
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:北京理工大學(xué)  作者:廖華英 編  頁數(shù):237  


跨文化交際課程是英語學(xué)習(xí)者了解和掌握不同文化之間差異和交際的一門重要課程。也是一門實(shí)踐性和應(yīng)用性較強(qiáng)的課程。許多學(xué)生在具體實(shí)踐中做不到融會(huì)貫通,跨文化交際的失誤仍然存在。為了使學(xué)生能積極融入課堂,培養(yǎng)他們的實(shí)際交際能力,授人以漁,舉一反三,作者編寫了《跨文化交際案例分析》教材。    該教材以學(xué)生獲取知識(shí)的認(rèn)知途徑為基本突破口,采取了與普通教材不同的編寫方式,從事物的特殊性到普遍性的哲學(xué)規(guī)律,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生根據(jù)案例來分析跨文化交際的理論體系和中西方文化的基本差異,從而達(dá)到能提高其基本交際能力的目的。通過閱讀案例,明確問題;通過分析案例,找出原因;通過制定方案,解決問題。    該教材的編寫基本涵蓋了跨文化交際失誤的內(nèi)容;堅(jiān)持以案例分析為主,理論介紹為輔;增強(qiáng)其趣味性閱讀,案例豐富,具有實(shí)用性、現(xiàn)代性、真實(shí)性、典型性和價(jià)值性特點(diǎn);課后練習(xí)可以對(duì)學(xué)生進(jìn)行舉一反三能力的培訓(xùn):全英文編寫。適合大學(xué)以上各種層次學(xué)習(xí)者的需求;案例結(jié)合日常生活與外貿(mào)等相關(guān)領(lǐng)域,做到盡量覆蓋知識(shí)、技能、文化3個(gè)方面,達(dá)到授人以漁的目的。    該教材的使用能在課堂上達(dá)到以學(xué)生為主。著眼于其能力培養(yǎng)的目的;強(qiáng)調(diào)集體合作,而非個(gè)體單干的理念;培養(yǎng)學(xué)生身臨其境地解決問題,并在不圓滿的條件下做出自己獨(dú)立的決策,從而不斷提高決策能力,使得抽象的理論形象化、具體化,做到學(xué)以致用。    該教材適用于高等學(xué)校大學(xué)英語拓展課程,英語專業(yè)選修課程。外貿(mào)、外事、旅游、對(duì)外漢語等專業(yè)的必修課程,也可作為高校英語教師的參考資料。


Part I  Culture and Communication      Chapter 1  What is culture?       Chapter 2  What is communication?       Chapter 3  Culture and communication  Part II  Culture Conflicts and Case Study Introduction     Chapter 1  Culture conflicts      Chapter 2  Case study introduction  Part III  Case Analyses of Pragmatic Failures in InterculturalVerbal Communication      Chapter 1  Pragmalinguistic failures       Chapter 2  Sociopragmatic failures Part IV Case Analyses in Intercultural Nonverbal Communication      Chapter 1  Kinesics(body language)      Chapter 2  Haptics (touch)      Chapter 3  Appearance and dress       Chapter 4  Olfactics ( smell and taste)      Chapter 5  Proxemics (body space)       Chapter 6  Chronemics (time)      Chapter 7  Paralanguage  Part V  Typical Cases in Intercultural Business Communication      Chapter 1  Value perception conflict      Chapter 2  Corporate culture matters      Chapter 3  Corporation system and management      Chapter 4  Cross-cultural negotiating stylePart VI  Tips for Successful Intercultural Communication      Chapter 1  Tips for ordinary intercultural communication       Chapter 2  Recommendations for effective interculturalbusiness negotiations References


插圖:Proverbs are a good way for people to learn their own culture. In colorful and vivid language, they offer an important set of instructions for members to follow. People also learn culture from folk tales, legends, and myths. A trip to any museum in the world quickly reveals how the art of a culture is another method of passing on that culture. In the modem world mass media provides people with abundant and quick access to touching their culture.That the culture is acquired through the process of learning has several important implications for the conduct of international communication,First, such an understanding can lead to greater tolerance in respect of cultural differences, and make the intercultural communication more successful in the practical settings.Second, the learned nature of culture stimulates people in the multicultural environment to learn the other cultures with full of confidence and put it into function as well,And finally, it leads people to grasp the deeper skills in training programs relevated to the different cultures and lessens the barriers of the global cultures into the slimmest degrees. Culture is based on symbolsThrough the symbols like language, art, religion, money and etc. , the culture can be transmitted successfully from one person to another, and from one generation to the next. The use of symbols is at the core of culture. In this way the ideals and thoughts of one culture can last and its uniqueness can attract people from other cultures.Symbols tie together people who otherwise might not be part of a unified group. They alow people to package and store their culture as well as to transmit it. The minds, the books, pictures, films, religious writings, videos, computer accessories and the like enable a culture to preserve what is deemed to be worthy of transmission. This makes each individual, regardless of his or her generation, heir to a massive repository of information that has been gathered and maintained in anticipation of his or her entry into the culture.Cultural symbols can take a host of forms, encompassing gestures, dresses, objects, flags, religious icons, and the like. Yet the most important symbolic aspect of culture is language —— using words to represent objects and ideas'.






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  •   里面很多單詞都在考研單詞中看到噢~英文書看著比較累…
  •   在上學(xué)期間讀過,現(xiàn)在讀起來仍然感覺非常有邏輯條理,需要研讀呀!
  •   封面很漂亮 里面還有插圖 很有喜感
  •   喜歡哦。此書值得一讀。推薦給大家哦。
  •   全書英文,做教參使用尚可,做教材使用對(duì)于英語專業(yè)過于簡(jiǎn)單,對(duì)于非英語專業(yè)有難度。
  •   從中得到了一些文化差異方面的東西,不是想象中的樣子。
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  •   原來是以本英語書。
  •   嗯,不錯(cuò)的。有哦比較詳細(xì)的案例分析,不過就是少了點(diǎn)理論方面的知識(shí)
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  •   必須的質(zhì)量很好,書的內(nèi)容嘛,還可以吧~
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