
出版時間:2012-4  出版社:北京理工大學出版社  作者:鄒惠玲 編  頁數(shù):334  




Unit One ExpositionPart Ⅰ Paragraph WritingLecture One TransitionsLecture Two SubordinationLecture Three ParallelismLecture Four Topic SentenceLecture Five Controlling IdeaLecture Six UnityLecture Seven CoherencePart Ⅱ Developing from Paragraph to Essay with Expository TechniquesLecture One Paragraph Development by ListingLecture Two Paragraph Development by ExamplesLecture Three Essay Development by ExamplesLecture Four Paragraph Development by ComparisonLecture Five Paragraph Development by ContrastLecture Six Essay Development by Comparison and ContrastLecture Seven Paragraph Development by DefinitionLecture Eight Paragraph Development by ClassificationLecture Nine Essay Development by Definition and ClassificationLecture Ten Paragraph Development by Space and TimeLecture Eleven Paragraph Development by Process DescriptionLecture Twelve Essay Development by Time, Space, and ProcessLecture Thirteen Paragraph Development by Cause and EffectLecture Fourteen Paragraph Development by GeneralizationLecture Fifteen Essay Development by Various MeansUnit Two ArgumentationPart Ⅰ Material ShapingLecture One Preliminary Steps in WritingLecture Two The IntroductionLecture Three The Body and the EndingPart Ⅱ Strategies of Description, Narration, and ExpositionLecture One Description and NarrationLecture Two Developing by ExamplesLecture Three Developing by Comparison and ContrastLecture Four Developing by Division and ClassificationLecture Five Developing by Cause and EffectPart Ⅲ Argumentative StrategiesLecture One Argumentation and General ClaimLecture Two Specific Evidence (1)Lecture Three Specific Evidence (2)Lecture Four Induction and DeductionLecture Five The Combination of Induction and DeductionLecture Six Making Concessions and Appealing to EmotionsPart Ⅳ Argumentative Writing ActivitiesLecture One Taking a PositionLecture Two Proposing about CausesLecture Four Making EvaluationLecture Five InterpretationUnit Three Practice WritingPart Ⅰ TEM-4 CompositionLecture One TEM-4Composition (2002)Lecture Two TEM-4Composition (2003)Lecture Three TEM-4Composition (2004)Lecture Four TEM-4Composition (2005)Part Ⅱ TEM-4Note-WritingLecture One Basic Format of the English Letter……Unit Four The Research Paper



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