LPI LINUX認(rèn)證權(quán)威指南

出版時(shí)間:2005-6  出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社  作者:迪安  頁(yè)數(shù):551  


LPI(Linux Professional Institute)是提供獨(dú)立的、廠商中立的認(rèn)證的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,LPI認(rèn)證能證明你已經(jīng)掌握IT部門(mén)需要的必備技能。《LPI Linux認(rèn)證權(quán)威指南》為L(zhǎng)PI考試而作,書(shū)中包括了考試要求的主題和目標(biāo)。除了為通過(guò)LPI一級(jí)的考試做準(zhǔn)備之外,本書(shū)還提供了對(duì)Linux概念和功能的良好理解。    《LPI Linux認(rèn)證權(quán)威指南》包含兩個(gè)針對(duì)系統(tǒng)管理員的普通Linux LPIC一級(jí)考試(101和102)。本書(shū)分成兩部分,分別對(duì)應(yīng)一個(gè)LPIC一級(jí)考試,并且每個(gè)部分給出了一個(gè)考試總結(jié)、一個(gè)重點(diǎn)索引、實(shí)驗(yàn)題目、建議練習(xí)和測(cè)試練習(xí)。第一部分針對(duì)101考試,包括:GNU和Unix命令;設(shè)備、Linux文件系統(tǒng)和文件系統(tǒng)層次標(biāo)準(zhǔn);引導(dǎo)、初始化、關(guān)閉和運(yùn)行層次;文檔以及管理任務(wù)。    第二部分針對(duì)102考試,包括:硬件和體系結(jié)構(gòu);Linux安裝和包管理;Linux內(nèi)核;文本編輯、處理和打??;shell、腳本編輯、編程和編譯;X Window系統(tǒng);網(wǎng)絡(luò)基礎(chǔ);網(wǎng)絡(luò)服務(wù)和網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全。    本書(shū)用于幫助系統(tǒng)管理員備考LPI認(rèn)證考試,同時(shí)入門(mén)指導(dǎo)式的寫(xiě)作風(fēng)格也會(huì)幫助新手學(xué)習(xí)更多有關(guān)Linux系統(tǒng)的知識(shí)。對(duì)于準(zhǔn)備參加LPI認(rèn)證考試的讀者來(lái)說(shuō),本書(shū)非常有閱讀價(jià)值。


Jeffrey Dean是位在費(fèi)城的自由作家、編輯、咨詢顧問(wèn)。Jeffrey 在IT管理、現(xiàn)場(chǎng)培訓(xùn)和Linux、Solaris、VMSAS/400和Windows NT/2000的系統(tǒng)管理方面有豐富的專業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。他擁有LPIC-1和Red Hat認(rèn)證工程師(PHCE)證書(shū)。


Preface Part 1: General Linux Exam   Exam 101 Overview   Exam 101 Study Guide    Exam PreparationGNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.3)  Work Effectively on the Unix Command Line   Process Text Streams Using Text-Processing Filters   Perform Basic File Management  Use Unix Streams, Pipes, and Redirects  Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes  Modify Process Execution Priorities   Making Use of Regular ExpressionsDevices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem  Hierarchy Standard (Topic 2.4)    Create Partitions and Filesystems    Maintain the Integrity of Filesystems    Control Filesystem Mounting and Unmounting     Set and View Disk Quotas    Use File Permissions to Control Access to Files    Manage File Ownership     Create and Change Hard and Symbolic Links     Find System Files and Place Files in the Correct LocationBoot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels(Topic 2.6)   Boot the System   Change Runlevels and Shutdown or Reboot the System Documentation (Topic 1.8)   Use and Manage Local System Documentation   Find Linux Documentation on the Internet   Write System Documentation   Provide User Support Administrative Tasks (Topic 2.11)  Manage Users and Group Accounts   Tune the User Environment   Configure and Use System Log Files  Automate System Administration Tasks   Maintain an Effective Data Backup Strategy Exam 101 Review Questions and Exercises   GNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.3)   Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem  Hierarchy Standard (Topic 2.4)   Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels (Topic 2.6)   Documentation (Topic 1.8)   Administrative Tasks (Topic 2.11)Exam 101 Practice Test Exam 101 Highlighter's Index   GNU and Unix Commands (Topic 1.3)  Devices, Linux Filesystems, and the Filesystem  Hierarchy Standard (Topic 2.4)  Boot, Initialization, Shutdown, and Runlevels (Topic 2.6)   Documentation (Topic 1.8)   Administrative Tasks (Topic 2.11)Part 2: General Linux Exam   Exam 102 Overview   Exam 102 Study Guide   Exam PreparationHardware and Architecture (Topic 1.1)   Configure Fundamental System Hardware  Set Up SCSI and NIC Devices  Configure Modems and Sound CardsLinux Installation and Package Management  (Topic 2.2)   Design a Hard Disk Layout   Make and Install Programs from Source  Manage Shared Libraries   Use Debian Package Management   Use Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) Kernel (Topic 1.5)   Manage Kernel Modules at Runtime   Reconfigure, Build, and Install a Custom Kernel and ModulesText-Editing, Processing, and Printing (Topic 1.7)   Perform Basic File Editing Operations Using vi   Manage Printers and Print Queues   Print Files Install and Configure Local and Remote PrintersShells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling(Topic 1.9)   Customize and Use the Shell Environment   Customize or Write Simple ScriptsX (Topic 2.10)   An Overview of X   Install and Configure XFree86  Set Up xdm   Identify and Terminate Runaway X Applications   Install and Customize a Window Manager Environment Networking Fundamentals (Topic 1.12)  Fundamentals of TCP/IP   TCP/IP Troubleshooting and Configuration  Configure and Use PPPNetworking Services (Topic 1.13)   Configure and Manage inetd and Related Services  Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of sendmail  Operate and Perform Basic Configuration of Apache  Properly Manage the NFS, SMB, and NMB Daemons   Set Up and Configure Basic DNS Services Security (Topic 1.14)  Perform Security Administration Tasks   Set Up Host Security  Set Up User-Level Security Exam 102 Review Questions and Exercises  Hardware and Architecture (Topic 1.1)  Linux Installation and Package Management (Topic 2.2)  Kernel (Topic 1.5)  Text Editing, Processing, and Printing (Topic 1.7)   Shells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling (Topic 1.9)   X (Topic 2.10)   Networking Fundamentals (Topic 1.12)   Networking Services (Topic 1.13)  Security (Topic 1.14) Exam 102 Practice Test Exam 102 Highlighter's Index   Hardware and Architecture   Linux Installation and Package Management   Kernel   Text-Editing, Processing, and Printing  Shells, Scripting, Programming, and Compiling   X   Networking Fundamentals  Networking Services  Security Glossary Index


本書(shū)包含兩個(gè)針對(duì)系統(tǒng)管理員的普通Linux LPIC一級(jí)考試(101和102)。包括了考試要求的主題和目標(biāo)。除了為通過(guò)LPI一級(jí)的考試做準(zhǔn)備之外,本書(shū)還提供了對(duì)Linux概念和功能的良好理解。用于幫助系統(tǒng)管理員備考LPl認(rèn)證考試,同時(shí)入門(mén)指導(dǎo)式的寫(xiě)作風(fēng)格也會(huì)幫助新手學(xué)習(xí)更多有關(guān)Linux系統(tǒng)的知識(shí)。對(duì)于準(zhǔn)備參加LPI認(rèn)證考試的讀者來(lái)說(shuō),本書(shū)非常有閱讀價(jià)值。





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