
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:江蘇東南大學  作者:Jennifer Niederst Robbins  頁數(shù):796  


《Web設計技術手冊 第三版》作為一本完備而簡潔的手冊,涵蓋了在設計Web頁面時需要知道的所有知識。為體現(xiàn)受標準推動的Web設計現(xiàn)狀,這個版本經(jīng)過了全面修正和擴展。   第三版的主要內(nèi)容如下:     ·完整的HTML 4.01和XHTML 1.0/1.1手冊,重點關注語義標簽的實踐。    ·十個全新的章節(jié)涵蓋了級聯(lián)樣式表的使用,同時在附錄中列舉了CCS2.1的每個屬性。    ·關于網(wǎng)絡環(huán)境的討論,包括了Web標準的重要性,如何兼容不同的瀏覽器,如何使你的站點能夠被所有的用戶和設備所訪問。    ·介紹了如何使用JavaScript、DOM、語法、控制結(jié)構(gòu)以增加網(wǎng)頁的交互性,以及Ajax的簡要介紹。    ·創(chuàng)建GIF、JPEG、PNG圖形和動畫GIF的Web應用的新章節(jié)。    ·如何實現(xiàn)在Web中增加音頻、視頻和Flash動畫的信息,包括Web打印的竅門。


ForewordContributorsTechnical ReviewersPrefacePart I. The Web Environment 1. Web Standards  What Are Standards?  Current Web Standards  Standards-Driven Design  For Further Reading 2. Designing for a Variety of Browsers  Browser History  Browser Roll-Call  Gathering Usage Statistics  Learning from Browser Statistics  Dealing with Browser Differences  Know Your Audience  Test! 3. Designing for a Variety of Displays  Designing for Unknown Monitor Resolutions  Fixed Versus Liquid Web Pages  Designing "Above the Fold"  Mobile Devices 4. A Beginner's Guide to the Server  Servers 101  Unix Directory Structures  File Naming Conventions  Uploading Documents (FTP)  File (MIME) Types 5. Accessibility  Types of Disabilities  Overview of Assistive Technology  Who Is Responsible for Accessibility?  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines  Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0)  Standards Variations and Section 508  Web Accessibility Techniques  Testing for Accessibility 6. Internationalization  Character Sets and Encoding  Character References  Language Features  Style Sheets Language Features  For Further ReadingPart II. The Structural Layer: XML and (X)HTML 7. Introduction to XML  XML Basics  How It Works  XML Document Syntax  Well-Formed XML  Document Type Definition (DTD)  XML Namespaces  XML on the Web  Web-Related XML Applications  Where to Learn More 8. HTML and XHTMLOverview  The Role of HTML  Markup Basics  Introduction to XHTML  Which Standard Is Right for You?  Well-Formed XHTML  Web Authoring Tools  Good Authoring Practices 9. Document Structure  Minimal Document Structure  Document Type Declaration  The Root Element  The Document Header  The Document Body 10. Text Elements  Choosing Text Elements  The Building Blocks of Content  Inline Elements  Deleted and Inserted Text  Generic Elements (div and span)  Lists  Presentational Elements  Character Entity References 11. Creating Links  Simple Hypertext Links  Linking Within a Document  Targeting Windows  Alternative Protocols  Linking Documents with link 12. Imagesand Objects  Inline Images  Image Maps  Embedded Media  Java Applets  Inline (Floating) Frames 13. Tables  Table Uses  Basic Table Structure  Row Groups  Columns and Column Groups  Table Presentation  Accessible Tables  Responsible Layout Tables 14. Frames  Introduction to Frames  Basic Frameset Structure  Frame Function and Appearance  Targeting Frames  Frame Design Tips and Tricks 15. Forms  The Basic Form Element  Form Controls  Accessibility Features  disabled and readonly  Affecting Form AppearancePart III. The Presentation Layer: Cascading Style Sheets 16. Cascading Style Sheets Fundamentals  CSS in a Nutshell  The Benefits of CSS  How CSS Works  Rule Syntax  Adding Styles to a Document  Key Concepts  Specifying Values  Browser Support  For