(shù)開發(fā),曾被授予“微軟的ASP/ASP.NET MVP”稱號,并且列入Zend的“Whos Who”PHP專家名錄。Chritian是獨立于瀏覽器(browser-agnostic)的JavaScript開發(fā)專家,還被列入Mozilla貢獻(xiàn)者名單(about:credits)。


作者:(美國)溫茲 (Wenz.C.) Christian Wenz是一位培訓(xùn)師和咨詢師,撰寫過50余本書籍。他同時使用開源和閉源Web技術(shù)開發(fā),曾被授予“微軟的ASP/ASP.NET MVP”稱號,并且列入Zend的“Who's Who”PHP專家名錄。Chritian是獨立于瀏覽器(browser-agnostic)的JavaScript開發(fā)專家,還被列入Mozilla貢獻(xiàn)者名單(about:credits)。






  “這是關(guān)于一個令人矚止的新平臺的權(quán)威著作。Wenz為ASP.NET AJAX所寫下的文字就如Grisham寫的那些法庭小說一樣令人驚嘆。太棒了!”  ——Jeff Prosise,Wintellect


《ASP.NET AJAX編程(影印版)》由東南大學(xué)出版社出版。



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