
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:東南大學  作者:(美)Brett McLaughlin  頁數(shù):413  


作為一名網站設計人員,您也許時常因為遇到以下情況而煩惱:用戶只是移動了鼠標就要從服務器重載數(shù)據(jù);盡管請求的服務很簡單,用戶卻仍然需要長時間等待服務器的響應。無疑,Ajax技術能夠幫助你減少這樣的煩惱。Ajax中的異步技術能夠讓您設計的網站在變得更簡潔的同時具有更敏捷的用戶響應。     我們都知道,下一代的網站設計需要新的技術來指導;需要引入一些吸引人的、夠炫的技術來支持我們完成設計。這就是本書能夠提供給您的。閱讀本書,一定會帶給您許多的樂趣。首先,您可以在很短的時間內掌握如何使用JavaScript代碼來向服務器提交異步請求。同時,更為有趣的是,您可以學習如何使用諸如動態(tài)HTML、XML、JSON、DOM等技術來解決開發(fā)過程中遇到的許多問題。毫無疑問,這是一本指導您進行異步開發(fā)的經典參考書籍。     本書和其他深入淺出系列書籍一樣,使用許多有趣的視覺刺激來保持我們大腦思考的興奮。在您讀完書中第一章后,不但能夠掌握一個基于Ajax的簡單應用程序開發(fā),而且還能夠了解怎樣讓一個混亂的項目走上正軌。為了幫助讀者解決問題,作者還為您準備了多達5張CD的資料作為參考。讀完全書,您會驚奇的發(fā)現(xiàn)那些繁瑣笨拙的網站開發(fā)技術早已隨風而去,展現(xiàn)在我們面前的是一個嶄新的技術境界。




Intro  Who is this book for?  We know what your brain is thinking  Metacognition  Bend your brain into submission  Read Me Technical reviewer  Acknowledgments1 Using Ajas: wed applications for a new generation  The Wed, Reloaded  Welcome to the new millenium  "Reload? We don's need no stinking reloads."  The highlight reel: Chapete1  Greating a request object  PHP...at a glance  What the server used to do...  Initialing a connection  Connecting to the web server  Adding an event handler  Goding the callback function  How we see web apps...  Intrldiucing the web browser  What should the browser do with the server's response?  Sending instructions to the browser  Getting the server's response  Checking for the right ready state  60 second review2 Speatking the Language: making ajax requests Interlude3 She Blinded Me with Asynchrony: asynchronous apps4 Wed Page Forestry: the document object model4.5 A Second Helping: devloping dom applictions5 Saying More with POST: post requests Interlude6 More Than Words Can Say: xml requests and responses7 A Fight to the Finish: json versus xmlAppendix1: Afew Special Bonus Gifts: extrasAppendix2: "All I Want Is the Code ": ajax and dom utilitiesIndes作者簡介:    Beet is a guitar player who is still struggling sith the realization that you can't pay the bills if the realization that you're into acoustic fingerstyle blues and jazz, and high-end custom instruments. He's just recently discovered, to his delight, that writing books that help people become better programmers does pay the3 bill. He's vgery happy balut this, as are his wife Leigh, and his young kids, Dean and Tobbie.    Before Brett wandered into Head First land, he devloped enteprise Java applications for Nextel Communications and Allegiance Tleecom.    Whe that became fairly mundane, Brett took on application servers, working on the Lutris Enhydra servlet Enhydra servlet engine and FJB container. Along the way , Brett gor hooked on open source software, and helped found several coll progrmming tools, like Jakarta Turbine and JDOM.






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用戶評論 (總計5條)


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  •   主流技術,這間出版社的東西sogood
  •   聽說是一本不錯的書~~可惜呀缺貨沒有買到!
  •   里面敘述重復冗長,簡直想扁他。
  •   紙質一般般,比書店正版差多了,強烈認為是盜版……

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