Further Reading 17. Selectors  Type (Element) Selector  Contextual selectors  Class and ID Selectors  Attribute Selectors  Pseudoselectors 18. Font and Text Properties  Typography on the Web  Font Family  Font Size  Other Font Settings  Text Transformation (Capitalization)  Text Decoration  Line Height  Text Alignment Properties  Text Spacing  Text Direction 19. Basic Box Properties  The Box Model, Revisited  Width and Height  Margins  Borders  Padding 20. Color and Backgrounds  Foreground Color  Background Color  Background Images 21. Floating and Positioning  Normal Flow  Floating  Positioning Basics  Absolute Positioning  Fixed Positioning  Relative Positioning 22. CSS for Tables  The Essence of Tables  Styling Tables  Borders  Table Layout (Width and Height)  Table Display Values 23. Lists and Generated Content  CSS for Lists  Generated Content 24. css Techniques  Centering a Page  Two-Column Layouts  Three-Column Layouts  Boxes with Rounded Corners  Image Replacement  CSS Rollovers  List-Based Navigation Bars  CSS Techniques Resources 25. Managing Browser Bugs: Workarounds, Hacks, and Filters ...  Working with "Troubled" Browsers  The Browsers  Hack and Workaround Management 101Part IV. The Behavioral Layer: JavaScript and the DOM 26. Introduction to JavaScript  A Little Background  Using JavaScript  JavaScript Syntax  Event Handling  The Browser Object  Where to Learn More 27. D0M Scripting  A Sordid Past  Out of the Dark Ages  The DOM  Manipulating Documents with the DOM  Working with Style  DOM Scripting in Action  Supplement: Getting Started with AjaxPartV. Web Graphics 28. Web Graphics Overview  Web Graphic File Formats  Image Resolution  Color on the Web  Web Graphics Production Tips 29. GIF Format  8-Bit Indexed Color  LZW Compression  Interlacing  Transparency  Minimizing GIF File Sizes  Designing GIFs with the Web Palette 30. JPEG Format  24-Bit Color  JPEG Compression  Progressive JPEGs  Creating JPEGs  Minimizing JPEG File Size 31. PNG Format  When to Use PNGs  PNG Features  Platform/Browser Support  Creating PNG Files  PNG Optimization Strategies  For Further Reading 32. Animated GIFs  How They Work  Using Animated GIFs  Tools  Creating Animated GIFs  Optimizing Animated GIFsPart Vl. Media 33. Audio on the Web  Basic Digital Audio Concepts  Using Existing Audio  Preparing Your Own Audio  Streaming Audio  Audio Formats  Choosing an Audio Format  Adding Audio to a Web Page 34. Video on the Web  Basic Digital Video Concepts  Compression  Video File Formats  Adding Video to an HTML Document 35. The Flash Platform  Using Flash on Web Pages  Creating Flash Movies  ActionScript  Adding Flash to a Web Page  Integrating Flash with Other Technologies  The Flash Player  Flash Resources 36. Printing from the Web  Browser Print Mechanisms  Cascading Style Sheets for Print  Portable Document Format (PDF)  Flash PrintingPart VII. Appendixes A. HTML Elements and Attributes B. CSS 2.1 Properties C. Character Entities D. Specifying Color E. Microformats:Extending(X)HTMLGlossaryIndex


書評“最新的此版本《Web設計技術手冊》是任何一個Web信息發(fā)布的設計開發(fā)人員的必讀寶典。入門級或精通級讀者都能從中悟出Web設計的藝術,以及如何避免通常的錯誤概念。”     ——Tantek Celik(tantek.com),資深技術專家,W3C的初創(chuàng)成員,CSS和HTML工作組成員  “為與當前最新的Web設計技術潮流同步,Jennifer Niederst Robbins重寫了《Web設計技術手冊》。這將是所有Web設計開發(fā)人員寶貴的手冊。”            ——Molly E. Holzschlag(molly.com) , Web標準工程委員會會員,作者,講師和web設計師




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